Instagram | @gwynethpaltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow Shared A Pic Of Her Daughter Online And It Sparked A Major Debate

When it comes to sharing photos of your kids online — celebrity or not — people are always going to be divided.

Some think that it's harmless, while others believe that it's a huge no-no.

People are torn after Gwyneth shared a picture of Apple on Instagram, without her consent.

Gwyneth Paltrow is mother to Apple Martin.

Instagram | @gwynethpaltrow

Can you belive that Apple is now 14-years-old? Seriously, where does the time go?

From the moment Apple was born, Gwyneth has been pretty careful about sharing photos of her daughter online.

Instagram | @gwynethpaltrow

And when you have over 5 million followers on Instagram alone, it only makes sense to be cautious.

The controversy first started when Gwyneth shared a photo of her and her daughter on a ski lift.

It seemed harmless enough at first, right?

But Apple was quick to call her mom out.

Instagram | @gwynethpaltrow

"You may not post anything without my consent," she wrote on the post.

But her mom didn't see the issue, and responded that you couldn't even see her face.

Fans immediately started debating about Apple's comment.

Instagram | @gwynethpaltrow

Some people felt that she was being disrespectful towards her mother by commenting what she did, and that Gwyneth was well within her rights to share the pic.

A lot of people supported Apple, and felt that she had the right to privacy.

Instagram | @gwynethpaltrow

They brought up a valid point, and that she didn't choose to be the daughter of a celebrity.

We can't help but wonder if Apple gave her mom permission to post their selfie, taken late last year.

Is anyone else shocked at how similar they look?

Apple ended up deleting her comment, but the debate is still ongoing.

Instagram | @gwynethpaltrow

Do you think parents have the right to share photos of their children on social media — celebrities or not? Let us know your thoughts!