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'The Bachelor' Season Finale Shocked Fans With A Twist Ending

When it comes to The Bachelor, you can count on plenty of drama, and this season was far from the exception.

The season finale ended much different than it usually does, and fans are pretty shocked!

If you need a quick recap, allow me.


This year's bachelor was Colton. Did you know he's a virgin? That's a little secret that the show kept under lock and key so don't spread that around too much.

Anyway, as the show was nearing its end, Colton expressed his love for Cassie.

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Cassie, however, did not return that love. She basically said she wasn't ready to be with him, packed up her things, and went home.

Colton was so torn up about it that he jumped a fence and ran away.

Now what usually happens during a "Bachelor" finale, is that the guy proposes to the girl of his dreams. She says yes and they run off into the sunset.

But this finale went a little differently.

Colton was determined to win Cassie back, so he sent the remaining two girls home, tracked Cassie down and asked her for a second chance.

YouTube | Bachelor World

She agreed, and they went on another date together in Portugal.

Things went so well that they actually spent the night together in the fantasy suite.

Does anyone else have whiplash?

YouTube | ABC News

It's pretty rare that the season doesn't end with an engagement, but it does happen, as we saw last night.

Colton and Cassie wound up together in the end, but surprise! They're still just dating.

YouTube | Jimmy Kimmel Live

There's no ring, and they're not living together — at least any time soon.

On the bright side, they seem really happy together, and I'm sure they're excited to finally be able to share their relationship with the world.