Instagram | @taylorswift

Taylor Swift Revealed She Used 'Sharpie' Markers As Eyeliner And I Can't Even

Taylor Swift is known for a lot of things — kittens, curls, chocolate chip cookies, country music and most importantly, a stunning cat eyeliner look that is Grammy award winning.

While you may look at T-Swift and think "DAMN, how does she glow so effortlessly and so glamorously?" she has kept a lot of her beauty secrets on the low, until now.

Taylor answered these questions and more in her interview with Elle, titled "30 Things I Learned Before Turning 30."

The article itself is inspiring and the photography is beautiful and aesthetic.

Instagram | @taylorswift

She shares her greatest fear while being on tour, life lessons she's learned the hard way ("being sweet to everyone all the time can get you into a lot of trouble"), as well as how to make some amazing cocktails.

She then confessed to being RELATABLE AF and sleeping with her makeup on sometimes.

Instagram | @taylorswift

But then, she immortalized herself in our minds and hearts by saying this, "After my teen years and early twenties of sleeping in my makeup and occasionally using a Sharpie as eyeliner (DO NOT DO IT), I felt like I needed to start being nicer to my skin. "


Makeup hasn't always been so good to us, remember pretty much every product before 2008?

Taylor continued on to say she loves moisturizer (which makes sense because that Sharpie will dry your eyes OUT, honey) and uses it everyday.

"I now moisturize my face every night and put on body lotion after I shower, not just in the winter, but all year round, because, why can’t I be soft during all the seasons?!"

Taylor went on to share a lot of other really amazing tips and pieces of advice.

For example, T-Swift shared her thoughts on her career and friendships in relation to "cancel culture."

"I learned that I have friends and fans in my life who don’t care if I’m #canceled. They were there in the worst times and they’re here now."

Sis is also done with people asking her how she will write music when she's "happy" when sis has been doing okay.

"There’s a common misconception that artists have to be miserable in order to make good art, that art and suffering go hand in hand. I’m really grateful to have learned this isn’t true. Finding happiness and inspiration at the same time has been really cool."

We love that 29 has brought our girl so much peace!

Here's to hoping Taylor's thirties are her most magical decade yet!