
Former CEO Says Millionaire Execs 'Weep' From Stress And Twitter Erupts

How do you compare the stress of one job versus another? It's not easy! Working retail, you're often required to hit sales targets while dealing with demanding or even irate customers, and you're usually not bringing home big bucks for the effort. On the other hand, you also don't have people's lives in your hand.

Nobody's going to question that CEOs face a lot of stress. They have huge responsibilities, both to employees and to investors, with millions of dollars and countless jobs at stake.

How that CEO stress compares to the stress the rest of us feel every day played out pretty graphically following an interview with a former CEO.

As Australian publication The Age reported, David Morgan, who used to head up Westpac, one of Australia's largest banks, doesn't think millionaire execs get enough attention for the stress they endure.

"Yes, CEO life is very glamorous," said Morgan, who made $10 million in 2007. "You're recognized, you're given the best seats in restaurants, and you're ridiculously overpaid. But you need stamina."

"As the leader, you rarely play the grand final, but more an endless succession of semi-finals," he continued. "You can hardly ever relax, and that creates intense strain. Behind closed doors, some CEOs literally weep."

Yes, Twitter had some thoughts about that.

"Raise your hand if you've 'literally wept' from stress at a job that paid you less than 40 grand a year," wrote @phranqueigh.

That's as good a kick-off as anybody needed. No doubt, plenty of hands figuratively went up and started sharing their stories of literal weeping over the stress they encounter every day at their menial jobs.

You know it's a bad sign when employees have scouted out the best places in the workplace to go for a cry.

Nobody should be breaking down in tears like that on the regular, even in retail, and especially not for $13.50 an hour.

It's worse still when you realize your job involves taking abuse from customers and you're not even getting that $13.50.

And, sadly, that's a much too common reality for youngsters just getting started in the work force.

In some jobs, it's not the customers or the clients as much as it is the nature of the work.

Like working with an animal rescue or a lot of non-profits — the sorts of things you have to have a passion for because they won't have much in the way of resources, and that often have heartbreaking outcomes.

Even at jobs that pay a little bit better, literal weeping will be perfectly understandable.

Like for a funeral arranger. You'd think a CEO in charge of a funeral service could find a few extra dollars to pay a living wage instead of expecting the government to top up wages with a tax credit!

And at least one person who had worked their way up to a good paying job chimed in with an important difference between CEOs and workers.

Particularly that CEOs don't face the same stress outside of work that their employees face, like the possibility of bills going unpaid, food not going on the table, losing a house, and so on.