Facebook | Graham Allen

'Hey Gillette, Does This Offend You?' Asks Dad In Post With Children Holding Guns

When brands weigh into the culture wars, does it ever go well? Taking sides tends not to be good for business, because by its very nature it's going to alienate someone.

But what I don't really get about the backlash to Gillette's controversial ad is that they're coming down on the side against bullying, sexism, and harassment. That should be a no-brainer. Who the heck is in favor of such abhorrent behavior?

By now, anybody who's even remotely interested has seen the Gillette ad that's dividing America.

YouTube | Gillette

The ad, titled "We Believe: The Best Men Can Be," has been viewed more than 25 million times on Gillette's YouTube channel alone, receiving more than 690,000 likes and 1.2 million dislikes.

In the ad, Gillette suggests that maybe men could call out other men more for things like bullying and sexual harassment, and toxic masculinity in general.

YouTube | Gillette

And they frame it as something men should think about as role models for their sons.

However, many men did not take well to parenting suggestions from a razor maker, and they weren't shy about showing their discontent with the ad.

Photos began flooding social media of Gillette customers disposing of their razors in various ways.

They weren't coming right out and saying that they were in favor of sexual harassment or bullying, just that they didn't want to be told how to raise their kids.

Mind you, the protests against Gillette's anti-toxic masculinity campaign didn't always make a ton of sense.

Throwing your razor in the toilet is definitely a clear visual, but will either end up with toilet water on your hands or a clogged toilet.

And those who supported the commercial were quick to clap-back at the questionable reaction from the haters — those screen shots of the toilet razor will live on forever.

The latest protest gaining attention comes from Graham Allen, a U.S. Army vet and host of conservative Blaze TV show Rant Nation.

Facebook | Graham Allen

In a Facebook post, Graham posed with his three kids and three guns — only for the boys, the daughter doesn't get a gun — writing "Practicing our 'toxic masculinity.'"

"Hey Gillette does this offend you?! I'll raise my kids the way I believe they should be...thanks for your advice."

Facebook | Graham Allen

The first photo received more than 107,000 reactions, 30,000 shares, and 36,000 comments.

The comments aren't quite as supportive of Graham's position as it might seem, however.

"If confronting violent and troubling behavior offends you, you might not be the person I thought you were," wrote one user. "Gillette literally asked for bullying, sexism, and sexual violence to be confronted."

Others were confused by how guns even came into the argument.

"When did they bring up guns?" wrote another user. "They simply said teach your kids not to bully or sexually harass women."

Graham did have his supporters, of course.

"No, that Gillette "ad" was not an "ad" at all," wrote one person. "It was propaganda intended to shame little boys for being boys, rather than recognizing they are little humans (just like little girls) who need be taught by their parents the rules of common decency and how to properly treat others -- the same sex and opposite sex alike."

"Giving liberals heart attacks! Love it. Keep it up graham."

You’re a true law abiding citizen! A great role model for the true American people!" wrote another person.

However, the vast majority thought that Graham missed the entire point of Gillette's ad.

And one commenter thought that his post inadvertently proved Gillette's point: "Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what exactly you and your boys want to protect your daughter from?"

"I’m assuming that’s the message considering you’re all armed and she isn’t."

Facebook | Graham Allen

"What’s the most likely threat in her future? I’ll give you a hint. It’s other men. You know... the kind of men that the Gillette ad is attempting to reach and change for the better." they concluded.

Gillette has responded to all the protests like Graham's by saying that "We weren't trying to court controversy."

"We were just trying to upgrade the selling line that we've held for 30 years — the Best a Man Can Get — and make it relevant," Gillette's brand director, Pankaj Bhalla, told Fast Company. "I don't think our intention was to have controversy just for the sake of controversy."

At the end of the day, the Gillette ad definitely stirred the controvery pot, and had everyone's blood boiling.

It's a good chance to look inwards, and consider why we're all in our feelings about a RAZOR AD.