Why Do We Care So Much About Celebrity Couples?

If you've spent some time on the internet this past weekend, you'll know that Chris Pratt and Anna Faris have split up.

It's been reported on every major news website, and by now, you've probably seen your friends comment about how devastated they are.

The couple that everybody deemed #RelationshipGoals has separated, and fans around the world have the same thought: "Love is dead."

So why exactly is everybody freaking out about this couple? And why are people so quick to give up on love because a couple they don't know decided to part ways?

When a couple decides to break up, friends choose sides. When a celebrity couple breaks up, the world chooses sides.

Uproxx | Uproxx

Why do we care so much about celebrities, their lifestyles, and their relationships? 

Instagram | @prattprattpratt

We never grew out of that Barbie phase. We treat celebrities as our dolls now.

Instagram | @barbiestyle

We're always going to choose fiction over fact.

Instagram | @emmastone

The hashtag #RelationshipGoals is real, but the concept isn't.

Instagram | @beyonce

It's always fun to ship characters and people, but it's easy to get carried away. 

E! Online | E! Online