
16+ People Who Were Rejected In Weird Ways

No one liked being rejected, it is one of the most crushing feelings that a person can experience.

And sometimes, there are some of us who can take somewhat circuitous routes to reject someone. So, from strange billboards to ill-thought-out Dragon Ball Z-themed prom invitations, here are 15+ people who were rejected in weird ways.

"I think God is going to break up with me."

"God, I just don't know what I've done wrong!"

"You know that I'm omnipresent right. I can see you all of the time..."


"Yeah! All the time!"

"Git it together Shaun! Little girl's break-up letter."

A person with a similar story added, "I dated a girl in 4th grade that I never talked to either. But unlike Rachel, she never officially broke up with me. I bet it'd be amusing to show up 20 years later and introduce myself to her children as their mother's boyfriend."

"When Sarah breaks up with you..."

This is just bad decisions upon bad decisions! I kind of admire his commitment to truly abysmal life choices!

"When your 20 year plan gets derailed..."

Wow, this person managed to get ditched at the altar without even having had a fiancé, not many people can say they've done that!

"Broke up with an ex last year. Her parents gave me a belated Christmas gift and told me to, 'fork off.'"

Well, that seems like a healthy relationship this guy still has with his ex's family. I cannot imagine an ex's family putting this much effort into a joke gift, he must really have made an impression.

Super Saiyan Oof...

I wonder how this went? I sincerely hope that it went really well and that this was just the easiest way to dispose of this sign after she said yes. But, I'm not hopeful.

"That hurts!"

There's a lot going on here really, but on the whole you cannot deny that this would sting.

"Right on track to Valentine's day."

Wow, at a Chipotle as well. Getting broken up with is rough at the best of times, but to go through that at a Chipotle, that's got to be something else.

Those Poor Nuts...

The best possible way to break up with someone is to buy a bag of these, then throw them at your partner one at a time until they get annoyed and leave. Works every time.

"A story of rejection and regret in four panels."

This guy shot his shot, you can't live in regret! Although, you can wallow in it for a while at least.

"My teacher friend intercepted this note from one of her students."

Ah, the classic science-themed chat-up line, they always work! Oh, wait no, the other thing...they never work!

"One way friendship..."

You hate to see this sort of thing, although it is kind of unavoidably funny in a "I want to pull out my heart and grind it into a paste" kind of way!

*Sad Slide Whistle Sounds*

So...did he wait there while she ate all of these chocolates, slowly revealing a message that she knew she was going to have to give an unpleasant answer to? I'd love to see an action replay of the moment, I bet it was unbearable.

"My best friend is a 2nd grade teacher. Today, she got this from one of her students."

Okay, the only thing less likely to work than a science chat-up line is a Star Wars chat-up line. Unless the person you're flirting with really likes Star Wars I guess?

"No one showed up to the speeding dating event."

Technically, you could just say that this is the fastest speed dating event of all time, and no one left alone at least!

"After all that..."

If the peer pressure of the entirety of Twitter can't get someone to go on a date with you then that relationship really ain't going to happen.

"Finding someone's wedding video at a Goodwill."

I think that I would probably actually buy it. I don't know why, morbid curiosity I suppose?

"Billionaire oof..."

Poor Jeff, he always seems like such a nice guy. Or, he presumably has seemed like a nice guy at some point in his life...maybe?

"You know it's bad when..."

I mean, they probably got lucky here, he never came across as exactly a nice person to say the least!

"No one came to my loneliness seminar."

"Step one to a successful loneliness seminar is to make sure no one turns up! Ha!"


"Christ I'm so alone."