
Viral Twitter Thread Proves Noses Need Body Positivity Too

It's always been hard for young people to accept their appearance. That's especially true when they don't have the typical "perfect" look often seen in the media. But it's even harder today in the age of social media, body modifications, and body shaming.

So it's really amazing to see that there are people out there willing to share their unique looks while fully embracing them.

Recently, a Twitter user going by the handle @mooninfirst posted a picture of women with atypical noses to make all women feel good about themselves.

So many others liked her post, it quickly went viral for all the right reasons. And I have to admit — I love that.

It started a much bigger conversation.

Other ladies started sharing pictures of their "unusual-looking" noses without any shame about it. In this day and age, it may go without saying, but it's so beautiful to see. We need to see more positivity like that.

This lady broke her nose in the seventh grade.

While it took a long time, she has accepted how it looks now.

I had an accident as a kid and ended up with a deviated septum. So, I can understand her pain here.

After all, they say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder anyway. Am I right?

Since we're all different shapes and sizes, we shouldn't judge people for looking a little different than us. That's so mean, in my opinion, at least.

It seems that this subject doesn't only touch the ladies.

There are guys out there who might feel ashamed for the way their noses look different from everyone else's. This guy was bold to post a picture of himself on the thread.

Whether your nose is considered too big or too small, it doesn't matter that much in the end.

As long as you accept the way you look, you've got nothing to worry about, my friend. Big or small, you're beautiful anyway.

I would like to know who came up with the standard of beauty anyway?

I mean, we all have different eye colors, hair types, skin types, and all kinds of various characteristics. So who says one is better than the other?

It's sad to see that some people have been bullied by others just because they looked a little different.

I can guess that those perpetrators were probably feeling pretty low about themselves. So, they had to resort to this kind of awful treatment of others.

For some of us, it might have taken years to accept the way we look, while others have been lucky to have healthy self-esteem from a very young age.

Either way, it's amazing to see everyone embracing this thread.

It's also cool to see other people take a humorous take on this issue.

This lady, for example, can make fun of her nose and isn't even sorry about it one bit. I have to say, I love her for that.

Many were grateful to see this thread go viral.

Noses aren't typically included in body-positive conversations, but they need to be! Body positivity reminds us to celebrate and appreciate every part of our bodies.

The thread even inspired some women to do a little photoshoot celebrating their noses.

How beautiful does she look in each of these shots? Work it, girl!

This guy was all proud to share his "shnoz," ha, ha, and I have to say I like it.

Whether you consider your nose to be big or small, you've got to make peace with the way it looks. Am I right?

This pretty lady paid tribute to her heritage and shared a photo of her Kurdish nose.

Each culture has its own distinct beauty and its time we celebrated all of them.

This Greek and Italian beauty always felt "cursed" by her nose.

After seeing this thread, I hope she doesn't feel the same way about it anymore. At least, that's what I would like to hear from her. Own it, girl!

How amazing to see this lady embrace both her culture and her nose?

We should all feel good about the unique characteristics of our looks. I know it can sometimes be hard to accept, but ladies like these totally empower me.

Even if you have a love/hate relationship with your nose, like this fine gentleman, I think it's time you show it some much-needed love.

After all, it's been there for you for your entire life, no? The nose needs to be respected, too.

Ha, ha, I love this lady's sense of humor here.

I'm happy to see that not everyone takes this issue to heart. After all, a nose is just a nose. So just let it go and enjoy living your life, love.

Honestly, it's so cool to see so many people rock their noses.

I hope that didn't come off weird or anything, hee, hee. I mean it with the utmost respect, of course. This thread is going wild, and it's so awesome to see.

Whether your nose is perfectly straight, crooked, or anything in-between, it's time to show it off, everyone.

There's absolutely no point in hiding it. After all, it's just part of you. Isn't it? I think it's so lovely to see so many ladies and gents embrace theirs. Would you post a picture of yourself like this, too?