
Quotes For People Who Know The Grinch Had The Right Idea

Before we begin, let me be clear: I'm not saying we should all go and try to steal our community's Christmases or anything. That's just a little too extra, even for me. But can we all agree that the Grinch, Mr. I-Want-Nothing-To-Do-With-People-OR-Christmas, was onto something when he just straight up boycotted the whole thing?

All I'm saying is you never saw him having to drive to the Dollar Store at 8 PM to buy gift bags after a long night spent pointlessly trying to wrap oddly-shaped gifts that should have just been stuck in a bag in the first place.

If you're also the kind of person who is super over Christmas, the whole Christmas season, I think you're really going to enjoy these quotes.

I'm also still looking for my left slipper.

Drinking while wrapping has its ups and downs for sure, but there's nothing quite like watching the kiddos open their presents on Christmas morning and realizing much too late that you mixed up all the gift tags.

Now everyone's confused and looking for answers while you're hungover and drinking your third cup of coffee...that's the true meaning of Christmas right there.

You just bought yourself at least an hour of quiet.

This excuse only works a few times a year so make sure you really take advantage of that precious alone time. It's tempting to just take a nap but it's also an excellent time to pour a huge glass of wine and watch literally any Jason Momoa movie in peace.

I quickly run out of holly and jolly by like, gift #4.

At that point I start cutting without measuring, taping with reckless abandon, and scribbling on name tags in the hopes that everyone will be able to somehow make out their name on there.

As for the bows? Forget about the bows. No one's gift is nearly special enough to warrant me trying to peel the sticky part of a bow for thirty minutes.

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