
Quotes For People Who Could Really Use A Long Vacay Right About Now

While most vacation destinations remain off the table this year (because, you know, global pandemic and all), that doesn't mean our bodies still don't need some serious TLC.

This year has been hard on all of us, and even though we can't jet off to some tropical island for a week of sun, sun, and swim-up bars (as if we were able to before), we should still try to listen to our bodies and relax before we reach a total burn-out stage.

If any of the following quotes really resonate with you, then I think it's safe to say it's time for a little break. Maybe that break won't take place on a hot, sandy beach somewhere, but it should still definitely happen.

Never has there been a more accurate description of myself.

It doesn't matter if I go to bed late and wake up late, or if I go to bed early and wake up early — I'm just literally always tired. I'm convinced I could get 20 hours of deep, uninterrupted sleep, and my body would still feel like a flaming trash can the next day.

Haven't had a coherent thought since 2014.

It feels like all my brain does anymore is run off in a million different directions, unable to fully finish one thought before branching off into ten different others.

At any given moment, I could be thinking about what I'm going to make for dinner, whether I left a light on somewhere, that episode of The Bachelor I watched last night, how my next day of work will probably go, and if I remembered to pick up shampoo at the store.

All while reciting the lyrics to Vanilla Ice's "Ice Ice Baby" in my head.

If you see me standing in front of the dishwasher for 5 minutes, this is why.

I may not be able to give myself a high-quality manicure, massage the knots out of my own shoulders, or stick cucumbers over my eyes without wanting to dip them in hummus and eat them instead.

But I can definitely let the hot, dewy steam from the dishwasher hit my face, and I can relish this moment of brief peace before remembering I need to empty it so I can fill it with all the dirty dishes piled into a mountain in the sink.

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