
16+ Times People Made Mistakes That Could Have Been Avoided

We are all human, and with that comes the penchant for occasionally making somewhat simple mistakes!

We have all been there, and will probably continue to make mistakes throughout our lives, but for now please enjoy these 16+ times people made mistakes that could have been avoided!

"I can't fathom how you couldn't realize what was wrong during the decoration stage."

"Can I see the cake please?"

"Yep, I just need you to look in this mirror and then I'll unveil it."


"Just... please do it!"

"Did anyone save the copier repairman's number?"

"Why have all of our photocopies got a picture of a screwdriver on now?"

"Err...that's just the new model, it does that!"

Security 101

This camera is trying its damn best! It's hard being a security camera, especially if you're shy like this little guy.

"He found the Sugar Puffs..."

When it comes to small animals, you always need to keep them away from cereal at all costs...I have also learnt this the hard way.

"Ah, scohol. Those were the days."

Looks like the person who wrote this had consumed a little too much alscohol before this job!

Always Check The Dimensions Before You Buy!

The person who posted this explained, "My girlfriend and a group of her friends decided to order a $150 rug as a birthday gift for a friend. The rug arrived today, and it seems no one bothered to check the size..."

"Installed the street lights boss!"

"Dave, did you install that street light like I asked?"

"Yeah, why?"

"It's just we're getting light pollution complaints from God."

"Urgh, what a moaning git."

"Must be a Church of Ladder Day Saints."

It baffles me how some people get through this life alive! Who in their right mind has this idea and thinks, "Yeah, that seems like a good idea."

I Don't Think That Ramp Is Really Helping!

I mean, they're so close to being helpful, but at the same time they are so far away!

"You either wet your shoes or do some exercise to cross this bridge."

"And remember folks, never forget the importance of good drainage!"

"Wow...thanks Captain Boring!"

"You're welcome, now I'm off to tell some people about good tax practice!"

"Hooray...I guess."


I mean, how could they not see that the Eiffel Tower looks just like one of the other letters already in the word "Paris"?

"Turned my back for a minute and she peed in 20 cups of uncooked rice..."

If you have a cat, then you need to always be aware that they will try and ruin your life in whatever innovative way that they can. That's just part of the experience.

"A guy purchased a watermelon during a train stop and didn't realize it didn't fit through the bars."

This is why it is important to give kids the toys where they have to put shapes through the corresponding holes!

"Natural my foot!"

"And that is why you should always read every piece of information on a package before purchasing!"

"Serious, Captain Boring, can you leave me alone now!"

"Fine, it's time for my yearly rewatch of Homeland anyway."

"Ordered a stamp, guess the photo didn't work."

It is baffling that this managed to get all the way through production without one person looking at it and realizing that something was perhaps wrong.

"All that effort and still didn't cover the noses."

No matter how jacked or made of stone you may be, everyone needs to wear a mask properly!

"Didn't realize one of my glove fingers broke until I was done dyeing my hair."

This looks like an attempt at the laziest Mystique cosplay that I have ever seen.

"See, there's yer problem. There, see?"

Well, if it didn't need some repairs doing before they called the tow-truck, it definitely does now.

That Is Actually Impressive!

This must surely be a piece of art, as otherwise, there are some dangerously dense people out there!

Being Trapped Inside Your House By The Delivery Guy...

This is such a mildly infuriating situation to be stuck in! Also, if they don't have a back door to get out through then there is no way they're getting that food with the drink as well!