14+ Times We Had To Make Sure We Knew What Was Going On

You know that part in some zany comedies where it sounds like people are getting it on with each other only to reveal that they were doing something totally innocent all along? And somebody — usually a stuffy authority figure — gets all fired up to yell at them but just ends up embarrassing themselves?

Well, I don't know about y'all, but I'd like to avoid that situation as much as possible. And sure, the fastest way to do that is to mind your own business, but sometimes, that curiosity is just too powerful.

So instead, let's train our brains to recognize exactly what situation we're walking into with these mysterious pics.

1. I think we're all on the same train of thought about this. Is this book really just about the finer points of cactus gardening?

Instagram | Instagram

I'd have no reason to think otherwise if that title weren't trying so hard to wink and nudge at me. Yes, you're very clever, book.

2. OK, so in a sane world, we'd just be looking at someone charging a device hidden beneath this book.

Reddit | RayistaNachoPls

But I don't think we live in a sane world, so we might just be watching somebody seriously misunderstand what an e-book is.

3. Whoa, I doubt this dog is gonna have much competition for the most extra Halloween costume this year.

Reddit | Snobyx

Yeah, can you folks just play along with me on this? I don't want to consider literally any other possibility here.

Thank you. My soul doesn't need that negativity.

4. I think we'd be doing pretty well to land on a context here. It doesn't even have to be the right one.

Reddit | ThymeWasting

So I will declare that this guy was on his way to prom before the truck crashed and he scored a free sewing machine.

5. I'm guessing the castle was there before the place became so isolated because otherwise, I'm not sure how it was supposed to protect anything.

Reddity | icant-chooseone

I'll give it credit for a moat that won't quit, but when you can knock over the ground underneath it, that ain't working.

6. Um, yep. Somebody definitely spent a lot of time and probably glue making all of these pennies stand up.

Reddit | noMeMe224

Your guess is as good as mine as to why, though. That laptop obviously works, so was the internet really so dry that day?

7. This definitely sounds like just a cookie, but the way this menu words it is making me really unsure.

Reddit | pixma997

That is, unless this is all just a smokescreen to justify charging seven bucks for one cookie. That would explain a lot, actually.

8. I know it's a long shot, but I want to believe that this cat is actually managing to play that thing.

Reddit | mikiolucas

And honestly, that's just because I can't let a term like "certified feline funk engineer" go to waste. That would be tragic.

9. I know this is the kind of thing that would normally melt our brains, but I swear there's an actual explanation here.

Reddit | highonred

If you're having a hard time narrowing down all the possible armed bald guys with baby legs (and who can blame you?), it's Deadpool.

10. Aww, this person came really close, but they just weren't able to completely hide themselves in this bucket.

Reddit | linecraftman

And it's a shame, too, because nobody would consider its weird tilted angle suspicious at all if those feet weren't point out.

Yeah, I don't know either.

11. For once, I don't think it's too hard to figure out why somebody made this craziness happen.

Reddit | Sparky_404

They're obviously just carrying on the fine, time-honored tradition of scaring the ever-loving crap out of anybody who pulls up behind them.

A distinguished effort, I must say.

12. OK, apparently this oddly creepy sight is a reference to a Spanish TV show, and the title is helpfully displayed here.

Reddit | CompadredeOgum

Now, if somebody can go watch it and tell me if there's a king of paper towels in it or something, that would be great.

13. Sorry, I'm a little behind on trying to figure this out because I had to reconcile myself with the fact that the skeleton isn't driving.

Reddit | Reddit

Although, I guess I won't be too worried about it if the dog is still a good boy as a skeleton.

14. Yeah, I'm honestly not sure if we can even rule @AM1Official's first instinct out.

Instagram | @will_ent

But if that is where this guy is, I'm not gonna do anything lame like tell the jailors he's got a phone in there. Like, what do I gain from that?

15. Aww, I don't know how the doggo started its little adventure in the car's insides, but I'm glad that it seems to be going well.

Twitter | @scixpmas

Something tells me it'll be way less jazzed when it wants to get out, though.

Who knows how it's gonna do that?

16. Yeah, I'm just going to go ahead and guess that somebody broke a cardboard cut-out and this is its unfortunate end.

Reddit | denbrough

Trust me, we'll have a much easier time getting to sleep tonight if we just stick to that interpretation.

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