
Quotes For When You Wake Up On The Wrong Side Of 30

I'm at this age now where I'm not really considered "old," but I'm definitely not still considered "young."

I get carded at the liquor store sometimes, but I also go to bed before midnight every night. I've also started taking a multivitamin because, come on, you've got to take care of your body.

If you're also in the process of graduating into the next level of life (aka you're getting older, sis), then I think you're really going to relate to these quotes.

That's it, that's adulthood.

I should add that this little poem here is missing a line about not wanting to go out to bars anymore because the last time you went you ran into someone you used to babysit and when you said, "Wow, you're so grown up!" they replied, "So are you!"

This game has no winner.

When my head starts pounding like this, I usually just try to remedy it with more coffee. And if that doesn't work, I just lie down on the couch and accept my fate, because clearly this is just my time to go.

It's just *so* inconvenient!

If you ever ask me to pick something up for you on my way home from work, just know that I probably spent 10 minutes sitting in a parking lot somewhere cursing your very existence before I finally grabbed my purse and trudged into the store to grab whatever was so urgently needed.

To be honest, Ziplocs are expensive and I'm always running out.


If this little baggie only held a few pretzel sticks then I'm not just going to throw it away. I'll dump the crumbs out, give it a little rinsey-rinse, and back in the draw it goes.

Don't judge me, you do it too.

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