
16+ Class Clowns Who Had To Make Everything A Joke

For some people, growing up is something that you can just opt out of if you want. They're the sorts of people who never stop finding practical jokes funny...and, sadly, I include myself in that bracket.

And, with this idea in mind, please enjoy these 16+ people who never stopped being the class clown!

"Fixed our bathroom picture. Wife not amused."

I never got why people buy things covered in these vacuous statements in the first place. Can anyone tell me what is so appealing about these things?

"I used to amuse myself by leaving fake hazard signs around the office."

I think they should have a load of those "Crippling Ennui" warning signs for outside of apartments where English majors live!

"We're adults and we get to decide what that means: The Home Depot Edition."

I would just be waiting for those two guys to end up with their arms stuck in those tubes, only to have to go and find an attendant to help them get out.

"My boyfriend is a seller on Amazon. This is what I came home to."

I particularly love that there is absolutely no reason why they would need to be ironing the other shark suits while dressed as sharks. But why wouldn't you want to dress up as sharks should the situation arise?!

"Mess with the meow meow..."

I just cannot believe that there is an adult out there with this permanently drawn on their skin! I bet they think this makes them super "quirky."

"It's been about 6 months since I put this on a welder at work and no one has said anything. It's a magnet with sharpie on it."

This just goes to show that no one really knows absolutely everything about the things that they're supposed to know everything about! A lot of people will just leave things alone that they aren't sure about instead of asking for help!

"At my local bagel shop..."

The new invisible bagels are a great option for if you're looking to cut down on bread but still crave a bagel!

"One of my best friends married his girlfriend yesterday. Our other best friend was his witness."

Look, I guess that it is technically a suit, which is more than can be said for the friend who is actually getting married!

"Someone at work has a good sense of humor!"

I would love to see a full remake of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar with only bins. I don't know if there is a big market for that, but I'd watch it!

"When a nightclub photographer catches you at a really awkward moment..."

Wow, the fact that they are drinking a bottle of Carlsberg really completes this terrible image!

Dressing Up The Dog For Halloween!

With those glowing eyes, this looks more like a haunted poop factory! And, "Haunted Poop Factory" could be the best goth-punk band name I've ever heard.

"My new veterinarian and I will get along great."

Great, now all that I can picture in my head is a load of cats standing around smoking! Why can't I live in a cartoon instead of this boring reality?!

"I know it's small but I worked past the laughter and this was the result of my efforts."

No matter how old you get, delicately balancing things on your friends' heads when they fall asleep is never not funny!

King Of The Jungle!

The person who uploaded this wrote, "Thankful to this unknown man for striking a pose and for not messing with my camera set up after he stumbled upon it. Also added, a bobcat using the log just a couple weeks prior."

"My boyfriend ordered 500 googly eyes 'for reasons' and this is one of the first things he did."

Well, look... This is technically a reason, so you can't really have a go at him for that. Sure, it might be a daft one, but it is a reason nonetheless.

"My dad was responsible for our neighbourhood sign this week, a series."

Reddit | sammspiess1

These could be the worst jokes that I have heard in my entire life, and my dad has told some shocking jokes in the past! If you know any worse jokes let me know below!

"No one has removed this lad from my dorm's stairway, so I turned him into a work of art."

And now, this dorm will stand as a testament to this smashed spider's life, snatched away from us far too early! Gone, but not forgotten.

Some People Take The Most Beautiful pictures Of Their Partners...

And then there are the people who prefer taking much more hilarious pictures of their partners! This is definitely one for the family album down the line!

"This vessel name..."

And yet, despite this claim, he still sits alone atop his vessel. Loneliness is the true ocean that he navigates!

"Kids work together to create eternal recess."

"Isn't is marvelous how the children are learning the importance of teamwork, Mr. Davids?"

"Absolutely splendid, but how are we going to get out?"