
15+ Hilarious Signs That Make Us Go ‘I Couldn’t Agree More’

The world is full of signs advertising things and generally telling us what we can and can't do — which can be very annoying!

However, sometimes there are some funny signs that we can't help but resonate with! So, please enjoy these 15+ hilarious signs that make us go, "I couldn't agree more!"

"I was wondering what that stain was in the elevator this morning... Then I found this posted to the front doors."

Reddit | reverseloop

For a man who has clearly passed out when absolutely hammered, he seems to be sleeping in a remarkably calm manner! Still doesn't excuse him from not cleaning up after himself though!

Less Espresso, More Depresso!

Reddit | 0dark_soldier0

"What size would you reccomend for someone who has had one hour sleep?"

"An extra large?"

"What makes you say that?"

"It's just a guesso."

It's Beginning!

Reddit | GavinWakeUpCall

This shows a remarkable amount of self-awareness from Starbucks. Maybe instead of adapting memes they should try and make their coffee nicer!

"I Agree With Dylan!"

Reddit | obviousplant

It looks like Dylan has a strong future as an existentialist ahead of him! He also has the cold, dead eyes of a serial killer which will keep him in good stead!

"Preschoolers get asked a question every week at this daycare and they post the responses on the whiteboard. This week's was pretty good."

Reddit | SupermAndrew1

I particularly like Thomas W's idea of, "turn it into cheese." I wish we could do this with all of life's problems!

"Spotted in a nearby neighborhood."

Reddit | Jintess

I used to feel the same whenever I would find cans of White Claw around the back of my old apartment. Drink proper drinks, people!

*Doctor Who Music Intensifies!*

Reddit | JustOnesAndZeros

If you or anyone you know is working on a time machine at the moment, then meet me last Thursday to prove it works!

"My cousin is a driver for UPS and posted this today."

Reddit | jollygreengentile

"Hey, hey, hey, Dave! I found your package and brought it to you!"

"Well, where is it, Spot?"

"... I ate it."

"This hotel in my town."

Reddit | phhoff

I mean, it gets the point of the business across I guess. But it also probably attracts some slightly stranger guests.

I Wonder What The Mileage Is?

Reddit | voltronxxxt

I wonder if the mileage would go back if you went back in time or if it would still go up as you are still technically running the car forward?

"Oh, I didn't know I wasn't allowed to do that."


Pfft, I don't do what I'm told. I'm a bit of a rebel like that, you see! But, I'm still not going to do it because I'm...allergic to crocodiles! Definitely not because I'm scared or anything.

"My wife posted this sign (on her office door) during our Holiday Party."

Reddit | ChaosLexifer

You can never trust a cat when it comes to...well, anything, really! If they can lie about something, then you can bet your ass they'll lie about it!

"Czechs welcome!"


So, does the top sign mean they're not going to be checking in the back of the store for things if asked, or that they do not accept checks? I'm just going to leave them to it!

The Food Of Kings!

Reddit | acaelwarts09

I mean, if I want to eat 2000 of something, I head to our local restaurant and order enough chicken wings to fill an ocean, but that's because I have problems.

Call The Pun Pawlice!

Reddit | mf_miller

"Sir, I'm afraid we're going to have to ask you to leave the park. There are no dogs allowed."

"Oh, am I being paw-secuted? Ha!"

"Yes, you can expect a serious fine in the mail."

"Damn. That's not as cute as it sounded."

"The perfect envelope for paying traffic tickets you don't agree with."

Reddit | momosug

I think that I might just start using envelopes that are this shape for whenever I'm sending any mail! That'll show them for making me go to the post office in this day and age.

"NASA has my support."

Reddit | squarelogo

Yeah, come on, Nasa. This planet is starting to look pretty buggered here! Get a move on so we can go and ruin another planet!

Mistakes Were Made...

Reddit | hawryluk98

If anything, they made another mistake when they covered their tiny back window with all of these mistakes!

Please Be Mindful.

Reddit | nuthin_to_it

It's very rare to spot these creatures in the wild. Once endangered, conservation efforts have been successful in re-growing their population; they'll be a plentiful species again soon!

"Saw this at my local tire shop."

Reddit | Max_Firestorm

That's why, when naming a dog, you must consider every possible situation in which you would call their name. No Sharks at the beach, no Bears while camping/hiking, and no Cars for anywhere with a road.

Crime And Punishment.

Reddit | yikes__ok

I can't tell if the cat is sad or plotting. Either his self-esteem is tanking before our eyes, or he's planning out the perfect revenge.

"Technically a sign, right?"

Reddit | KodeRedLockdown

It's definitely a sign, and probably a useful one. I'm sure they had had enough people ask that it warranted putting that disclaimer up.

"Sign at my local dry cleaners."

Reddit | midnightqueen0712

I just hope she does it right instead of slapping me into last year. I don't need to relive all this.

"There is a John in every workplace."

Reddit | Pipirazz

"John, you do so little work that we're adding a disclaimer to the sign about you."

"I'm on the sign? Cool!"

"No. Not cool."

Keeping An Eye Out.

Reddit | joefish201234

I love that the quotation marks are around "looks like" and not "valet." It adds a strange layer of mystery to this sign.

"That would be nice."

Reddit | TheViralClovers

How hard can it be, right? We all make a pinky promise to be on our best behaviour for four years, just to try it out.

"I noticed."

Reddit | lisasamott

This sign starts off funny and cute, but it goes south very fast and leaves you with so many questions.

"We regret to inform you that meetings and services will no longer be held in the restrooms."


Aw, man! The bathroom meetings were my favorite! They were just so convenient.


Reddit | hobslan1

They might be drinking while they work out, but that's still one step better than me. I don't work out.

"Found this sign at my local bar."

Reddit | Jayko525

So you're saying all those times I had to be brave I could have just been stupid and I would have had the same results?

"The freezer broke, what should we do with all this ice cream?"

Reddit | Quixotic-Quill

If it's called soup, that means I can have it for lunch and not feel guilty about it.

"Seen at a restaurant. I believe I would fall in category #2."

Reddit | sherrode

"And if you can't fall in a humorous way, tell a joke while you're falling. That way we still laugh."

"Spotted at the local Dairy Queen."

Reddit | puglover567

I mean, surely the management should fix that AC before forcing people to work like that! That doesn't seem reasonable!

"My friend saw this sign while out on a walk."

Reddit | sofa-king-hungry

At a certain point, the tripping hazard is far worse than the biting hazard.

*Sad Battery Noises*


I cannot emphasize how annoying it is to me that the apostrophe looks upside down on this sign. Stuff like this is probably why I'm not invited anywhere.