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12+ Tweets To Laugh At While Waiting In The Socially-Distanced Unemployment Line

There's no sugarcoating it: this year sucks, and for a whole host of different reasons. Seriously, you could just grab one out of a hat and be like, "Oh yeah, this has definitely made me miserable. Thanks, 2020."

But for many of us, the pandemic has taken on the full-force of that blame because it has just been so terrible. From comparatively minor inconveniences, like canceled trips, to the tragedy of lost loved ones, the coronavirus has most certainly been one of, if not the worst fireballs 2020 has thrown at us.

Thanks to the outbreak, millions of people have suddenly found themselves unemployed. But rather than let us all sit around and be upset about life's unfairness, I've compiled a list of some of the funniest unemployment tweets out there. Because if nothing else, we can at least find comfort in knowing we're not alone.

Upside: I'm way more tan this summer.


...Well, you know, everything else.

Sounds about right.

Not having to wake up at a specific time every morning really puts into perspective how unbelievably lazy you can be.

By the way, can anyone tell me what day it is?

Yours are stoked?

My cat has remained entirely indifferent to me being home now, except for the odd suspicious glare she throws me when she realizes I'm still here.

Just to really drive that point home, you know?

Make sure to eat a cold slice of pizza too while you're at it.

I don't know, it just feels like it goes with the rest of the vibe.

It's just not the same.

There's nothing quite like tearing up in a bathroom you know one of your co-worker's could walk into at any moment.

When you're at home, there's no risk factor, no thrill. You might as well just dry those eyes, sis.

We've reached the "Renaissance Painting"-level of 2020.

Not only do you get to let your girls breathe, but you also get to eat grapes out of huge, gold bowls and randomly point your finger at everyone for no apparent reason.

It's gourmet.

You know when you were a kid and you would spend hours in the kitchen while your parents were away, pretending you were a chef and making the most absurd combinations of food you possibly could just to make the day go by faster?

Well, time for round two of that.

Maybe even socks, too.

I realized the other day that I haven't even touched my jean drawer since all this nonsense happened.

And now I'm pretty sure my legs would just reject the denim if I even tried to wear some.

Where's the lie?

Please don't ask an unemployed person what they did today because the answer will just severely bum you both out.

I think it's *Mondursatday.*

I also need something better than a calendar to try and keep track of the months because I'm pretty sure time has slowed down, gone backwards, and even completely stopped at various points during this year, so I just don't trust those things anymore.

"Say no more."

Honestly, I think that maybe someday 2020 will become the Fight Club year, you know? Like, we'll all just adopt the "first rule about 2020: you don't talk about 2020" mentality.

And we can avoid these kinds of questions entirely.

And that's pretty much it for today.

Catch me in the same place tomorrow where I'll be seeing how long it'll take for water to freeze into new ice cubes.

"But what will I wear?!"

Oh yeah, pajama pants again. Same thing I wear every single other day.

They're still the worst.

As it turns out, going to work on a Monday morning wasn't the only reason Mondays suck.

It's just a super terrible day of the week anyway.

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