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Smash Mouth Faces Backlash After Performing Concert For Thousands In South Dakota

In the most bizarre news story of the week, one hit wonder punk rock group Smash Mouth preformed for REAL LIFE AUDIENCE this past weekend.

Normally, this wouldn't be cause for a story obviously but during the COVID-19 PANDEMIC, a concert is a really crappy thing to do!!!!

And spoiler alert, it seems that Smash Mouth totally doesn't care about COVID-19 at all!

If you're wondering who Smash Mouth is, I have two words for you — All Star.

The 2001 smash hit is best known for being on the Shrek soundtrack and also being the theme of many belligerent early aughts nights, I'm sure.

It is now also, apparently, the theme song for those who are ignoring an ongoing global pandemic. As the band said themselves, they are *not* the sharpest tools in the shed.

Smash Mouth was the headliner at a music festival and motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota this past weekend.

With Smash Mouth has the headliner, you KNOW the rest of the lineup was great. I'm talking Trapt, Buckcherry, Drowning Pool, Night Ranger, Reverend Horton Heat, Lit, 38 Special, Quiet Riot, AND Big Skillet!

Coachella is shaking in their boots right now, how can they possibly compete?!

Naturally, everyone on Twitter has been ROASTING the band for performing a concert during a global pandemic. Considering the USA is leading the world with over 5 MILLION COVID-19 cases, this was an incredibly selfish move.

Smash Mouth frontman Steve Harwell told the crowd: "We’re all here together tonight! [Expletive] that COVID [expletive]!"

Would you risk getting COVID-19 to see Smash Mouth perform "All Star" in South Dakota? Let us know in the comments below!

The coronavirus cases keep coming and they don't stop coming. Refuse to wear a mask so they hit the ground running. Didn't make sense not to just wear one. Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.

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