Instagram | @blakelively

Fans Are Blushing After Blake Lively Leaves NSFW Comment On Ryan Reynolds' Instagram Post

Look, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are one of the most superior Hollywood couples.

Not only have they been together for 9 YEARS, which is essentially a lifetime in tinsel town, they have three adorable bebe's AND love to troll each other on social media, which is always very fun for us, the public!

So when the pair get CHEEKY on Instagram, this is unexplored territory for fans! We don't know what to do with this!

Considering how GORGEOUS Blake Lively is, Ryan really tries to make his wife look ~wacky~ on Instagram, lol.

Instagram | @vancityreynolds

Ryan posts like exclusively unflattering pictures of his wife. But, that's hot people privilege, I guess. People know Blake is hot so we don't QUESTION IT!

So when Ryan and Blake show affection and FLIRT (!!!!) on Instagram, the world gets jolted into unknown territory.

Which is exactly what happened when Ryan posted a clip from his 2010 film Buried.

I know right? Ryan did movies before Deadpool! Weird to think about!

"Before Deadpool, I was an actor. One of my favorite projects was a film called “Buried” and it’s now on @Hulu. 10 years later, it really holds up! Although I don’t recall the aggressive product placement. #Buried," he captioned the clip.

The clip shows Ryan drinking from a flask, however the clip was altered to feature bottles of Ryan's gin brand, Aviation.


In response to the clip, Blake commented "I think this just got me pregnant."

Instagram | @blakelively

In response to his wife's cheeky comment, Ryan replied: "I will be out of the office starting July 22nd through the middle of ever and ever. If you need immediate assistance during my absence, please contact someone. Anyone. Otherwise I will respond to your message as soon as possible upon my unlikely return. Thank you."

Naturally, fans were living for their cheeky banter.

"These two! I would sell limbs to have a FRACTION of the relationship they have! Wishing them all the best!!" commented one fan.

"Love them they are my fav couple!!!!!" commented another.

What do you think of Blake's NSFW comment?! Let us know in the comments below!

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