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Quotes For People Who Need To Learn Some Hard Truths

I never thought it would actually happen to me, but a few years ago I found myself in a toxic relationship. And it took me much too long to realize that. So long, in fact, that I spent an entire year with the wrong person.

Despite our best efforts, we can often find ourselves sharing our lives with someone who isn't deserving of our time or our hearts. But people aren't always upfront, and who you thought was Mr. Right could very well turn out to be the kind of person you always told yourself you'd go out of your way to avoid.

It can be hard to admit to yourself that you're in a toxic relationship.


I personally found myself making excuses for my partner a lot. I was always justifying his less-than-stellar behavior to my friends as being because of his work schedule or because he doesn't have a great home life.

But at some point I realized that there really wasn't any excuse for the way he was acting.

That was also around the time that I began to value myself more than I had for our entire relationship.


I'm not sure when it happened, but during that year we were together I stopped believing I was someone who deserved a partner who supported me, and instead I just accepted that the one I had never would.

And that's definitely not O.K.

But what *is* O.K. is leaving people behind who don't value you the way that you should be valued.

Instagram | @thelovebits

Your partner should not be someone who only cares when it's convenient for them, or who comes in and out of your life because they trust you'll always be there waiting for them.

They also shouldn't be someone who makes you hate yourself because that's just not right.

I'm not saying that our partners should be our only source of self-love and worth, either.

But they certainly shouldn't be the reason for our sadness, our anguish, or our feelings of inferiority, either.

We need to be able to find the strength inside of us to take control of our own happiness. It's not easy walking away from someone, especially if you've been together for so long that your lives have become totally intertwined.

But once you leave behind those toxic people and the trauma they perpetuate, you can find that happiness once again.

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