Add A Touch Of Magic To Your Patio With Target's Mickey Mouse Outdoor Rugs

Many people are upset that with the coronavirus pandemic they can't go to Disney World to see Mickey Mouse and his friends. But, with the summer right around the corner, many people are looking to decorate their backyards to spend some time in the sun with their friends and family. Luckily, Target launched some adorable Mickey Mouse rugs for the patio.

The rugs come in several designs and colors.


They're not too flashy with bright colors and faces and instead, look like a subtle decoration that will fit into your backyard decor and atmosphere.

They also come in different sizes, too.


The smallest one retails at $80 and the largest one retails at $250, so there's a size and style for everyone. The color options are also pretty great: Gray, Brown, Black, Dark Blue, and Red.

For families that love Disney, this is the perfect add-on for your patio/deck.


It's a fun design that doesn't look overly childish. Plus, patio rugs are the best! They make an outdoor space that much more inviting.

The rugs are only available on's official website.


The patterns are perfect for a festive and fun add-on to the patio and backyard deck, with a variety of colors that will match your themes. The rugs are not available in stores, but you can order them online to ship right to your home.

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