10+ Moments From 'Friends' That Are So Underrated

When it comes to the beloved sitcom Friends, certain moments stand out.

There's the "PIVOT" scene that never fails to make us laugh or the time Monica helped Chandler learn how to please a woman.

Then, there are the lesser-known moments that are still equally — if not more — hilarious.

With that being said, here are 10+ moments from Friends that are so underrated.

1. When Ross was totally fine with Rachel and Joey dating:

How could anyone think that he wasn't???

He got super drunk from his margaritas, spouted off about the meaning of L-O-V-E, and got super into making chicken fajitas (burning his hands, included).

2. When Joey helped Ross with his leather pants:

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When Ross couldn't get his new leather pants back on while on a date, he called Joey for some advice: try baby powder and lotion.

Unfortunately, though, the combination formed into a paste...

3. When Joey tried to look 19:

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Joey proved, time and time again, that he will do whatever it takes to get an acting part.

Fake having a twin? Check. Enlist Monica to help him look, um, uncircumsized? Check, check.

But nothing was more hilarious (or creative) than when he tried to look 19.

This led to hilarious lines like this: "SUP WIT DA WACK PLAYSTATION SUP?"

This was everything we ever needed to see and more.

4. When Mike proved that he's a true talent on the piano:

It's crazy to think that when Paul Rudd first appeared on Friends, he was still relatively unknown.

I mean, look how hilarious he is! In this hilarious scene, he proved that he doesn't need a piano to play the piano.

5. When Chandler made up a game just to help out Joey:

Chandler was honesty such a good friend to Joey.

When Joey didn't have enough money for bills when Chandler moved out, Chandler found a way to give his friend money without hurting his pride.

And how did he do that? Through a game of Cups, of course!

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Joey eventually lost the money to Ross, but the whole storyline was so sweet.

We all deserve a friendship like Joey and Chandler!! Even when Monica and Chandler moved out of the city, they made sure to have a Joey room.

6. When Ross let Rachel win at poker:

There are so many adorable moments that prove that Rachel and Ross were each other's lobster, but this one takes the cake.

Basically, Rachel had just found out that she didn't get the job she wanted.

While he could have easily beat her in the poker game, he decided to let her win.


This was so Rachel could feel good about herself in a moment where she was already feeling down.

Joey and Chandler didn't like this since they wanted to win, but oh well.

7. When Rachel realized that FICA was taking all her money:

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This moment makes the list simply because of how relatable it is!

This is literally what most of us go through each paycheck as we realize that we did a lot of work for a whole lot of nothing.

8. When Rachel's new boyfriend was too close fr comfort with his sister:

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When Rachel finally got to date Danny, aka the Yeti, she was so excited.

But that was all shattered soon after she met his sister.

9. When Danny spilled cream on his leg from a donut, his sister decided to help out.

She did so by licking a napkin and trying to get out the stain near his crotch while the others watched in horror.

Let's also not forget that these two still took baths together...

10. When Joey explained what a "moo point" is:

"Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion. It just doesn't matter. It's moo."

The only thing funnier than this was the fact that Rachel actually understood what he was saying.

11. When Ross tried to flirt:

After Rachel said that Ross couldn't flirt well, he was adamant in proving her wrong.

Here are some of his lines to the pizza delivery girl: "I happen to like eight-year-old boys" and a lot of talk about gas...

12. When Phoebe and Chandler tried to seduce each other:

This cat-and-mouse game of trying to get the other to crack was EVERYTHING.

In the end, it was worth the awkwardness since it meant that Chandler and Monica could finally be open about their love.

13. When Rachel kicked Joey's new girlfriend:

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When Joey started wearing a lot of sweaters to protect himself from his tiny-but-mighty girlfriend, Rachel thought he was just being silly.

But when the new girl started playfully hitting Rachel, she retaliated by kicking her right in the shin.

14. When Ross's boss ate his sandwich:

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After Ross and Emily got divorced, his life was in disarray.

This meant that his turkey sandwich — fitted with a "moist-maker" slice of bread — was the only good thing going for him.

So when his boss ate it at work, his freakout was epic.

"You threw my sandwich away? My sandwich. MY SANDWICH."

Can you really blame him? This is basically how we react when anyone takes the food we were saving for later.

15. When Joey moved back in with Chandler:

We've said it before and we'll say it again: JOEY AND CHANDLER'S FRIENDSHIP WAS EVERYTHING.

This sweet moment was after Chandler finally ditched his fruit-drying freak of a roommate and had Joey move back in.