Instagram | @nickjonas

There's A 24-Year-Old Woman Who Looks Exactly Like Nick Jonas

Look out, world! There's a new member of the Jonas Brothers!

Only thing is, she's a Jonas Sister as Nick Jonas' female lookalike was just discovered on TikTok!

Thanks to TikTok, more and more celeb dopplegängers have been coming out of the woodwork.

Instagram | @paigeniemann

Take this Ariana Grande impersonator, for example.

Paige Niemann was first discovered on the popular app in 2019.

Instagram | @paigeniemann

Since then, she's made it a habit to dress exactly like the star and even do voiceover impressions — much to the dismay of Ariana...

In February, the world was not okay when Ryan Reynolds' younger twin was discovered.

TikTok | @sssimplygrace

I mean, what's better than one Ryan Reynolds?


Ryan's twin is a 20-year-old from Florida named Bryson Blake.

TikTok | @sssimplygrace, Instagram @vancityreynolds

His girlfriend even posted a TikTok video where he jokes about how his mom (Blake Lively) met his dad (Ryan Reynolds) and had him.

Other celeb lookalikes found on TikTok include user @maeciray who looks like Saoirse Ronan.

TikTok | @maeciray

The user even recreates movie scenes that the actress has done, like this clip here from Little Women.

And now, we bring you the latest celeb dopplegänger: the female version of Nick Jonas!

Yes, really.

Meet 24-year-old Madison Gammons from Scottsdale, Arizona.

TikTok | @hairbykenzie.t

It was Madison's hairdresser, Kenzie Tereault, who made the world aware of the uncanny resemblance.

Madison even spoke to *Buzzfeed* recently about looking like the famous singer.


"It's been an ongoing thing — people thinking that I look like Nick Jonas," she said.

"There have been side-by-side photos created of us from when we were children all the way up until now."

She continued:

"Friends say we must have been separated at birth."

When a picture of the Jonas Brothers' faces were photoshopped onto a picture of the Kardashians, the resemblance couldn't be denied.

"We really do look alike in that one. We have a 'doppelgänger' wall at work and my coworker put that side-by-side up there," she said.

Madison's hairdresser also talked to the site about how the video, which has now been viewed more than 4.5 million times, came to be.

TikTok | @hairbykenzie.t

"When Madison came in, a couple of my assistants said she looked so familiar. I assured them this was her first time in," she began.

"One of my girls thought maybe she had a sister that had been in to see me before, but that wasn't the case," Kenzie told *BuzzFeed*.

Instagram | @nickjonas

But then, it clicked.

"I was blow-drying right in front of Madison's face, her eyes were closed, and all of a sudden it CLICKED!

"The song 'Sucker' by the Jonas Brothers was playing and I realized she looked like NICK JONAS!"

Instagram | @nickjonas

"I didn't want to mention it because I didn't know if she would take it the wrong way," Kenzie explained.

Thankfully, Madison was used to that.

TikTok | @hairbykenzie.t

"I had to tell her! I started curling her hair and said, 'I figured out who you look like, but I'm afraid to tell you.' Madison asked why and I told her, 'Because it's a boy, BUT he's super good-looking!'"

"So she smiled and told me to tell her so I did and she told me she actually has gotten that before and laughed! Phew!"

Madison sounds like such a good sport!

And since the Jonas Brothers are on TikTok, it's only a matter of time before Nick sees the video!