
Professor Asks For Pics Of Students’ Pets Doing Class Work And They Deliver

Millions of people are getting used to working from home as they leave offices and classrooms behind. But for those students and workers sitting in newly-christened home offices, something becomes readily apparent: pets aren't pulling their weight.

A college professor sparked a viral Twitter thread

Twitter | @ProfMAGeorge

College prof Marie-Amélie George kicked things off with this tweet asking her students to send in pics of their dogs doing classwork, calling it an "underappreciated photography genre."

Students heeded her call.

Twitter | @ryanoss123

The thread quickly went viral, with respondents chiming in as they shared adorable pics of their doggos doing "work" at home.

They only want one thing.

Twitter | @The_Nyxed

You can pose a dog at your desktop all you want, but at the end of the day that doggo only cares about food and belly rubs.

It isn't just dogs.

Twitter | @Ladie_Chief

As a cat person, I was gratified to see the number of kitty pics that popped up. I know cats don't photograph as well, but they're still pretty awesome.


Twitter | @alikat747

Some cats like to sit on the page you're reading, while others just spread over your laptop. Either way, it makes it hard to work.

Some pets don't want to work.

Twitter | @melissaboose

You can spend all day trying to pose your dog in front of a desk, but sometimes that dog just wants to go out and play fetch.

She doesn't want to play along.

Twitter | @bookofruthless

If I'd shared photos of my cats, it would mostly be pics of them looking super indignant that I'm paying more attention to my computer screen than to them.

It's good to mix it up.

Twitter | @swimmintink

We all have to earn our paycheque, but it's nice if you're able to wind down with a little palate-cleansing reading from time to time.

Did it work?

Twitter | @bleusneaux

I think cats and dogs need to understand that nuzzling an object isn't enough to transfer the knowledge into their brains.


Twitter | @Twocan_1

That dog is just as good at putting its hands on a laptop, I'll admit that. But a computer architecture whiz? I have my doubts.

Same here.

Twitter | @PsychonErrantry

My cats have been messing up my home office since long before this Twitter thread starting making the rounds.

Wait, he's eligible?

Twitter | @FAFSA

I thought federal student aid was only available to human students. If they're opening things up to dogs as well, this could be a gamechanger.

*Excited cat noises*.

Twitter | @JRLgdnr

Cats appreciate photos of birds. They also appreciate random smudges that you can barely see, so your mileage may vary.

Feed the body, feed the mind.

Twitter | @SailorAileen

It's hard to get exercise while you're sitting at a desk, so that makes exercise breaks all the more crucial for those who are working at home.

Does not compute.

Twitter | @CJHicks15

I included this pic mostly because I love tortoiseshell cats. It might be a look of disapproval, but it might just be a case of resting cranky face.

Strengths and weaknesses.

Twitter | @millerlawmd

Whatever this dog does or doesn't know about the law, it looks to be an ideal study mate.


Twitter | @KorinneRiccardo

I know that dog probably can't read. But that's irrelevant, because the glasses make this whole scene look a whole lot smarter.


Twitter | @DizyWalton

That dog looks pretty indignant that a human has stepped in and taken over in the middle of his computations.

Thanks for your help.

Twitter | @lisi626

Cats are always trying to help by gently batting light objects off of tables. I mean, it doesn't help at all, but it's the thought that counts.

Study buddies.

Twitter | @AskRubenHow2Bet

Let us know what you thought of these cute pics, and share your stories of working from home in the comments section!