
Jessica Day Quotes That'll Spread Positive Vibes

Having a bad day? Allow Jessica Day from New Girl to turn things around.

She's quirky, loveable, and super relatable.

Here are 15 Jessica Day quotes that will spread some positive vibes.

When her company was all she needed:

If there's one thing Jess knows, it's that everyone deserves some alone time. There's no caring about what others think or dressing to impress for anyone.

She even once rented a hotel room all by herself just to get away and cry. #SelfCare.

"I just wanted to listen to Taylor Swift alone."


Speaking of alone time, Jess knows that it's the perfect time to crank the T-Swift.

Her songs are relatable and the best thing to laugh, sing, or even cry to.

When you see a cute guy:

Sure, she may not be an A+ flirter (the hubba hubba is an obvious indication of that), but it just goes to show that she was never afraid to show interest in someone.

"I can drink at 11:00…a.m."


It's happy hour somewhere, right?

Anytime is a good time to bring out the pink wine!

"I'm single and sufficient."


When we first met Jess in the show's pilot, she was a single, heartbroken mess who did a lot of crying and watching Dirty Dancing.

But over time, she learned to love being single and that's the kind of inspiration every single gal needs.

DTF takes on a whole new meaning:

What guy wouldn't want to get with that?

"I feel like I wanna murder someone and also I want soft pretzels."


This quote might not sound all that positive, but it just goes to show that Jessica was never afraid to get real about her period in the most relatable way.

"I brake for birds. I rock a lot of polka dots. I have touched glitter in the last 24 hours. I spend my entire day talking to children. And I find it fundamentally strange that you’re not a dessert person. It freaks me out."

One of the most amazing things about Jess is how she's never afraid to be herself.

She loves girly, basic things like glitter, Taylor Swift, pink wine, polka dots, and caring for animals and she won't change that for anyone.

Anytime you see food:

Could she be more relatable?

There really is no greater feeling than opening up a menu and seeing all the food possibilities.

"My boobs are loving this unemployed thing. They don’t have to go to boob jail everyday."


Leave it up to Jess to turn being laid off into a silver lining!

If the girls are happy, she's happy.

"I hope you like feminist rants because that's kinda my thing."


Just like she defended her right to brake for birds and rock polka dots, she's always willing to defend female rights.

Try and cross her and she will rant the heck out of you.

"Well, I guess I can't hide my crazy."


Nor would she want to!

Jess lets her freak flag fly all she wants and this inspires us to do the same.

When she wasn't afraid to be a hot mess:

During the course of New Girl, Jess hit a lot of highs and a lot of lows.

And, if this is her version of rock-bottom, then we're right there with her.

"And if you want to get with me, you're going to have to get with my friends."


Yep, she quoted the Spice Girls and we love her more for it.

It shows that she's not willing to put a guy before her girlfriends. They're the true loves in her lives and that won't ever change.

Anytime you see a cute dog:

Jess doesn't just love birds. She also loves dogs and freaked out when she saw a photo of one sitting in a cup.
