
13+ Tweets For People Living In Another Reality

What is reality? Don't worry, I'm not going to be really going into anything that heavy! Reality can be a tricky concept. This is especially true in a time where people who post fake, overly-entitled lives on social media can earn more money than nurses, and in a world quickly catching fire we seem to be more concerned with what prattling simpleton Jake Paul has just said on Twitter.

However, here are 13+ tweets for people living in an alternate reality, which should prove to you that reality can be whatever you want it to be... or at least distract you from your own reality if only for a few moments!

Time Changes Everything

Twitter | shutupmikeginn

28 is no age to be getting into committed relationships and settling down! At least, that's what I'm telling myself as 30 looms ominously over the horizon.

The Tiny Pickle Conundrum

Twitter | thomasjeferstan

Well, I for one have never even heard of this, has anyone else heard of this? I looked it up, and apparently this tradition originated in Germany... because of course it did.

Your Worst Nightmares Made Material!

Twitter | john_overholt

I don't know exactly what kind of noise this terrifying hybrid would make, but I assume it would be something that would chill you to your very soul!

Movies Vs Reality

Twitter | ChristianJC98

It's almost as though Hollywood is guilty of propagating sweeping generalizations of society. But, who am I to point fingers, I'm a walking cliche after all!

A Different Point Of View

Twitter | DrSprankle

Well, that certainly is a different way of looking at the world that I had never before considered!

Mech Fight!

Twitter | BitchAssBowie

I think that even if you had given me an eternity alone with my own thoughts, I would never have come up with this thought. People on Twitter truly are in an alternate reality.

Who's For The Chop?

Twitter | abbydermody

It is quite embarrassing how long I looked at this picture before I realized that that was not, in fact, a laptop. It also kind of explains why the back of my laptop is covered in knife scratches.

Alternative Medicine

Twitter | AllergyKidsDoc

The world of alternative medicine really can feel like an alternate reality at times, the ideas being so wildly different and... well, trippy.

The Sad Reality Of Getting Old

Twitter | sarahsolfails

Hey, there is nothing wrong with being a 30-year-old getting wheeled around a supermarket while brandishing a bottle of vodka. That's living the dream!

I'm The Professor Now

Twitter | sm_osment

Some people can just stare into the fabric of reality and see things that the rest of us cannot. This child will sure grow up to be one of our generation's great thinkers.

Oh, The Naivety!

Twitter | BrandyBeansH

In fairness, mac and cheese can solve almost all of life's problems, so they weren't that far off! I'd be made up if someone brought me mac and cheese!

Bird Specialist

Twitter | stewteee

If I believed even half the absolute nonsense that my dad used to tell me when I was a kid then the world would be a completely different place!

"Reality can be whatever you want it to be."

Twitter | robrousseau

Somebody needs to get this guy a job writing for the Simpsons as clearly his jokes are predicting the future, and that's pretty much their whole thing nowadays.

A Different Kind Of Fairy Tale

Twitter | detly

Imagine living in a world where the adventures described in your favourite childhood stories pale into significance when compared to the exciting world of nuclear physics.

They're In For A Shock

Twitter | mikewtfwells

All you'd need to do is lie in wait for the sound of stifled giggling coming from one of the office cubicles, then follow that sound to find your culprit.

Happiness Is An Alternative Reality

Twitter | brainwxrms

Well, this guy sounds like a hoot to have at parties! *Laughs as though I'm not plagued by the same constant sense of nihilistic dread but placated by the distraction of Netflix

A Good Alternative

Twitter | taylorbeil

Spongebob in general shaped me, and continues to shape the way that I live my life. And, quite frankly, I'm better for it!

Different Times

Twitter | shamtley

Thank goodness I wasn't born in the early 20th century based upon my track record of losing cash. That and my hatred of whitewall tires!

Plot Hole!

Twitter | austinyorski

You'd think that with access to knowledge like that, no one would ever make a mistake. And yet, here we are, still buggering things up on a daily basis! Go us!

The Year That Never Was

Twitter | taylvr

Not just 2017! I can barely remember anything of any of the last few years. They just go by so fast nowadays I can't keep track!