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'Lizzie McGuire' Revival Officially On Hiatus

Yes, for those of you who were desperately awaiting the Lizzie McGuire reboot... it seems that you're going to have to wait a little bit longer.

It's sad when a reboot doesn't even get to see the light of day...

Hopefully, this one won't be on hiatus for too long.

Remember when life was simple?


You could skip merrily through the grass, the sun beaming heat onto your skin, the wet morning dew tickling your toes, all the while knowing full well that there was a Lizzie McGuire reboot just around the corner?

Yeah well, those days are over.

Instagram | @hilaryduff

Cause now it's been put on hiatus?


Well, because series creator and showrunner for the reboot, has stepped down as showrunner for the reboot.

Yes, Terri Minsky is out, ladies and gentlemen.

But why Terri, why?


Apparently, it's due to "Creative Differences".

There they were, two episodes deep when these "creative differences" happened and then suddenly, next thing we know, we don't have a Lizzie McGuire reboot.

Or as the robots who run Disney put it:

Instagram | @hilaryduff

“Fans have a sentimental attachment to Lizzie McGuire and high expectations for a new series. After filming two episodes, we concluded that we need to move in a different creative direction and are putting a new lens on the show.”