
Penn Badgley Accidentally Confirms 'You' Season 3 Through 'Love' Spoiler

You is one of the best shows on Netflix, thanks to the phenomenal acting, and the nail-biting story.

The only thing that is bad about it is having to wait for new episodes once the season is over.

We live in a binge-watching world! We have no patience!

'You' Season 2 is over, and now we are back to waiting for more episodes to binge.


Badgley has made it very clear many times that he doesn't think his character Joe is redeemable.

He has killed too many people to come back from it.

Season 2 left fans with a lot of questions and speculations.



Such as: did Love's husband actually die of sickness, or did she have a part in killing him?

What do you think?

Badgley unofficially confirmed season 3 when he talked about the future of Joe and Love.


“She doesn’t appear to be the same kind of person,” he said. “She doesn’t appear to be the same kind of predator. She doesn’t appear to be the same kind of… you know, dare I say, in the same third season. Oh, God!”

“I literally know nothing about the third season,” he quickly added.


Once he said that, the reporter asked: “Are we going to get a third season?”

Although he can't actually confirm, Penn said: “Technically I can’t… I mean, like, unofficially?” and then he nodded his head.

So it's all good news for us!