Kate Beckinsale Opens Up About Demand To Lose Weight For 'Pearl Harbor'

If it makes you feel better Kate Beckinsale, people haven't thought about that movie in years.

In fact, you might be the only one who still believes it exists, and it's not just a government cover-up for the world being flat.

I don't have to explain it to you, look it up.

Do you remember 'Pearl Harbor'?


No, not the national tragedy, everyone remembers Pearl Harbor. I mean Pearl Harbor, the movie that was based on the national tragedy that was itself a National tragedy.

Because it stunk.

Well, Kate Beckinsale sure remembers it.

YouTube | Variety

She recently did an interview with Women's Health where she bragged about being fit and having a great body.

"Look at me" she said, being totally paraphrased by me "I'm so beautiful and my job demands that even at 46 I am beautiful and skinny".

Psh, celebrities.


Anyways, while she rubbed her perfect body in our collective faces, she remembered a time when she was body-shamed. While filming Pearl Harbor, actually.

Michael Bay, director of Pearl Harbor, asked her to lose weight for the role.

And her response was this:


“It wasn’t great. It didn’t make me feel good, and in general, I think women are body-shamed 100 million percent more than men. But on this particular project, I wasn’t. Ben [Affleck], who’d already done a movie with the director, was like, ‘This happened to me. They made me get new teeth.’ And I was like ‘Cool, at least I get to hang on to my teeth.’”