Reddit | dkmackay

15+ People Whose Christmas Spirit Took Them In Strange Directions

When you've got the spirit of the season bubbling up inside of you, it's going to find its way out somehow. Whether you're singing Christmas carols in the shower or baking a gingerbread Millennium Falcon, it's going to be expressed.

However, some people out there have some decidedly unusual ways of getting into the season.

"I have no Christmas tree," wrote the uploader. So... "Danny Detreeto."

Reddit | MCON6791

I guess when you don't really have any options other than getting creative, you could do worse. Not going to ask why they have a cardboard cutout of Danny DeVito, though.

Somebody made a serial killer gingerbread man, complete with a sack full of "body parts."

Reddit | ilovesheep

As one does.

You know, as odd a creation as this is, I also would watch a parody of Mindhunter starring this twisted little thing.

Admit it, you read it in his voice.

Reddit | m20thesailorman

This is so stupid and it made me laugh so hard. Wow, I am such a simple man sometimes.

When the Christmas card has to include the whole family.

Reddit | asyouwissssh

For those who might want to make their own horse pajamas for a Christmas photo shoot, she says her horse is wearing "a 7xl men’s set I cut the back of and shoe lace strung it together, then used the pants to cover it."

Stealing Christmas is much harder than just stealing a police cruiser.

Reddit | chalillianaire

Although something tells me he should have just stuck with the dog-pulled sleigh. But all the Whos down in Whoville will sleep better knowing that the law is finally on the lookout for the Grinch.

When your daughter drops truth bombs for Christmas.

Reddit | stefanfection

Makes you wonder what sort of things all those mall Santas hear. How often do you think it gets seriously awkward?

So, somebody designed and built a female-modeled nutcracker that uses a very different method of cracking nuts.

Reddit | billlagr

You just know this is going to get some comments. It has to. I don't know if it was made to get comments, but boy howdy, it's going to start some conversations.

This isn't how I would have chosen to spread joy in the holiday season.

Reddit | BatteryAt10Percent

But maybe that's just because there aren't any pictures of me on the toilet, wearing a facial mask and reading a newspaper. Well, not that I know of, anyway.

Somebody made their own Ric Flair and Ron Swanson themed wrapping paper.

Reddit | SteveRSVLTS

For one thing, I don't know how you make your own wrapping paper, and for another, this is awesome.

Sure, there are no Santas, reindeer, snowflakes, or elves in sight, but is that really a bad thing?

She must have practiced this routine a few times.

Because it's flawless. An undeniably odd celebration of Christmas, all North Pole references aside, but you do have to admire the skill that goes into her routine.

Mrs. Claus has some serious core strength.

If you're going to re-create the Griswold family Christmas, you can't go half-way.

Reddit | EpicShiba

And these folks didn't, including a replica of both Cousin Eddie and his banged-up RV on the lawn.

According to the uploader, the display also included "a chair with the imprint of a cat burned onto the underside, the Griswold family station wagon with an uprooted pine tree on top, the burned-up saucer sled, the cheesy Santa's sleigh decoration, and a state police cruiser on the lawn. If you look closely, you can see Clark stapled to the rain gutter."

I guess some people are content merely bringing home a Griswold-ian Christmas tree.

I think I know which side of this tree will be facing the wall.

What, exactly, has been happening while Santa's away from his workshop?

Reddit | kothhammer12

No, wait, I don't want to know. Just set it adrift on an ice floe and never speak of it again.

So, you want unique ornaments on your tree, you say?

Reddit | sps97grt

I mean, I'm sure there's a market for these, but I find that snowflakes and stars and shiny baubles are enough for my tree at home.

Somebody decorated a lone pine tree out in the woods.

Reddit | ygtjf

And even set up little solar panels to keep it powered. Maybe they thought it would be nice to stumble upon a random Christmas display in the middle of nowhere, but it's really pretty creepy.

I wouldn't be looking underneath for presents.

Okay, as far as DIY advent calendars go, this is brilliant.

Imgur | Lammage01

And leaves zero doubt as to whether they consider Die Hard to be a Christmas movie or not. The really brilliant part is that every day, Hans Gruber gets closer to the ground.

And it's in the same spirit that this guy set up a Nakatomi Plaza candlelight vigil.

Reddit | WorkFriendlyAcct

If the memorial poster behind him doesn't get you, the Twinkies commemorating Al's beloved pastries that get crushed in the movie ought to.

Is it possible to make a gingerbread house that's in bad taste?

Reddit | uhhsamurai

Because this "Gingerbread Trap House" might just qualify. They have somehow managed to make sweets unappetizing.

On the other hand, who says you have to use gingerbread to make a house?

Reddit | dkmackay

This was presented as the "Charcuterie Chalet," and honestly, I would gleefully pick it apart like a villain.

Oh Santa, what have they done to you?

Reddit | xatrinka

Guys, Santa gets milk and cookies, not the stuff you turn milk and cookies into. It's not that hard.

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