
Twitter Thinks Baby Grinch Is Way Cuter Than Baby Yoda

Baby Yoda is all that matters to the world right now.

We all just want cute things in our life, and right now the cute thing is Baby Yoda. Plus, we are just people living in a world that was made for Star Wars, let's be honest.

Right now, Baby Yoda is taking over the internet.

After all, we live in a harsh world, so whenever we can take a moment and just appreciate something adorable and cute, we take that moment and appreciate it for everything it is worth.

But someone (actually, a lot of people) on Twitter brought up something very interesting.

Before the green baby that is Baby Yoda, we had another green baby.

One that was not happy, hated a lot of things and ate plates. Baby Grinch.

It's not an unpopular opinion, either.

There are a lot of people who are under the impression that baby Grinch is the original baby.

We must love and stan only one baby and that's the Grinch.

But, we are a fair people, and we live in a democratic society.

So we are here to ask the most important question of the year.

Which do you think is cuter? Baby Grinch, or Baby Yoda?

Let us know below in the comments!