Youtube | CPSC

Terrifying Viral Video Shows Why Deep-Frying Frozen Turkey Isn’t Safe

You know that phrase "curiosity killed the cat"? Humans are naturally curious creatures, but unlike cats, we don't have nine lives to waste on Thanksgiving cooking stupidity.

Thankfully, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently released a PSA video reminding us about the dangers of trying to jump hoops while cooking holiday dinners.

Ever tried deep-frying a frozen turkey? Spoiler Alert: don't.

The now viral video is meant to be a demonstration on exactly what occurs when you try to quick-fry a frozen turkey.

Youtube | CPSC

Remember that this is a frozen turkey we're talking about—completely thawed turkey is a different ballgame.

The video begins with a frozen turkey being lowered down into a pot of bubbling cooking oil, and oh boy does it go downhill from there.

The demonstration was filmed on a fake porch, so don't worry— no one was actually harmed while making this.

Youtube | CPSC

As soon as the frozen meat comes into contact with the oil, the pot bursts into flames and spits those flames all over the porch, subsequently catching everything around it on fire within seconds.

In their holiday safety guide, the CPSC highlights the importance of not speeding up the cooking process via deep fryer.

Youtube | CPSC

"Since 2004, CPSC is aware of 107 fire or burn incidents involving turkey fryers that have caused 47 injuries and $5.2 million in property loss," their statement reads.

If you are dead set on deep-frying your turkey this holiday season, the CPSC has a few recommendations.

Youtube | CPSC

Make sure to set the deep fryer up outside (yes, outside) as far away from the house as you can. Also ensure that the turkey is thawed completely, and dried as much as possible.

Watch the horrifying demonstration for yourself.

As a long-time scaredy-cat of cooking PSA's, I can say without a doubt that I will not be deep-frying my turkey this year. At least, not without a fire extinguisher close by.

h/t: Yahoo