Getty Images | Jeff Kravitz

14+ Twitter Reactions To Pete Davidson's Half Naked Magazine Cover

There are two reactions to Pete Davidson's cover for Paper Magazine: unabashed thirst, or complete disgust.

There is LITERALLY no in between.

If it ain't broke...

The goal of the cover was to #BreaktheInternet.

Unlike Kim Kardashian's cover, which at least succeeded in doing numbers on social media, Pete's cover has barely made a dent. At the time of writing, the cover has 171 retweets.

I ordered memes, and I got memes.

In case you're wondering why the hell Pete looks like a Ken doll, the writer elaborated on he and Pete's idea:

"It seemed right since tabloids manipulate people in that way, him especially."

The thirst is real.

Anyway, Pete and the article's author, Tommy Dorfman, spent most of their interview dunking on women and people on the Internet, which is kinda wild considering the point of the article. But anyway.


It wasn't just Pete's was Pete.

A lot of Tweets cited the fact that Pete is dating Kaia Gerber. He's 26, she's 18. The source of a lot of the Pete discomfort comes from that age gap.

Why would someone point this out?!

Now I can't unsee it. Who did that messed up editing to Pete's foot? There's no way that's his real foot, right? Like, that would be...a huge foot.

Then again...he is over 6 feet tall.

Bad news...

It was Pete and the writer that collaborated on the idea.

"In a car, on our way to set for his new movie with Judd Apatow, we brainstormed ideas for our upcoming shoot together. I threw out a Ken Doll concept."

This is a timely meme moment.

In case you don't know, that screencap is from a viral thread in which a Twitter user provided the internet with the equivalent of a form letter to send their friends when they can't handle an emotional issue with them.

People did not get it.

It's not Kim and her butt, or BTS dominating, so this issue of Paper basically left people wondering what the point was.

At least the memes were good, am I right?

This is so diplomatic.

It's the online equivalent of "to each their own."

The interesting thing is that this photoshoot was basically for Pete, but it some people into, like, thirst tornadoes. Y'all are wild.


I'm not gonna pretend this isn't exactly what he looks like, okay? I'm not going to do that to you.

Some of the replies to Paper Magazine's Tweet are so...[chef's kiss].

It's true!

All of those tattoos are really Pete's, from the huge shark, to the skull that looks like one of those aliens from Mars Attacks, to the ghost emoji trapped behind a bird cage.


Guys, I have never seen reactions like this. You'd think Pete killed a man, or something.

I mean, do I understand people hating a photoshoot where Pete Davidson doesn't have genitals and is all smooth like a Ken doll? Yes. Am I shocked at the reactions...actually, no.

I just! Lost it!

Please watch that reaction video. The artistry. The editing. The super low quality video that makes you wonder if it came from 1963. The looping. It truly communicates how I feel.

Joke's on us, though.

Getty Images | Jeff Kravitz

Because Pete is never going to see these tweets, and that might be a good thing.

"I'm multiple MEMES. I'm punchlines or set-ups to jokes, so social media's a little different for me. I had to get rid of it." He said.