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Day Care Worker Fired After Adding Nasty Message To Mom's Lunchbox Note

As kids grow up enough to start spending their days away from home, it's understandable that parents would want to ensure their kids are being looked after by someone they can trust.

So while it's certainly possible for teachers and day care workers to receive excessive messages of concern from parents, it's natural to want to check in and make sure their children are in a positive environment.

Although this usually has to do with how the little ones are getting along with other kids, it's not unheard of for the child's relationship with the authority figures present to also become a matter of concern.

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And while many of us can remember at least one teacher who seemingly hated us for no reason, they weren't often as brazen about it as one Texas day care worker appeared to be.

Until recently, Francesca Easdon of Kingwood, Texas had enrolled her son Kyler at Rocking Horse Day Care.

Facebook | Francesca Easdon

As she wrote on Facebook, she had previously communicated with this day care center's staff about changes she was planning to make in Kyler's nutrition.

As is common among young children, Kyler is apparently a picky eater.

Facebook | Francesca Easdon

So in the interest of ensuring his diet remains balanced and has a positive effect his development, Easdon recently began introducing healthier options in his lunches.

As this can be an adjustment for young children, she also left a note intended to make Kyler smile.

Facebook | Francesca Easdon

But rather than let him know what the note said, it seems that the worker who received it wanted to make their refusal to do as asked clear.

As we can see, this also included an unkind remark about Kyler's weight.

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Even if an issue in the relationship between Easdon and the day care staff had previously existed, that's no excuse for this kind of response.

Unsurprisingly, this reply enraged Easdon and she immediately reached out to the day care's director.

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As she wrote, she was assured that the matter was being investigated.

Easdon had also addressed some apparently inappropriate public Facebook posts made by Kyler's primary carer.

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However, she also came away from the meeting with the director with the impression that "almost no remorse was shown."

Apparently, the employee who left the message eventually confessed.

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This led to their firing, but Easdon wasn't made aware of any response to the Facebook aspect of her complaint.

And so, she came away from this situation feeling as though the daycare staff was not particularly remorseful for what happened.

For these reasons, Easdon opted to remove Kyler from Rocking horse Day Care.

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She also wrote that she had since enrolled him in a different facility.

Although this new location is apparently more expensive, she said that "Kyler’s safety and level of care comes first."

h/t: Facebook | Francesca Easdon