Broadway Star SHUTS DOWN Jealous Wannabe Actor 👏

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🎭 Get ready for a showstopping tale of Broadway dreams, career changes, and one man's relentless quest to outshine a former child star! 🌟 As a young girl, I had a taste of the spotlight on the Great White Way, but as I grew older, I realized my true calling was behind the scenes. 📚 Now, I'm happily pursuing my passions, but a certain someone just can't seem to let go of the past. 😅 Buckle up, because this story is about to take center stage! 🎤

🎭 From Broadway Baby to Archivist Extraordinaire! 📚

throwawaybwaybaby | throwawaybwaybaby

🕵️‍♀️ Staying Low-Key and Loving It! 😎

throwawaybwaybaby | throwawaybwaybaby

🙅‍♀️ Saying Goodbye to the Spotlight 🎤

throwawaybwaybaby | throwawaybwaybaby

🎭 Still a Theatre Lover, But Behind the Scenes 🎧

throwawaybwaybaby | throwawaybwaybaby

😒 Enter Jim, the Jealous Thespian 🎭

throwawaybwaybaby | throwawaybwaybaby

🙄 Jim's One-Upmanship Begins! 🎭

throwawaybwaybaby | throwawaybwaybaby

🤷‍♀️ Wishing Jim Well, Despite the Weirdness 😅

throwawaybwaybaby | throwawaybwaybaby

🤨 Jim's Weird Flex Continues 💪

throwawaybwaybaby | throwawaybwaybaby

😊 Hoping for the Best for Jim 🤞

throwawaybwaybaby | throwawaybwaybaby

😂 Calling Out Jim's Competitive Side 🤭

throwawaybwaybaby | throwawaybwaybaby

😳 Oops, Did I Embarrass Jim? 🙊

throwawaybwaybaby | throwawaybwaybaby

🤔 AITA for Calling Out Jim's Competitiveness? 🤷‍♀️

throwawaybwaybaby | throwawaybwaybaby

🎭 The Curtain Falls on Jim's Broadway Bravado! 😂

Well, well, well, it looks like Jim's Broadway bravado has finally taken its final bow! 🎭 Despite our leading lady's graceful exit from the spotlight, Jim just couldn't resist the urge to steal the show with his off-Broadway brags. 🙄 But our heroine wasn't about to let him hog the limelight! With a witty one-liner and a chuckle, she called out Jim's competitive streak and left him speechless. 😳 Now, the internet is buzzing with reactions to this dramatic showdown. 🎤 Will Jim take a final curtain call on his one-upmanship, or will he continue to chase the ghost of our leading lady's past? 👻 Let's see what the internet thinks of this Broadway brouhaha! 🍿

Jealous actor embarrasses himself and blames Broadway star NTA 👏

Mera1506 | Mera1506

Redditor defends Broadway star shutting down jealous actor 👏

EscalatingEris | EscalatingEris

Former child actor shuts down insecure wannabe actor 👏

Lord_Blackstar | Lord_Blackstar

Shutting down a jealous actor - NTA and it worked 👏

caripoi | caripoi

Fragile ego exposed: Broadway star shuts down wannabe actor 👏

Virulencer | Virulencer

Jealous actor's terrible attitude towards child actor on Broadway. NTA

Mars1040 | Mars1040

Jealous actor gets shut down, blames the victim. 🙄

[deleted] | [deleted]

Insecure wannabe actor gets served by Broadway star 💯

CaroAurelia | CaroAurelia

Broadway star embarrasses inappropriate actor. NTA prevails. 👏

amitathrowa | amitathrowa

A lesson on overcoming jealousy and being happy for others. 👏

BabserellaWT | BabserellaWT

Jealous actor's plan backfires, NTA calls the shots 👏

ScammerC | ScammerC

Jealous actor put in place by confident Broadway star 👏

Interesting_Fall767 | Interesting_Fall767

Toxic culture in performing arts led to quitting 😭

RumHamHavoc | RumHamHavoc

Dreaming of an archival career? You're not alone! NTA.

ZennMD | ZennMD

Gently shutting down jealous actor. NTA 🙌

Narshalla | Narshalla

Being in the ensemble is just as important as the lead 👏

twilipig | twilipig

Sending an aloe plant as a peace offering 🌿 NTA wins

Robot941 | Robot941

Jealousy can be flattering, but it's not an excuse for rudeness. #NTA

Feeling-better2day | Feeling-better2day

No competition, just jealousy 😒

intervarsity | intervarsity

Congrats on the impressive jobs! NTA for shutting down jealousy.

sylvatron | sylvatron

Assertive NTA shuts down wannabe actor's jealousy 👏

BrazilNut33626 | BrazilNut33626

Middle school theater vs Broadway star? No competition. 🎭👏 #NTA

speedstars | speedstars

Don't sweat the small stuff, call out the drama llama 😉

MeltingALittle | MeltingALittle

NTA shuts down immature wannabe actor 👏

thatonepersoniam | thatonepersoniam

Jealous wannabe actor gets shut down by Broadway star. 👏

MageVicky | MageVicky

Broadway fan shuts down jealous wannabe with class. NTA 👏

dennismullen12 | dennismullen12

Actor shuts down wannabe with subtle acting critique 👏

DeltaBlep | DeltaBlep

Encouraging comment on pursuing a PhD and current career 😊

Sea_Marble | Sea_Marble

Aspiring archivist seeks career advice after NTA shuts down wannabe actor.

Mando_The_Moronic | Mando_The_Moronic

Sassy theater kid shuts down wannabe actor's snobby behavior 👏

trans_mask | trans_mask

Standing up for yourself is not embarrassing, NTA 🙌

Thomaspappya | Thomaspappya

Don't compare yourself to a child and denigrate others. NTA 👏

iseeisayibe | iseeisayibe

Actor shuts down jealous wannabe and gets NTA support 👏

djblli | djblli

Child actors may not grow up to be famous, NTA comment.

Sexycornwitch | Sexycornwitch

When jealousy backfires 💥 NTA shuts down wannabe actor

MurchadhCainneach | MurchadhCainneach

Broadway success at young age leads to jealousy and bitterness. 😠

MesWantooth | MesWantooth

Actor shuts down jealous colleague's rude behavior. NTA.

re_nonsequiturs | re_nonsequiturs

NTA. Insecurity can drive people to act like douches 🤬

[deleted] | [deleted]

Advice for actors: play the game, be humble, hustle hard 💪

backupbitches | backupbitches

High school drama vibes, OP is cool, NTA 🎭❤️

Farfalle6 | Farfalle6

Normalize acknowledging jealousy and emotions to ease embarrassment. 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Raising one eyebrow is a powerful tool 😎 NTA wins!

Terpsichorean_Wombat | Terpsichorean_Wombat

Broadway star shuts down wannabe actor's pretentious behavior. NTA.

NeverRarelySometimes | NeverRarelySometimes

Actor defends herself against jealous wannabe with class 👏

Dana07620 | Dana07620

Jealousy knows no age. 🙄 NTA shuts down wannabe actor

shades-of-gray312 | shades-of-gray312

Grammar police strikes again! 📝

ashpanda24 | ashpanda24

Being petty never pays off 👍

TheCockatoo | TheCockatoo

NTA shuts down jealous actor with perfect response 👏

DrDiarrhea | DrDiarrhea

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