Her First Time Had to Be PERFECT... But He Said NO! 😠

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Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a juicy tale of a virgin's dilemma that's sure to get your engines revving! 🔥 Our 18+ heroine finds herself in a sticky situation with an older guy who's eager to pop her cherry. 🍒 But there's a twist! 😱 She's got a kinky side that needs to be satisfied, and vanilla just won't cut it. 🙅‍♀️🍦 Will she stick to her guns and demand her pleasure be prioritized? 💪 Or will she give in to his virgin fantasy? 🤔 Let's dive in and find out! 🏊‍♀️

🔥 Spicy Virginity Talk on a First Date! 😳

Areapeiceofpoop | Areapeiceofpoop

🍝 Dinner Date Takes an Unexpected Turn! 🍷

Areapeiceofpoop | Areapeiceofpoop

😲 Plot Twist: Virgin in Disguise! 👗

Areapeiceofpoop | Areapeiceofpoop

🎯 Older Guy's Ultimate Fantasy Unlocked? 🔓

Areapeiceofpoop | Areapeiceofpoop

⚠️ Kinky Complication Enters the Chat! 😈

Areapeiceofpoop | Areapeiceofpoop

🙅‍♀️ No Vanilla for This Virgin! 🍦

Areapeiceofpoop | Areapeiceofpoop

🤷‍♂️ Kink Compromise or No Intercourse? 🚫

Areapeiceofpoop | Areapeiceofpoop

🙅‍♂️ Older Guy Says: My Way or the Highway! 🛣️

Areapeiceofpoop | Areapeiceofpoop

🗣️ Virgin Stands Her Ground: My Pleasure Matters! 💪

Areapeiceofpoop | Areapeiceofpoop

😡 Older Guy Throws a Tantrum! 👶

Areapeiceofpoop | Areapeiceofpoop

📱 Ghosted After Apology Texts! 👻

Areapeiceofpoop | Areapeiceofpoop

🚨 Virgin's Kink Ultimatum Leads to Ghosting! 👻

Well, well, well... looks like our virgin heroine found herself in quite the pickle! 😳 She thought she'd found a guy who could fulfill her kinky desires, but he had other plans. 😈 He was all about that virgin fantasy and wasn't willing to compromise. 🙅‍♂️ Our girl stood her ground, refusing to let her first time be anything less than mind-blowing. 🤯💥 But the older guy threw a tantrum, called her selfish, and stormed off! 😡 Now she's left wondering if she made the right choice. 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this spicy situation! 🌶️🗣️

Dump him! You deserve better. 👍

bawtatron2000 | bawtatron2000

Engaging in kink for first time not healthy, creepy age gap.

Lorhan_Set | Lorhan_Set

Age gap, virginity obsession, and red flags - run away! 😠

RantyMcThrowaway | RantyMcThrowaway

NTA, but the fascination with virgins is creepy 😑

Kenvan19 | Kenvan19

Starting slow might be the key to exploring new things 👍

Ashamed-Flounder-968 | Ashamed-Flounder-968

Run away now! 🏃‍♀️ Don't let him guilt trip you. 😠

slendermanismydad | slendermanismydad

Run, girl! He's a disgusting predator who only cares about himself 💪🏼

Kathrynlena | Kathrynlena

Take it slow and prioritize your comfort over his kinks. 😊

kgbjay | kgbjay

Virginity is not a prize for men to claim. NTA.

not-elvira | not-elvira

Don't let a selfish partner pressure you into anything 😠

Teneluxio | Teneluxio

Dump him 💔 Your virginity, your choice. Don't settle for less.

Lord_Twilight | Lord_Twilight

NTA. Don't let this a**hole ruin your first time. 😠

Bibliophile_w_coffee | Bibliophile_w_coffee

Experience trumps kinks when losing virginity 😉

Hopoffmysack | Hopoffmysack

"Disregarding your feelings makes me happier." 🙄

Impossible-Heart3128 | Impossible-Heart3128

Guy fetishizes her virginity and calls her selfish, immature. 🚩

gaurddog | gaurddog

A warning against fetishizing kinks, with a YTA verdict.

EmptyPomegranete | EmptyPomegranete

Respectful NTA for setting boundaries, but he's TA for fetishizing.

SockMaster9273 | SockMaster9273

Red flag: controlling and creepy behavior. Find someone else. 👍

Equal-Brilliant2640 | Equal-Brilliant2640

Don't compromise on your comfort for someone else's fantasies. 🙌

BlackMoonBird | BlackMoonBird

Exploring kinks without losing virginity: wise or unwise? 🤔

VengeanceBee | VengeanceBee

Partner's fetish doesn't justify manipulative behavior. NTA.

TeddingtonMerson | TeddingtonMerson

Controversial comment calls out questionable virginity story with skepticism. 🤔

IDontEvenCareBear | IDontEvenCareBear

Curious commenter wants details on kinky preferences 😏

Pazuzuspecker | Pazuzuspecker

Prioritizing your partner's pleasure is essential. You deserve better 🙌

Unsyr | Unsyr

Dump him and don't look back. 👋

Dom-Luck | Dom-Luck

First time jerk wants pleasure only for himself. Block him. 😡

Gloomy-Razzmatazz548 | Gloomy-Razzmatazz548

Mismatched kinks led to a stalemate. Look for compatible partners instead. 🔍

CPVigil | CPVigil

Dump him! 🚮 You deserve better than someone who belittles you.

brerid8 | brerid8

He's prioritizing his own fantasy over yours. 🤨

NetMiddle1873 | NetMiddle1873

Setting boundaries is important, NTA for refusing. He's the a**hole.

petulafaerie_III | petulafaerie_III

Gender stereotypes challenged in comment, no replies.

faulty_rainbow | faulty_rainbow

Don't let him objectify you! Stick to your convictions 💪

Regular_Boot_3540 | Regular_Boot_3540

Selfish guy making it about himself. Get away from him.

Simple-Ad1028 | Simple-Ad1028

Dodging a bullet 💥💥 - You're NTA for standing up for yourself.

TCGislife | TCGislife

No sex? No problem. You're not the a**hole here. 😊

crusty_booger | crusty_booger

First date disaster! Run, OP, run! 👋🏼

Key_Ad9580 | Key_Ad9580

Sarcastic comment with no replies. 🙄

Objective-Ganache114 | Objective-Ganache114

Protect your first time, not his ego. 🚫

Outrageous_Truck4948 | Outrageous_Truck4948

Virgin with a unique kink desire, RIP their inbox 😳

VariableVeritas | VariableVeritas

Dump him, he's selfish and NTA for wanting a special first time 🙌

RicoRN2017 | RicoRN2017

Run away from the creepy older dude and seek therapy 🙌

Live_Industry_1880 | Live_Industry_1880

Prioritize your comfort in your first time. Dump him 👍

Big_Zucchini_9800 | Big_Zucchini_9800

Leave that selfish jerk and find someone who values you! 💪

wpnsc | wpnsc

He's only interested in taking someone's v-card and his pleasure 😒

Buttercup_Bride | Buttercup_Bride

Finding someone willing to make your first time special is important 💕

painterlyjeans | painterlyjeans

Don't let him make your first time about HIM 😠

one98nine | one98nine

You don't owe anyone sex. Say no for *any* reason. ✋

SpideyFan914 | SpideyFan914

Internet's impact on kinks and virginity. 🤯

littlebonebigbone | littlebonebigbone

A disgusting demand for 'perfect' virginity is a huge NOPE 😞

Mamapalooza | Mamapalooza

Red flag alert 🚩 Pig objectifies virgin, commenter calls out behavior

I_ship_it07 | I_ship_it07

Don't let anyone pressure you into giving up your virginity! 🙌 Red flags!

Munks1392 | Munks1392

Virginity doesn't mean you know your kinks, focus on love 💖

Danishall | Danishall

NTA, move on and find someone who respects your desires 👍

-ghostCollector | -ghostCollector

Red flag alert! Obsession with virginity is gross 😠

Few_Improvement_6357 | Few_Improvement_6357

Empowering reminder to prioritize personal choices and boundaries. 💪

bigscottius | bigscottius

A reality check on the expectations of losing virginity 😂

sparksgirl1223 | sparksgirl1223

Supportive comment, condemns toxic behavior and age gap.

TheUnkindledLives | TheUnkindledLives

Look for someone who puts your needs first 👍

Acrobatic_Set8085 | Acrobatic_Set8085

Virginity is a social construct. Your body, your choice! 👏

burnthosebridges | burnthosebridges

Red flags in the relationship 🚩🚩🚩

STLR043 | STLR043

NTA for wanting to choose your own first time partner. Partner is gross for treating virginity like a prize. However, commenter believes kink of degrading partner is problematic and requires therapy.

crimson777 | crimson777

Narcissistic guy with giant body count? Run away, girl! 👋🏻

Holdthestock2020 | Holdthestock2020

Body count taboo: Better to not ask or tell? 🤔

proper1welve | proper1welve

Virginity obsession: NTA called out for bizarre behavior 😒

Waste-Dragonfly-3245 | Waste-Dragonfly-3245

Is this kink too spicy? Let's hear your thoughts! 🌶️

Nedonomicon | Nedonomicon

Putting your pleasure first: Reasonable or selfish? 🤔

Vortimmiss | Vortimmiss

Considerations for first-time degradation in a humorous tone 😜

Richs_Baby | Richs_Baby

Red flag: no mention of kink, sex isn't perfect. BTAH.

Datguy3465 | Datguy3465

Kinks in first sexual encounter may not work in reality 😱

wimwood | wimwood

Respectful advice on a delicate situation. Move on and good luck 👍

Odd_Welcome7940 | Odd_Welcome7940

Sassy reply shuts down OP's gift request for good 😎

Still_Succotash5012 | Still_Succotash5012

Skeptical comment raises an eyebrow 🤔

VettedEntertainment | VettedEntertainment

Suspicious older partner may have wanted to fulfill fantasy 🤔

Significant_Aerie322 | Significant_Aerie322

Navigating kink in a first sexual encounter: unrealistic expectations or dealbreaker? 🤔

Certain-Sock-7680 | Certain-Sock-7680

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