Wife Expects Husband to Raise Her Assailant's Baby 😱

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Buckle up, folks! 😱 We've got a heart-wrenching tale that'll leave you on the edge of your seat. 💔 A loving couple's world is turned upside down when a devastating assault leads to an unexpected pregnancy. 🤰 The husband is faced with an impossible choice: raise a child that isn't his or walk away from the woman he loves. 😢 Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions as we dive into this gut-wrenching dilemma! 🎢

😱 A Devastating Dilemma: Wife Pregnant from Assault! 💔

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🚨 Tragedy Strikes: Wife Traumatized by Heinous Act 😢

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💥 Bombshell News: Wife Pregnant with Assailant's Baby! 😳

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🙅‍♂️ Husband Hesitant: 'I Won't Raise That Baby' 😕

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👶 Fears of Resentment: Will History Repeat Itself? 😥

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📝 Husband's Conditions: 'I'll Help, But...' 🤔

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🚫 Wife Agrees to Some Terms, But Not All 😬

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🤰 Husband's Plea: 'I Want My Own Child' 😞

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🚪 Ultimatum Given: Baby or Divorce 😰

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👥 Family Divided: Sister Suggests Adoption and Divorce 🤯

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👀 Husband's Reasoning: 'The Baby Will Look Different' 😳

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🧬 Genetic Differences: 'He's Going to Know He's White' 😬

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😱 Assault, Pregnancy, and an Impossible Choice: What Would You Do? 🤔

Well, well, well... this is quite the predicament! 😳 Our poor husband is stuck between a rock and a hard place. 🪨 His wife wants to keep the baby conceived from her assault, but he's not sure he can handle raising a child that isn't his. 👶 To make matters worse, he wants a biological child of his own, but his wife isn't keen on the idea. 🙅‍♀️ It's a real mess, folks! 🤯 The husband has given his wife an ultimatum: agree to his terms or face divorce. 😰 Let's see what the internet has to say about this heart-wrenching situation... 👀

Protecting your family from a rapist's baby ✔

Specialist_Passage83 | Specialist_Passage83

Man not obligated to raise wife's assailant's baby. Divorce advised. 😱

Sweaty-School1185 | Sweaty-School1185

Wanting no involvement in raising your wife's assailant's baby 😬

shammy_dammy | shammy_dammy

NAH situation: wife not required to terminate, husband not required to raise.

effinnxrighttt | effinnxrighttt

Heartfelt comment offers support for difficult situation 😢

Jaded-Kitty87 | Jaded-Kitty87

Dealing with aftermath of SA: Wife's right vs. husband's feelings.

clearheaded01 | clearheaded01

Deciding not to raise an SA assailant's child? NTA 💯

jjwax | jjwax

Legal issues with agreeing not to pay for non-biological child 😓

Fluffy_Doubt6252 | Fluffy_Doubt6252

Divorce now to avoid being on the hook for child support 😱

thankuhexed | thankuhexed

Legal and custody issues to consider when raising assailant's baby

Little_Syphii | Little_Syphii

Important caveat: Being a 'stepdad' to this baby is complicated 🤔

LadyFoxfire | LadyFoxfire

Navigating a complex situation with empathy and no blame. 🙏

CatPlayGame | CatPlayGame

Professional help needed to navigate sensitive situation 🙌

Wattaday | Wattaday

Supportive comment suggests therapy for complex and emotional situation 👍

i_kill_plants2 | i_kill_plants2

Legal advice for a tough situation. NAH

Chaoticgood790 | Chaoticgood790

Discussion on using 'sexual assault' vs 'rape', NAH consensual.

todayithinkthis | todayithinkthis

User suggests child is better off without 'honest' father. 😞

flobaby1 | flobaby1

Husband wants biological child & rejects wife's SA child. YTA 😱

Winter-eyed | Winter-eyed

Divorce might be the best option for all involved parties. 🙅

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Stern advice to a potential step-parent 😔

JohnExcrement | JohnExcrement

Complicated legal situation with potential rapist paternal rights. Seek counsel 👨‍💻📁

IthurielSpear | IthurielSpear

Insensitive ultimatum to rape survivor, leave and get a divorce. 😢

CoveCreates | CoveCreates

A scathing comment on the husband's selfishness and cruelty 😱

EMWerkin | EMWerkin

A plea for empathy towards a traumatized SA survivor and her unborn child 😢

Practical_Expert_240 | Practical_Expert_240

Empathetic comment shows support for assault survivor 😢

Necessary_Range_3261 | Necessary_Range_3261

The wife's trauma and circumstances may be clouding her judgement 😔

raonstarry | raonstarry

Support and empathy for wife's difficult situation 😢❤️

agbellamae | agbellamae

Difficult situation, but wife needs support and empathy from husband. 💔

Aadorabledead | Aadorabledead

Man criticized for being unsupportive of wife's situation 😔

Michelle_Ann_Soc | Michelle_Ann_Soc

User argues against treating wife's rape baby as stepchild 😔

marchcrow | marchcrow

Husband's need for bio child challenges support for wife's decision 🤷‍♂️

musixlife | musixlife

Protect yourself, get a paternity test and lawyer up 🙌

JuliaX1984 | JuliaX1984

Incompatibility and empathy in a tough situation. 💔

Cybermagetx | Cybermagetx

Complicated arrangement with potential impact on child's perception 🤔

Ok_Effect_5287 | Ok_Effect_5287

NTA or YTA? Comment sparks debate on supporting assault victims' choices.

Milamelted | Milamelted

Commit or leave: raising someone else's baby is not for you 🙅

starwatcher16253647 | starwatcher16253647

OP criticized for wanting wife to have another baby after assault trauma. YTA.

wrenwynn | wrenwynn

Empathetic comment warns OP about being called an a**hole.

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Supportive reply encourages husband to consider wife's trauma and vows 🙏

FiddleStyxxxx | FiddleStyxxxx

Suggests medical attention for wife, discourages selfish thoughts ⚠️

Carolann0308 | Carolann0308

Legal rights of the assailant's child. Mentally exhausting situation. 😱

HubbaBubba454 | HubbaBubba454

Favoritism towards bio kid not fair to stepchild 😔

Ashamed_Blackberry55 | Ashamed_Blackberry55

Man unwilling to raise wife's assailant's baby. Commenter calls him YTA.

tinytomagotchi | tinytomagotchi

Husband gets called out for leaving wife after SA pregnancy.

jinjur719 | jinjur719

A judgemental comment with some valid points. YTA for giving ultimatum.

WorseDark | WorseDark

Controversial take: YTA for assuming she'll resent the child 🤷‍♂️

Francl27 | Francl27

Choosing to abandon your wife and her child is a**hole move 😠

Theletterkay | Theletterkay

Redditor calls out husband for lack of empathy towards wife's trauma 😕

SaskiaDavies | SaskiaDavies

User calls out husband for immaturity and macho BS. 🚫

ejmnerding | ejmnerding

User calls out TA for lack of empathy. Ouch 🤨

Academic_Eagle_4001 | Academic_Eagle_4001

User warns against staying with wife and raising baby 👶

CarelessSeries1596 | CarelessSeries1596

Supportive comment urges leaving toxic relationship for wife's sake 👍

Wild_Ad1498 | Wild_Ad1498

Take responsibility and man up, YTA. Consider the child's wellbeing 👨🏻‍🎤 and seek legal advice 👨🏻‍💻.

Tracking4321 | Tracking4321

Divorce advice and DNA test suggestion. NTA. 🙌

MtnMoose307 | MtnMoose307

Heartbreaking situation for all, focus on supporting the innocent child 💕

Average_JoeNI | Average_JoeNI

Spouse wants to raise assailant's baby, but is NAH. Financial responsibility varies by state. Ancestry DNA may reveal attacker's identity.

ksarahsarah27 | ksarahsarah27

Debate over husband's support for wife raising assailant's baby 🤔

Ok-Chemistry9933 | Ok-Chemistry9933

Biological kids disagreement: a dealbreaker for relationships? 🤔

Legitimate-Ice-8435 | Legitimate-Ice-8435

Prioritizing the child over your own relationship isn't always right 😞


NTA for not wanting to raise her assailant's baby 🙅

verticaldispute420 | verticaldispute420

User doubts SA story and says NTA for not raising baby.

Lep202 | Lep202

Having different desires for children can be a deal-breaker 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Powerful advice for irresponsible parents. 👍

Moon_Beam89 | Moon_Beam89

Respectful approach to a tragic situation 💗

StephPlaysGames | StephPlaysGames

Time to cut ties before the baby is born. 👍 Good luck!

Far_Prior1058 | Far_Prior1058

Raising a sexual assaulter's child? NTA, find a new relationship. 🤔

Ninjurk | Ninjurk

Beware! Child support payments cannot be waived by your wife.

boomzgoesthedynamite | boomzgoesthedynamite

Insensitive comment, lacks empathy and understanding of sexual assault.

Inevitable-Object228 | Inevitable-Object228

Choosing not to raise a rape baby is a legitimate dealbreaker 😱

Autumn_Forest_Mist | Autumn_Forest_Mist

NTA, but if no compromise is reached, consider divorce. 🙅

North_Risk3803 | North_Risk3803

Setting boundaries is important. Know your legal obligations too 👍

rozina076 | rozina076

Compromise failed. NTA. It's okay to walk away. 🤢

Know_1_7777777 | Know_1_7777777

NAH. Move on. No demands or involvement necessary. 👍

harbinger06 | harbinger06

Concerned commenter questions wife's nonchalant attitude towards assault.

forever17708 | forever17708

NTA for not raising her assailant's baby. Move on.

Caesar_TG | Caesar_TG

Debate over wife's assault and potential infidelity 🤔

therealknic21 | therealknic21

Choosing to raise your partner's assailant's baby? Tough decision 🤔

Auhaden72190 | Auhaden72190

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