Librarian Tells Friend He CAN'T Be a Librarian - Because of His 'HORRIBLE Attitude'! 😠

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Diply | Diply

🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale straight from the stacks! 📚 Our protagonist, a 27-year-old librarian, is about to spill the tea on a friend who wants to join the ranks of the book-loving elite. 🫖 But there's a twist! 😱 This friend has some pretty controversial views on who should be allowed to browse the shelves. 😠 Get ready for a wild ride filled with drama, shock, and a whole lot of shushing! 🤫 Let's dive in and see if our librarian was right to call out her friend's problematic attitude! 👀

📚 Librarian Life: Not Just Books & Silence! 🤫

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

🙌 All Are Welcome in This Library! 🤗

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

🚫 Disturbance? You're Out! Otherwise, Come On In! 😊

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

💉 Opioid Crisis Hits Close to Home 😢

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

🤝 Library Steps Up as Community Resource 💪

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

👀 Friend Wants to Be a Librarian? Tell Me More! 📖

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

😱 Friend's Shocking Response: "Good People Only"? 😠

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

😲 Librarian Shocked by Friend's Attitude! 😤

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

🗣️ Librarian Tells It Like It Is: "Job's Not For You!" 😒

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

🤨 Mutual Friend Calls Librarian Rude? 🙄

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

🤯 Librarian Feels Like She's Going Crazy! 😵

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

🎓 Librarians Need More Than Just a Love of Books! 📚

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

👩‍💼 Librarians Wear Many Hats! 🎩

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

👶 Children's Librarians Are Superheroes! 🦸‍♀️

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

💼 Librarianship: A True Professional Field 👔

librarycardhavefun | librarycardhavefun

😱 Librarian Calls Out Friend's Shocking Views! 📢

Well, well, well! 👀 Looks like our librarian friend found herself in quite the pickle! 🥒 She was just trying to help a pal out with some career advice, but little did she know, her friend had some pretty messed up ideas about who should be allowed in the library. 😠 Our protagonist didn't hold back, telling her friend straight up that his attitude was horrible and that the job wasn't for him. 🙅‍♀️ But then, plot twist! 😲 The friend blew up and started vaguely posting about "people who try and ruin your goals" on social media. 🙄 A mutual friend even had the audacity to call our librarian rude! 😤 Can you believe it? 🤯 Let's see what the internet thinks of this wild situation... 🌐

Being a librarian is more than just having knowledge 📚

vanillaSprout | vanillaSprout

Librarian defends the increasing social and community service aspect of libraries.

catticusbutticus | catticusbutticus

Defending against unfair accusations with wit and sarcasm. 😏

amitathrowa | amitathrowa

Inclusivity is key in public libraries. NTA for upholding it.

burningphoenixwings | burningphoenixwings

Qualifications for 'good people only' library policy questioned 🤔

Mrzlivec90 | Mrzlivec90

Librarians agree: honesty is the best policy. 😊

FastidiousKingdoms | FastidiousKingdoms

Defending homeless people, calling out disgusting judgement. 💯

LadyKeldana | LadyKeldana

Librarians spread knowledge, not hoard it. NTA agrees.

atomicalex0 | atomicalex0

NTA commenter praises librarians and condemns bad attitudes.

fatgothbitch | fatgothbitch

Realities of the field were conveyed, NTA for warning friend. 👍

ThrowAwayScholar123 | ThrowAwayScholar123

Fellow librarian shuts down toxic views in profession 🙌

Final_Commission4160 | Final_Commission4160

Library discrimination and the need for better librarians 📚

tank5 | tank5

Harsh but true: being a librarian requires a good attitude 😬

BorbIsNotABirbie | BorbIsNotABirbie

Librarian shares the ups and downs of their rewarding job. 👌

winerandwhiner | winerandwhiner

Defending the librarian profession against discriminatory attitudes 💪

Who_cares_now | Who_cares_now

Serving the public means serving them all, NTA stands.

NotHisRealName | NotHisRealName

Librarian stands up for core values of equity and inclusivity. 💪

meeemawww | meeemawww

Career in libraries? Not with that attitude! 📚🤷‍♀️

Lunalunalunaluna1 | Lunalunalunaluna1

Libraries are for everyone – NTA calls out exclusionary views.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Libraries are for the public, not just those with a good attitude 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment tells OP they're an asset to their community 👍

apricotsandolives | apricotsandolives

Library serves as sanctuary for homeless, receives gratitude and donations ❤️

ireallycantrn | ireallycantrn

Libraries are for everyone, eliminating barriers is important. NTA 🙌

NerthGord | NerthGord

Setting the record straight with a rude wake-up call. 😠

RollingKatamari | RollingKatamari

Friend's elitism harms his ability to serve as a librarian 😔

OftheSea95 | OftheSea95

Exploring alternatives to overcome librarian job obstacles 🤔

coatrack68 | coatrack68

Access to library resources is crucial for economically disadvantaged patrons. NTA.

Vorlage | Vorlage

Being a librarian means being a servant to the people 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Defending the importance of non-judgmental librarians with a 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend with 'horrible attitude' gets reality check about being librarian 😎

miasabine | miasabine

Being a librarian requires dealing with people you might not want to.

CelikBas | CelikBas

A heartfelt appreciation for the power of libraries. 📚

OldPolishProverb | OldPolishProverb

Librarian validates NTA's criticism of unqualified librarians with attitude problems 👍

DunDunnDunnnnn | DunDunnDunnnnn

Attitude problems won't take you far in any profession. 😒

Korrin | Korrin

Community libraries are vital resources for marginalized populations 👏

Frolicking_Trex | Frolicking_Trex

Library was a safe haven for commenter and family with mental issues 📚💻

welliwasemily | welliwasemily

Librarian community supports calling out bad attitude 💪

Lomedraug | Lomedraug

Librarian profession does not need judgy assholes like him 😠

SellQuick | SellQuick

Real talk: NTA calls out bad attitude in librarian dreamer. 💪

OurLadyofHalloween | OurLadyofHalloween

Realistic NTA response shut down rude comment. 💪

MorgainofAvalon | MorgainofAvalon

Homeless patrons behave better than paying customers at library.

ComprehensiveBand586 | ComprehensiveBand586

Good behavior isn't limited to certain demographics. 🤷‍♂️

bowlbettertalk | bowlbettertalk

Treating everyone equally is key to being a great librarian 📚

Girlinalibrary | Girlinalibrary

Encouraging advice to pursue record keeping instead of librarianship.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Saving a friend from a career misfit 👍

numtini | numtini

Treating homeless and addicts as less than human is unacceptable. 👏

Odeiminmukwa | Odeiminmukwa

Aspiring librarian's negative attitude raises eyebrows 😒

daneskelly | daneskelly

A love for working directly with people is a must-have 💛

olcolelo | olcolelo

Gatekeeping at the library? Not cool. NTA for sure! 😎

sopranna23 | sopranna23

Librarian shames colleague for 'horrible attitude' 😠

rocknrollcolawars | rocknrollcolawars

Being a librarian is more than reading books. NTA.

BoundaryStompingMIL | BoundaryStompingMIL

Librarian supports friend not being hired due to their attitude 👍

rawr_temeraire | rawr_temeraire

Libraries are community outreach centres for everyone. NTA.

Djhinnwe | Djhinnwe

NTA. Calling out the double standard in librarian behavior 😎

[deleted] | [deleted]

Being a librarian is serious business 📚. Good ones are needed.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Being a librarian requires handling the public - NTA understands.

quzooh | quzooh

Librarian calls out colleague's 'horrible attitude', NTA for speaking up.

bonesplosion | bonesplosion

Embracing diversity is key in a library. NTA's advice is spot-on.

hisholinessleoxiii | hisholinessleoxiii

Librarians unite! Spot on comment about unwelcome attitudes in libraries 👏

punkalibra | punkalibra

Being NTA, OP is one of the good guys 👍

getyourtombergeron | getyourtombergeron

Libraries are for everyone, NTA has the right attitude! 👏

FleurWeasley | FleurWeasley

Defending public library access against elitist attitudes. 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Library provided a safe space, who knows who you'll inspire! 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Addiction empathy defended against judgmental librarian. NTA.

FlightlessBird97 | FlightlessBird97

Encouraging and helpful advice for steering someone towards a better fit ✌️

Thediciplematt | Thediciplematt

Library gatekeeping at its finest. 🤭

Girlfriend_Material | Girlfriend_Material

Different types of librarianship may suit him better 😊

Racconigi | Racconigi

Giving career advice or crushing dreams? 🤔

Chikari_on_Mixer | Chikari_on_Mixer

Being a librarian requires a welcoming attitude towards everyone 👍

HotSalt3 | HotSalt3

Aspiring librarian shocked by toxic attitude in the industry 🤔

Comipa47 | Comipa47

Attitude is key! 🙌 Thank you for your work. 📚

holisarcasm | holisarcasm

Librarians as superheroes and a great defense of public service. 👏

TeamChaos17 | TeamChaos17

Positive attitude is key to a safe and nurturing space 🙌

MannequinNicCage | MannequinNicCage

Librarian calls friend a dumb-ass for thinking he can be a librarian with a 'HORRIBLE attitude' 😂

tangerinelibrarian | tangerinelibrarian

Attitude is key in a library 🙌🏻

cburling | cburling

Libraries are for everyone, regardless of status or substance use 📚

Sukerius | Sukerius

Defending inclusivity in public libraries and de-stigmatizing addiction. 💪

PenisColada21 | PenisColada21

Serving the community means dealing with grumpy old people too 🤷‍♀️

Red-Droid-Blue-Droid | Red-Droid-Blue-Droid

Librarian shuts down idea of friend being librarian 😂

TershkovaGagarin | TershkovaGagarin

Libraries are for the community, not for bad attitudes 😍

HolidaysApricot | HolidaysApricot

Learning empathy towards the homeless at the library. 📚

[deleted] | [deleted]

Engaging with people who have crappy attitudes can benefit everyone 👍

Niorba | Niorba

The library is a space to just 'be', NTA understood it 😊

Jackthastripper | Jackthastripper

The reality of a job can be different from our expectations 🤔

Silly__Rabbit | Silly__Rabbit

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