She Brags About Being His 'Sugar Momma' - Now He's Making Her PAY 💸😱

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🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of love, money, and a whole lot of drama! 💸💔 Meet our main characters: OP (29M), a hardworking landscape designer, and Maddie (30F), his anesthesiologist girlfriend of 3 years. 👩‍⚕️👨‍🌾 They seem to have it all - a shared home, successful careers, and a 50/50 split on everything. But wait, there's a twist! 😱 Maddie has been painting OP as her 'trophy boyfriend' to family and friends, implying that she's the one supporting their lavish lifestyle. 🏆💰 OP is fed up with the misleading claims and decides to take matters into his own hands. 😤 Get ready for a wild ride filled with family gatherings, vacation vexations, and a restaurant showdown that'll leave you speechless! 🍽️😳

🚨 Trouble in Paradise? 💔

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💰 Money Matters 💸

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🏡 50/50 Split... Or Is It? 🤔

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👪 Family Gathering Fiasco 😳

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🏆 Trophy Boyfriend Label 🙄

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💁‍♀️ Maddie's Misleading Claim 😠

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🌴 Vacation Vexation 😤

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😡 OP's Discomfort Dismissed 😒

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🏠 New Place, New Problems 😕

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🙏 Maddie's Misleading Gratitude 🤥

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👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Parents' Concern 😟

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🏦 Down Payment Dilemma 💸

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🤷‍♀️ Maddie's Dismissive Attitude 😤

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🙅‍♂️ OP's Revenge Plan 😈

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🍽️ Cooking Strike 🚫

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⛽ Gas Money Grab 💸

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🍽️ Restaurant Showdown 😱

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🏆 Trophy Boyfriend Strikes Back 😎

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😶 Maddie's Muted Response 🤐

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🤷‍♂️ OP's Ultimatum 😤

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🏆 Trophy Boyfriend Strikes Back! 😎💸

Well, well, well... looks like OP has had enough of Maddie's 'trophy boyfriend' nonsense! 😤 After months of Maddie implying to family and friends that she's the one supporting their lavish lifestyle, OP decides to give her a taste of her own medicine. 💊💸 He stops paying for EVERYTHING - dates, groceries, gas, you name it! 🙅‍♂️💰 Maddie's starting to get annoyed, but the real showdown happens at a family dinner. 🍽️😱 When the bill arrives, OP hands it straight to Maddie, declaring himself the 'trophy boyfriend' who doesn't pay for things. 🏆😎 Maddie's left speechless, and OP lays down the ultimatum: either she tells everyone the truth, or she keeps footing the bill. 😶💸 Talk about a power move! 💪 Let's see what the internet thinks of this juicy drama! 🌐🍿

OP gets revenge on 'sugar momma' girlfriend, but communication is key 🤷‍♂️

Lady-Radziwill | Lady-Radziwill

Acting like teenagers can tank adult relationships 😱

Palindromer101 | Palindromer101

NTA calls out partner's humblebragging about being breadwinner 👏

nailgun198 | nailgun198

A commenter calls out the original poster for acting 'petulantly' in a sugar momma dynamic. 💰

fzooey78 | fzooey78

Defending the 'Sugar Momma' and calling out insecurities.

Stlhockeygrl | Stlhockeygrl

Don't punish your GF for having more money. YTA 🤑

brownsugahoneyicetea | brownsugahoneyicetea

Misplaced blame on girlfriend's successful career, immature reaction from boyfriend 😑

LlovelyLlama | LlovelyLlama

When making solid money doesn't feel like making solid money 😕

Elegant_Presence_397 | Elegant_Presence_397

Both need to grow up and work on communication 🤪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Healthy communication is key in any relationship 👍

rhaizee | rhaizee

Misunderstanding or manipulation? Commenters debate sugar momma's motives 🤔

Dry_Ad8712 | Dry_Ad8712

Taking a stand against being belittled, NTA shows actions speak louder 👏

shaney1968 | shaney1968

Gender roles reversed, so NTA. Let her be sugar momma.

MarshmelonWitch | MarshmelonWitch

User calls out OP for passive-aggressive behavior towards 'sugar momma'

UsefulCauliflower3 | UsefulCauliflower3

Delusional 'sugar momma' thinks she's paying the lion's share? 🤔

Ilikecosysocks | Ilikecosysocks

Malicious compliance wins, relationship ends, best advice he got. 💯

[deleted] | [deleted]

INFO: If you only wanted a free ride, ESH 👎. If you followed her dynamic, NTA 👍.


YTA called out for fragile ego in sugar momma situation.

ccdayyy | ccdayyy

User advises against pushing 'sugar momma's' buttons, suggests finding gratitude 💰

elmtree18 | elmtree18

Being a 'sugar momma' doesn't mean you can control names. ESH.

mekareami | mekareami

Man accuses girlfriend of being sugar momma, stops paying bills. YTA.

prisonerofazkabants | prisonerofazkabants

A harsh YTA comment with no replies - Ouch 😬

OsterGuard | OsterGuard

Man-child jeopardizes relationship with successful girlfriend. 🤦‍♂️

yangmearo | yangmearo

Petty revenge and lack of communication in toxic relationship 👎🤔

No-Violinist-4035 | No-Violinist-4035

Being passive-aggressive for 4 months won't solve problems. YTA.

perhapsavampire | perhapsavampire

Why passive-aggressively break up? Just communicate honestly 🤔

Agitated_Net3736 | Agitated_Net3736

YTA for being petty instead of talking to your partner 🤷‍♂️

rosecityrose0618 | rosecityrose0618

Being passive aggressive won't solve anything. Communicate like adults. 👍

grow_time | grow_time

Is Maddie really a sugar momma or just a bragger?

Sleeping_Lizard | Sleeping_Lizard

Both wrong. He should've paid bill to show he's independent 💰

gratefulnothateful11 | gratefulnothateful11

He calls her out for being a 'sugar momma', but she pays for everything 🤑😬

An_Anonymous_Acc | An_Anonymous_Acc

Confusing dynamic leads to petty breakup revenge 😱

motherdallas | motherdallas

Communication is key in any relationship 💬🏻

pookguyinc | pookguyinc

OP is called out for being an insecure YTA by commenter.

hurelise | hurelise

Immaturity in a relationship leads to ESH and breakups. 🙅🏻

RedHeaded_Scientist | RedHeaded_Scientist

Malicious compliance at its finest 😎💸

NuttyDounuts14 | NuttyDounuts14

NTA but ESH if you keep being petty. Relationship ender?

Emmiburr | Emmiburr

Breaking up is better than being a petty gold digger ❌💸

creciabeauty | creciabeauty

Sugar momma calls him trophy boyfriend, he makes her pay 🤣

Sisu_dreams | Sisu_dreams

Being the breadwinner is fine, but their communication is terrible 😬

heycomeoverhere | heycomeoverhere

Third party defends Maddie's positive remarks about her partner

Imnotawerewolf | Imnotawerewolf

Couples therapy might be a better solution 👨‍👩‍👦🙋

CalorieCarl | CalorieCarl

Don't be a bully. Let her be proud of her success. 👏

OkMarionberry6677 | OkMarionberry6677

YTA not contributing financially or with chores, what's your worth?

Karenina2931 | Karenina2931

Gender roles shouldn't define your worth. YTA for being insecure.

pandapawprints | pandapawprints

ESH - Mature conversation needed before marriage, or break up 👍

geniusscientist | geniusscientist

Passive-aggressive revenge makes both parties AHs 👻

Superman530 | Superman530

YTA gets a reality check, faces costly consequences 💸😱

herculepoirot4ever | herculepoirot4ever

Communication is key in relationships 👍🏼

katyazamooo | katyazamooo

Passive-aggressive revenge against sugar momma gets mixed reaction 🤔

Texascoastalsunshine | Texascoastalsunshine

User calls out OP for being uncomfortable with partner's income. 💸

go_with_the_floww | go_with_the_floww

Man who makes his 'sugar momma' do housework is YTA 😠

xEnraptureX | xEnraptureX

ESH - Commenter thinks OP's reaction is childish and passive aggressive 😒

sawdeanz | sawdeanz

Angry at being called out, YTA calls partner bad person 😠

Vas-yMonRoux | Vas-yMonRoux

Don't be passive aggressive, communicate your feelings. YTA.

yavanna12 | yavanna12

A scathing reply calling out the man's ego and actions 👊

PrettyShore28 | PrettyShore28

This woman is a boss, making more than her retired husband 💪

shewhomustbeavoided | shewhomustbeavoided

A commenter calls out OP's insecurities and lack of support 💔

Accustone_goope | Accustone_goope

Communication breakdown and pride cause conflict in finances. 💬

thesnugglr | thesnugglr

User accused of being an a**hole for taking advantage

christopherjenk | christopherjenk

ESH, but communication is key. Have an honest talk 👍

azzipmyzip | azzipmyzip

Trophy boyfriend not acting like a prize 😱💯

ABouquetOfCelery | ABouquetOfCelery

Relationship in jeopardy? Time for a heart-to-heart talk 💜

[deleted] | [deleted]

ESH. Lack of communication and maturity is damaging their relationship.

G_Art33 | G_Art33

User calls out OP for being childish and petty 😭

tigerCELL | tigerCELL

Communication and understanding are key to a healthy relationship 😌

ScreamyPeanut | ScreamyPeanut

Relationship doomed after 4 months due to financial imbalance 💸😱

iolight | iolight

Grow up, YTA. She's been supporting you for 4 months.

devilooo | devilooo

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