Postpartum Mom Reveals the REAL Reason She Bailed on BFF's Birthday 👶😢

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🤰 Buckle up, folks! This tale of friendship, motherhood, and birthday drama is about to take you on a wild ride. 🎢 Meet our protagonist, a 35-year-old mom of three who's been through the wringer with her pregnancies. 🤰 From smooth sailing to stormy seas, she's seen it all. But when her BFF's birthday rolls around and exhaustion takes over, will their unbreakable bond survive the fallout? 💔 Grab your popcorn 🍿 and get ready for a story that's equal parts heartbreaking and jaw-dropping! 😱

🤰 A Tale of Three Pregnancies: Smooth Sailing to Stormy Seas 🌊

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😨 Third Time's the Charm? More Like Third Time's the Alarm! 🚨

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🏥 Hospital Horrors: A 2-Week Staycation I Never Wanted 😷

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🦸‍♂️ Husband to the Rescue: My Real-Life Superhero 🌟

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💰 Saving for a Rainy Day... or a Postpartum Stay 💸

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👭 BFFs Since Elementary: The Unbreakable Bond... Until Now? 🤝

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🎂 Birthday Blues: When Exhaustion Crashes the Party 😴

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⏰ The 2 PM Decision: To Party or Not to Party? 🎉

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🤞 Hoping Against Hope: The Last-Minute Cancellation 😔

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😤 The Angry Sigh Heard 'Round the World 🌍

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🏁 Broken Arms and Broken Promises: The 1000-Mile Guilt Trip 🚗

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😡 Tempers Flare: The Low Blow That Went Too Far 💥

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🚫 The Unspoken Pain: Ashley's Inability to Have Kids 💔

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☎️ The Silent Treatment: Apologies Falling on Deaf Ears 📵

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🤔 Hubby's Hot Take: Real Friends Don't Get Mad... Right? 🤷‍♀️

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🎂 Birthday Blowout: When Exhaustion and Emotions Collide 💥

Well, well, well... looks like this birthday celebration turned into a birthday blowout! 🎉💥 Our exhausted mama just wanted to rest and recover, but her BFF was having none of it. 😤 Broken promises, broken arms, and broken friendships – this story has it all! 😱 But when tempers flared and a low blow was dealt, things took a turn for the worse. 😢 Now, with apologies falling on deaf ears and guilt eating away at her, our protagonist is left wondering: did I go too far? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this birthday drama! 🌐 Grab your favorite snack and get ready for some juicy responses – you won't want to miss this! 🍿👀

Choosing health over party okay, but infertility retort not cool. ESH 🤷🏻‍♀️

NotCreativeAtAll16 | NotCreativeAtAll16

User calls out OP as YTA for breaking pact with friend

nemc222 | nemc222

Friend drove 1000 miles with broken arm, but OP is TA 😡

ggcc789 | ggcc789

Insensitive comment earns judgment of YTA with no replies.

dazed1984 | dazed1984

A heated exchange between friends ends with a call for apologies.

Crafty-Gardener | Crafty-Gardener

Friendship over: commenter thinks OP is the a**hole 👋

MindlessNana | MindlessNana

Friendship nuked over last-minute bail on sensitive birthday with YTA

Thisisthenextone | Thisisthenextone

"Infertility used as ammo in argument? YTA!" 👎

SenioritaStuffnStuff | SenioritaStuffnStuff

Friendship fallout: Both parties share equal blame and hurt.

TurboMooseCat | TurboMooseCat

Friendship changes are tough, but name-calling won't help. 👍

MrsWeasley9 | MrsWeasley9

Friend calls out YTA for taunting BFF about not having kids 👎

AlbanyBarbiedoll | AlbanyBarbiedoll

Friend calls out postpartum mom for cancelling last minute. YTA.

SunshineSeriesB | SunshineSeriesB

Last-minute cancellation leads to cruel statement, both parties at fault. 😕

16CatsInATrenchcoat | 16CatsInATrenchcoat

Friend reveals traumatic event to justify bailing on birthday party 😔

MaryAnne0601 | MaryAnne0601

Infertility is a sensitive topic, don't use it as an insult! 🚫

HPNerd44 | HPNerd44

Friend calls out YTA for throwing infertility in her face 🚫👶

Delicious_Log_4130 | Delicious_Log_4130

Friend traveled 1000 miles with broken arm, OP YTA 😠

BrightImagination931 | BrightImagination931

Canceling plans okay, but comment was below the belt. ESH 😑

Both-Fudge1866 | Both-Fudge1866

Friendship fails as postpartum mom misses BFF's birthday party 👶😢


Friend feels neglected, calls out new mom for being selfish 😒

peachiest_of_Los | peachiest_of_Los

Friend thinks OP is an a**hole for last-minute cancellation.

Southern-Ad-4182 | Southern-Ad-4182

YTA for being initially rude, but commenter went too far.

RelevantAd6063 | RelevantAd6063

OP not an a-hole for missing party, but exchange with friend went too far. ESH.

TheBigBluePit | TheBigBluePit

Friend calls out YTA for missing her birthday 👶😢

LadyJusticeThe | LadyJusticeThe

Navigating friendships postpartum can be tough 👶

pixie1947 | pixie1947

Harsh criticism for OP's behavior towards friend's infertility struggles.

OIWantKenobi | OIWantKenobi

Friend calls out OP for being an AH at birthday party 😞

Healthy_Brain5354 | Healthy_Brain5354

Cancelled last minute on BFF's birthday, former friend says YTA 💔

According-Ad-6968 | According-Ad-6968

ESH, commenter suggests better phrasing and criticizes both parties.

magsbrum | magsbrum

Harsh comment accuses OP of being cruel and having a bad influence.

Environmental_Tank_4 | Environmental_Tank_4

Friendship ruined: Postpartum mom called out for intentionally hurting friend 😔

anonblonde911 | anonblonde911

Communication is key- OP was selfish and made a low blow 🚫

pbd1996 | pbd1996

Canceled plans, insults, and low blows lead to lost friendship 😢

Mother_Tradition_774 | Mother_Tradition_774

Both parties acted poorly, but one-upping was unnecessary. 🤷‍♀️

jolandaluna | jolandaluna

A sincere apology can mend the friendship. 🙏

berninbush | berninbush

Friend calls out new mom for bailing on birthday party 👶😢

BluntButHon3st | BluntButHon3st

User calls out OP for being an a**hole friend


Compassionate response to 36-yr-old throwing tantrum over missed bday

Narrow-Somewhere5495 | Narrow-Somewhere5495

Disapproving comment calls out OP's behavior as 'nuclear' 😡

mayfeelthis | mayfeelthis

Friend bails on birthday, gets called out for being AH

CypherBob | CypherBob

Recovering from life-threatening birth experience, OP gets sympathy, NTA.

Prestigious-Bug7145 | Prestigious-Bug7145

User calls out postpartum mom for bailing on BFF's birthday 🎂

Applesbabe | Applesbabe

Friend calls out YTA for disrespecting her time and feelings 😠

ProfessionalPrize215 | ProfessionalPrize215

Critical comment calls out new mom for blaming pregnancy for everything 😬

MamaTumaini | MamaTumaini

Supportive comment defends mother's decision, calls out toxic friend behavior. 💪

thelittlekneesofbees | thelittlekneesofbees

A harsh but honest judgement on a toxic friendship. ESH.

cocomilo | cocomilo

Canceling last minute and bringing up infertility? YTA 😑

ivannacalypso | ivannacalypso

Criticism and concern for postpartum mom's behavior and health 🤔

SomethingWitty2578 | SomethingWitty2578

Friendship woes: Commenter calls out OP for not making effort.

jessicaskies | jessicaskies

Friend shows entitlement, OP's comment went too far. ESH/YTA 🤷‍♀️

dammdarcy | dammdarcy

Both are at fault for their hurtful comments 🥴

BearintheBigJewHouse | BearintheBigJewHouse

Friend is infertile and OP is YTA for rubbing it in.

hopefait3 | hopefait3

Friend called her 'fat ass' and guilt tripped her. NTA.

EtherealMoonGoddess | EtherealMoonGoddess

YTA blames baby for bailing on BFF's birthday, hits hard 😢

Reasonable-Rich6650 | Reasonable-Rich6650

Postpartum mom defends skipping BFF's bday, receives support (NTA) 🤰👶

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend shares insecurity, OP uses it to hurt her. YTA 😠

Aardeehar | Aardeehar

User confused about husband helping postpartum, calls OP TA.

No_Education_4771 | No_Education_4771

Harsh criticism for mom who bailed on BFF's birthday party.

feyre_0001 | feyre_0001

Friend calls out OP for being a flaky YTA 🤨

tyger2020 | tyger2020

Friend was inconsiderate, but OP was intentionally cruel. ESH.

Throwaway-2587 | Throwaway-2587

Canceling last minute and hurtful remarks? YTA confirmed. 🤢

Awkward_Un1corn | Awkward_Un1corn

Disabled commenter defends OP, calls out friend's ableist comments. ESH.

Visible-Chain-2664 | Visible-Chain-2664

Friend calls out YTA for insensitive comment and flaking on BFF's birthday

EmmalouEsq | EmmalouEsq

YTA for not communicating, husband also TA for encouraging you 😔

SturdyBBQ | SturdyBBQ

Friend calls out OP for being a bad friend - YTA 😠

Professional-Ebb4335 | Professional-Ebb4335

Parent-shaming is never okay, and this commenter isn't having it 👊

Ecstatic_Sandwich_38 | Ecstatic_Sandwich_38

Friend calls out OP as YTA and a 'shit person' 😱

hope_and_misery | hope_and_misery

Canceled plans last minute and got called out as YTA.

InfamousFail7 | InfamousFail7

NTA, but apologize after her. Friend should've been more understanding.

shremeithii | shremeithii

YTA, but there's still a chance to make amends 👬🏻💌

ShadynastyLove | ShadynastyLove

Cancelled plans last minute and went for a low blow. YTA 😔

thundery_crow | thundery_crow

Honesty isn't always the best policy 🙄 YTA should have handled it differently.

15021993 | 15021993

Harsh criticism for cancelling friend's birthday using personal injury.

Mountain_Promise_538 | Mountain_Promise_538

Drama unfolds as commenter switches from NTA to YTA.

edorkus | edorkus

YTA called out for being cruel to friend on birthday 😢

greenjericho0077 | greenjericho0077

Friend's entitlement is a red flag. Apology and visit sufficient.

pacifist001 | pacifist001

Friend calls out OP for cancelling last minute and being hurtful 😕

DildoFappings | DildoFappings

Friendship at risk after YTA comment, potential fallout imminent 💔

Givemethecupcakes | Givemethecupcakes

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