"The Village" Is DEAD 💀 Woman Explains Why That's a Good Thing

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🍼 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of a friendship on the rocks, all because of a little thing called "the village." 🏘️ Our protagonist, a modern woman living her best life, finds herself in a sticky situation with her baby-burdened bestie, Bella. 😬 Grab some popcorn and let's dive into this drama-filled saga of changing times, clashing perspectives, and the age-old question: who's the a-hole here? 🍿😈

🍼 Bella's Baby Blues: The Missing Village 🏘️

Potential-Alaska6412 | Potential-Alaska6412

😡 Bella's Bitterness: A Selfish Society? 🌍

Potential-Alaska6412 | Potential-Alaska6412

🚫 No More Travels or Enjoyment for Bella 🏝️

Potential-Alaska6412 | Potential-Alaska6412

🙅‍♀️ Childfree and Glad to Be Free from Obligations 👩‍🏫

Potential-Alaska6412 | Potential-Alaska6412

💪 Women's Independence: A Good Thing 👩‍💼

Potential-Alaska6412 | Potential-Alaska6412

😲 Selfish Childfree Person Wants Mothers to Suffer? 🤰

Potential-Alaska6412 | Potential-Alaska6412

🤔 AITA for Standing Up for Women's Independence? 🙋‍♀️

Potential-Alaska6412 | Potential-Alaska6412

🔥 Internet Weighs In: Is Our Protagonist a Bad Feminist for Enjoying Her Freedom? 💅

Well, well, well... looks like our protagonist has stirred up quite the controversy with her views on "the village" and women's independence! 😲 Bella's accusation of her being a selfish childfree person who wants mothers to suffer has certainly added fuel to the fire. 🔥 But is she really the a-hole for standing up for her beliefs and enjoying her hard-earned freedom? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this juicy drama! 🌎💬 Grab your favorite drink and get ready for some sizzling hot takes! 🍹🔥

Unpaid women's labor relied on us not being able to work 💪

EtoileFragile | EtoileFragile

NTA leans towards bad friendship, no need for argument.

Shitsuri | Shitsuri

Parenting as suffering? NTA reminds us to take responsibility. 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parenting is a full-time responsibility, not the village's burden 👩‍👧‍👦

guppytub | guppytub

Support systems like 'The Village' were not universal. NTA.

similar_name4489 | similar_name4489

Childfree person called selfish for not pitying mothers. NTA response.

KronkLaSworda | KronkLaSworda

Friend expects self-sacrifice, calls NTA selfish. 🙄

Beginning_Ad_1371 | Beginning_Ad_1371

Debunking historical inaccuracies - NTA has a point.

SirDaeltanFernagdor | SirDaeltanFernagdor

Modern parents want free babysitters, not a village 😒

AwarenessEconomy8842 | AwarenessEconomy8842

NTA commenter critiques misuse of "village" parenting proverb.

Dora_Diver | Dora_Diver

User defends woman's choice to have kids and not travel. 👍

tiny_198855 | tiny_198855

Parenting is tough without support, but individualism over community is garbage.

cryrabanks | cryrabanks

Friend didn't help build village, can't expect benefits now. NTA 👍

Auntie-Mam69 | Auntie-Mam69

Offering empathy and suggesting a way to help a friend 💜

Ok-Stretch7308 | Ok-Stretch7308

Grandparent explains why raising kids is only parents' responsibility 🙏

No_Mathematician2482 | No_Mathematician2482

Misunderstanding of the proverb led to unnecessary argument. ESH 🤷‍♀️

Zealousideal-Law-513 | Zealousideal-Law-513

Being single has its pros and cons. NTA for saying so 👏

napsrule321 | napsrule321

Engaging in the NTA vs. YTA debate with a question 🤔

embopbopbopdoowop | embopbopbopdoowop

Single parent creates own village, advocates mutual support 👍

ms_sinn | ms_sinn

Friend wants free help to avoid parenting responsibilities 😓

[deleted] | [deleted]

Different perspectives on feminism: capitalist versus communist. ⚖️🌹

thomaeaquinatis | thomaeaquinatis

Projection and lack of compassion leads to ESH judgment.

ExactTadpole5918 | ExactTadpole5918

Parent suggests creating own village instead of complaining.

BreadButterHoneyTea | BreadButterHoneyTea

Friend defends oppressive systems over empathy, YTA. 👎

chrysanthemumwilds | chrysanthemumwilds

NTA calls out friend's unrealistic expectations of 'the village' 🤔

AbleRelationship6808 | AbleRelationship6808

The lost concept of the 'village' for new parents explained. 👨👩👨👩 But it's not a free ride. 💰

etds3 | etds3

No free childcare obligation. Helping is great, but not expected. 👍

Live_Solid_1918 | Live_Solid_1918

Friend is entitled but commenter critiques hyper-individualism/capitalism in society. ESH.

Specialist-Gur | Specialist-Gur

Retirement age keeps increasing, making it harder to be involved. 👍

Ok-Context1168 | Ok-Context1168

Having kids is a personal responsibility, not the village's 🧒👩‍👩‍👦‍👦

Agostointhesun | Agostointhesun

Understanding the challenges of motherhood and friendship. 🙏

Baldricks_Turnip | Baldricks_Turnip

Choosing not to have children doesn't mean free babysitting. NTA 👏

Evinshir | Evinshir

User disputes projection of friend's wishful thinking on past.

Leighgion | Leighgion

Support networks aren't gender-exclusive 👍, but friend needs to stop whining ESH

mmhmmyesokay | mmhmmyesokay

Unapologetically standing up for personal responsibility 💪

HoshiJones | HoshiJones

Different perspectives on the concept of 'the village' and parenting.

skweekykleen69 | skweekykleen69

Entitled friend and loss of community - a cautionary tale 😔

LowerEntertainer7548 | LowerEntertainer7548

The benefits of a village community and its absence today. 🌏

yiotaturtle | yiotaturtle

Both sides criticized for misunderstanding 'the village' concept. ESH 🤷‍♀️

MonitorBrilliant119 | MonitorBrilliant119

Friend regrets being a mother. NTA for pointing it out. 😢

lookingForPatchie | lookingForPatchie

Parenting isn't for everyone 👶🤷‍♀️

Next_Craft5639 | Next_Craft5639

Meddling in family life ruined the help system in "The Village" 🙄

Echo-Azure | Echo-Azure

Don't judge someone's struggle without walking in their shoes! YTA 🙄

aravah_and_allon | aravah_and_allon

Creating your own 'village' with chosen family 💜🎉

ThxItsadisorder | ThxItsadisorder

Delaying having children vs. expecting everyone to tend them 👶🏻🌎

MissKrys2020 | MissKrys2020

Misunderstanding 'the village': it's about child-friendly spaces 🤷‍♀️

ryancm8 | ryancm8

Parenting is a choice, not the village's responsibility 👍

Plus_Data_1099 | Plus_Data_1099

Empathetic response to a one-sided conversation, urging perspective-taking 🙏

WendroidCymru | WendroidCymru

Choosing to be child-free is a selfless act 🌍❤️

abitofasitdown | abitofasitdown

Kindness begets kindness 💕 NTA shares views on 'the village'

part-time-whatever | part-time-whatever

Cut ties with entitled 'friend' who wants free childcare. NTA 💯

[deleted] | [deleted]

Defending the true meaning of "the village" and its benefits 😌

jjrobinson73 | jjrobinson73

Gma babysitting in 'the village' wasn't a thing. NTAH.

No_Individual_672 | No_Individual_672

NTA commenter defends boundaries and criticizes entitlement culture. 💪

TheLastLibrarian1 | TheLastLibrarian1

US vs Denmark: Maternity benefits comparison sparks debate 🇨🇲🇩🇪

My_MeowMeowBeenz | My_MeowMeowBeenz

Literal interpretation of 'the village,' NTA, and anti-guilt-tripping.

Holdontomyfur1 | Holdontomyfur1

Not everyone has a functional family/village to depend on 😞

Status_Ease_3100 | Status_Ease_3100

Building her own village after receiving help and passing it on 👍

Repattingwaswrong | Repattingwaswrong

Empowering childless women: thanking the author for insightful perspectives 👏

sausagerollsister | sausagerollsister

Childless people need support too. NTA suggests empathy over complaining.

ScaryButterscotch474 | ScaryButterscotch474

The struggle and reality of parenting, explained in one comment 🙏

storagerock | storagerock

Gender debate turned ugly, but let's all be reasonable here 😕

FifthFormCooler | FifthFormCooler

NTA. Commenter stands up for women's right to choose.

Swimming-Dot9120 | Swimming-Dot9120

Different cultures have different values, and that's okay. 🌏

PartOfTheTree | PartOfTheTree

Parent misses pre-children life, friend has delusions about raising kids

Inner-Nothing7779 | Inner-Nothing7779

NTA commenter jokes about the impracticality of "the village" parenting.

Dank009 | Dank009

Friend wants free babysitting, commenter says pay for a nanny 👮

Novel_Fox | Novel_Fox

NTA. Villages don't mean free childcare for lazy parents 👏

mauvebirdie | mauvebirdie

Don't feel guilty for living your life. NTA 😊

lonelyronin1 | lonelyronin1

Building a village requires mutual support, NTA makes a point 🤝

StrangeArcticles | StrangeArcticles

NTA, user argues against responsibility for someone else's choices.

TwinGemini_1908 | TwinGemini_1908

Community should voluntarily help, not be demanded to. NTA.

Pentagramdreams | Pentagramdreams

NTA shuts down the "village" myth and unreasonable expectations 👏

CurvePuzzleheaded361 | CurvePuzzleheaded361

Parenting isn't about pawning off your kid for free childcare 👌

SoulRebel726 | SoulRebel726

Pressure to do things for free leads to dangerous situations 😱

CosmosOZ | CosmosOZ

Don't assume mid-50s mother wants to babysit for free 😠

liveswithcats1 | liveswithcats1

Mom-shaming comment gets shut down by logical response.

mcderrick | mcderrick

Having children means your life now revolves around them 👨🏻‍👦🏻, NTA

BasketNo1006 | BasketNo1006

Capitalism has isolated nuclear families, making parenting in America difficult 😞

MaybeHughes | MaybeHughes

Rejecting the idea of a 'village' in raising children. 👍

lai4basis | lai4basis

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