"Keep It Down!" Entitled Roomie EXPLODES Over Morning Routine 🤯

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Diply | Diply

🏠 Living with roommates can be a real rollercoaster ride, especially when everyone's schedules are out of sync! 😴🌅 In this apartment tale, one early bird is caught in the middle of a sleep schedule showdown. 🦉 Will she be able to find a solution that keeps everyone happy, or will the morning routine drama continue? 🤔 Let's dive into this relatable roommate dilemma and see if we can figure out who's being unreasonable here! 🕵️‍♀️

🏠 Apartment Life Drama: The Early Bird vs. The Night Owl 🦉

seradhiel | seradhiel

⏰ Rise and Shine! But Shhh... Don't Wake the Roomie 🤫

seradhiel | seradhiel

🍎 No More Morning Apples and Tiptoeing in the Dark 🌙

seradhiel | seradhiel

🚨 Alert: Clicking Light Switches and Tupperware Crimes! 🚓

seradhiel | seradhiel

🤷‍♀️ Wake Up, Change, Leave: Is That All I'm Allowed to Do? 😕

seradhiel | seradhiel

🎵 Double Standards: Blenders, Pots, and Pans vs. Light Switches 🍳

seradhiel | seradhiel

😤 Trying My Best, But Nothing Seems to Help! 😞

seradhiel | seradhiel

🤐 Quiet Nights for Roomie #1, Silent Mornings for Roomie #2 😩

seradhiel | seradhiel

🤔 Am I the A-hole for Trying to Live My Life? 🙋‍♀️

seradhiel | seradhiel

🎧 Ear Plugs: The Unhealthy Solution? 🙉

seradhiel | seradhiel

The Verdict: Is Our Early Riser an A-hole for Living Her Life? 🤔

Our poor early bird seems stuck between a rock and a hard place! 😩 She's tried everything from tiptoeing in the dark to avoiding those creaky floorboards, but nothing seems to satisfy her sleep-deprived roommate. 😴 Meanwhile, the night owl roommate is living it up with her morning music, blenders, and pot-banging sessions! Talk about a double standard, am I right? 🙄 But here's the real question: is our early riser an a-hole for just trying to live her life and get ready for the day? 🤷‍♀️ Let's see what the internet has to say about this tricky situation! 🌐💬

NTA. Roommate needs earplugs, not to explode over routine 🚯

cyfermax | cyfermax

NTA. Roommate needs to learn to live with others peacefully 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate being unreasonable about noise. NTA for setting boundaries.

IridianRaingem | IridianRaingem

Roommate plays loud music and blender but complains about light switch. NTA.

hello_friendss | hello_friendss

Roommate demands are turning into entitlement, NTA for standing up.

petitegi | petitegi

"Can you just teleport from your room to your job?" 👏🏼 NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate complains about noise, commenter suggests earplugs or white noise.

HiImDavid | HiImDavid

Compromise is key in roommate situations 🙌

Thrwforksandknives | Thrwforksandknives

Compromise is key 🤝 suggest a white noise machine

aasparaguus | aasparaguus

Morning routine noise is inevitable, NTA for trying to minimize 🌅

Citanix | Citanix

Roommate asked for silence past 8pm, suggested to stop drinking water 🤨

drlitt | drlitt

NTA! Exemplary effort 🙌. Recommends Howard Leight UF Foam Earplugs 👍

Dear-Midnight | Dear-Midnight

Roommate dispute: Commenter suggests roommate should get own place.

PhoenixRisingToday | PhoenixRisingToday

Roommate complains about noise, but can't make demands. NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Living with someone who has clinical hypersensitivity to noise.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Noise solution: white noise machine. Upstairs neighbors have kids/dog.

SueEllyn | SueEllyn

Living with roommates can be tough 😓. NTA gave some helpful suggestions 👍.

newlifeC13 | newlifeC13

Sharing a place means sharing noise. NTA for morning routine. 🤷‍♀️

mjr511 | mjr511

Sleeping with earplugs is better than using earbuds 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sensible comment defending the OP's morning routine. #NTA 👍

probablyellie | probablyellie

Set quiet hours and offer roommate an out. NTA.

rickisageek | rickisageek

Don't suffer because of an entitled roommate's sleeping habits 😴

maywellflower | maywellflower

Consider soft click light switches or earplugs for roommate.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate drama: NTA, buy earplugs and set boundaries 💁‍💻

Nefertiti_2020 | Nefertiti_2020

Living with roommates can be tough, but this commenter offers reasonable advice 💡

thatonepersoniam | thatonepersoniam

Roommate's sleep disorder may be causing morning outburst. NTA.

Runs_N_Goses | Runs_N_Goses

NTA. Roommate needs to learn to live with noise or get earplugs.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate explodes over morning routine, NTA finds it ridiculous 🤣

capntiddies | capntiddies

Invest in a white noise machine to drown out sounds 😴

StreetsBehind | StreetsBehind

Roommate complains about morning routine, commenter suggests earplugs and compromise.

dunium | dunium

Living with roommates means compromising on noise levels 👀

notweirdifitworks | notweirdifitworks

Don't cater to her anymore, you're NTA 🙅‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respectful NTA comment suggests earplugs for entitled roomie's noise complaints.

thinkTashay | thinkTashay

Roommate's entitlement leads to a noise war in apartment 🙉

AccioDeepDish | AccioDeepDish

Roommate explodes over light switch, commenter says NTA. 🤨

finehamsabound | finehamsabound

Night preparation might reduce noise. NTA stands up.

jduberson | jduberson

Be considerate but don't sacrifice your own routine. 🤷‍♂️

CrusadeAgainstStupid | CrusadeAgainstStupid

Don't mess with this commenter's light switch flipping skills 🤟

Era555 | Era555

Roommate overreacts to creaky floorboards during morning routine. NTA.

KittyKiitos | KittyKiitos

Roommate complains about noise but has no empathy for others 😒

Rogue106 | Rogue106

Living alone in a tiny house far away is peaceful 🌲

Thedonkeyforcer | Thedonkeyforcer

Don't let the entitled roommate bring you down! 🙅‍♀️🔊

jmerridew124 | jmerridew124

Being a considerate roommate doesn't make you TA 😊

hotheadnchickn | hotheadnchickn

Roommate needs to learn to live with normal morning routine 🙄

stunning-stasis | stunning-stasis

Roommates need ear plugs 🙉 and closed doors 🚪

kfcmegamash | kfcmegamash

Morning routine bugs roommate? Invest in earplugs! NTA 👍

lets-get-dangerous | lets-get-dangerous

NTA suggests sound machine for entitled roommate's peace 🔊

sharkbaitooaha | sharkbaitooaha

Living with others means accommodating noise, she needs earplugs.

clutzycook | clutzycook

Roommate needs to suck it up and stop being so picky 🤯

chopsticksandspoon | chopsticksandspoon

NTA suggests earplugs for entitled roomie's morning routine explosion.

KnightofForestsWild | KnightofForestsWild

Roommate complains about noise, but NTA suggests earplugs instead.

madsmadhatter | madsmadhatter

Being considerate but unable to be totally silent, NTA.

myscreamgotlost | myscreamgotlost

Stand up for yourself and set boundaries with entitled roommates! 💪

ohmerdre | ohmerdre

Roommate is being unreasonable, NTA for going about daily routine 👍

SLCW718 | SLCW718

NTA suggests giving entitled roommate earplugs for middle ground 👄

loki0panda | loki0panda

Sorry, this comment has been deleted by the user.

LegendarySysAdmin | LegendarySysAdmin

NTA suggests ear plugs for entitled roomie's noise sensitivity 👀

hollandON | hollandON

Living with people means dealing with noise. NTA, offer solutions.

Mininosa | Mininosa

Being considerate is important but roommates need to compromise 🤝

Idejbfp | Idejbfp

Suggests a hilarious way to make the noisy roommate understand 🤣

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate #2 is being unreasonable ❌. NTA, keep being considerate ✌️.

NoeTellusom | NoeTellusom

Roommate explodes over morning routine, commenter says NTA

dwassell73 | dwassell73

A simple solution to an entitled roomie's morning routine 🙉

whiteboyskrazy | whiteboyskrazy

Petty revenge suggestion for entitled roommate, NTA comment.

SomethingsQueerHere | SomethingsQueerHere

NTA roommates need to compromise. 🤝 Invest in earplugs and mask.

_i_dont_know_51 | _i_dont_know_51

Roommate complains about morning noise, commenter says she's NTA 🙌

lulu1982ca | lulu1982ca

Be considerate, offer ear plugs. NTA if they refuse.

a-plan-so-cunning | a-plan-so-cunning

The reality of having roommates and the sacrifices it entails.

WobbyBobby | WobbyBobby

Noise-sensitive roommate? Not your problem! 🤷‍♀️

safvje | safvje

Roommate explodes over morning routine noise, is he justified?

nkabatoff | nkabatoff

Being considerate doesn't make you TA. Mime might help 🤡

BernieTheDachshund | BernieTheDachshund

NTA. Suggests recording and playing loud to roommate. Shares experience.

FckinNuggetsMan | FckinNuggetsMan

A frugal solution to a noisy roommate problem 👍

Ravennole | Ravennole

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