He CONSTANTLY Mocks His GF's Unusual Quirk - Is It Harmless Teasing or Emotional Abuse? 🚩

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of a gal with a quirky color mixup and a boyfriend who just can't seem to let it go! 😅 Our protagonist has been mixing up orange and green since she was a kid, but it's never been a big deal... until now. 😳 Enter: the boyfriend who's made it his mission to "correct" her at every turn, even going so far as to set her up for failure! 🙄 Will our heroine stand her ground and tell him to knock it off, or will she be forever doomed to a life of mini orange inquisitions? 🍊 Let's dive in and find out! 🏊‍♀️

🍊💚 The Orange-Green Mixup Saga! 😅

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

👀 It's Not a Vision Thing, Folks! 🙅‍♀️

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

🙏 Please, No Armchair Diagnoses! 🛑

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

🤷‍♀️ No Biggie, Right? 🙃

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

🙄 Enter: The Corrector-in-Chief Boyfriend 🚨

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

🕵️‍♂️ The Great Color Test Caper 🧦

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

😳 Awkward Family Moments, Anyone? 🙋‍♀️

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

🤨 It's Random, Dude! 🎲

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

🍊💚 How Often Does This Even Happen? 🤔

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

😠 The Video Call Fiasco 📹

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

🍊 The Mini Orange Inquisition 🍊

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

😤 Enough is Enough! 😡

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

🗣️ The Attention-Seeking Accusation 🎭

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

🛑 For the Final Time, STOP! ✋

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

🙅‍♂️ "You Can't Tell Me What to Do!" 😤

greenvsorange | greenvsorange

🍊💚 The Verdict: Is She the A-Hole for Snapping at Mr. Corrector? 🤔

Well, well, well! Looks like we've got ourselves a classic case of a boyfriend who just can't let things go! 🙄 Our gal has been dealing with this orange-green mixup for years, and it's never been a problem... until Mr. Corrector came along! 😒 He's been setting her up, embarrassing her in front of family and friends, and even accusing her of faking it for attention! 😲 But our heroine has had enough! She finally put her foot down and told him to knock it the f--k off! 👏 So, what do you think? Is she the a-hole for snapping at her boyfriend, or is he the real a-hole for refusing to let this harmless quirk go? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this juicy drama! 🍿

Dump the jerk who mocks your quirks. 👋

CabotFan42 | CabotFan42

Partner's teasing is not okay, NTA commenters agree. 🚫

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dump him. He's a cruel person who will cause future problems. 😒

whydyounamemethat | whydyounamemethat

Red flag alert! Bullying is not healthy in any relationship 🚨

Swegh_ | Swegh_

Dump him! His behavior is emotionally abusive and disrespectful 😡

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dramatically stare and dump him. You don't need that 'help' 🚫

ZombiesAndZoos | ZombiesAndZoos

Don't let anyone make you feel bad about your quirks 👍

cassidy1111111 | cassidy1111111

Boyfriend's constant teasing is emotional abuse, NTA should leave him 🚩

StellarSunDance | StellarSunDance

Is it worth staying with someone who emotionally abuses you? 🤷🏼‍♀️

ClutterRenegade | ClutterRenegade

Forgetting words is relatable, mocking isn't. NTA.

ambitionincarnate | ambitionincarnate

Humiliating your partner in public is emotional abuse. NTA.

_Bisclavert | _Bisclavert

Embrace quirks! OP not alone in confusing colors. BF is TA 😒

eeem294 | eeem294

Stand up for yourself and consider if he's worth it 🤔

Fantastic-Focus-7056 | Fantastic-Focus-7056

Don't let anyone humiliate you for your quirks. 👍

LynnChat | LynnChat

Partner wants attention and shows red flags. Consider re-evaluating relationship. 🚨

sitoverherebyme | sitoverherebyme

Partner's disbelief and harassment is emotional abuse. Leave him. ❌

Apprehensive-Jelly42 | Apprehensive-Jelly42

Boyfriend's teasing crosses the line, NTA for asking him to stop 🚩

Bluejewel_13 | Bluejewel_13

Dump the a**hole who loves to embarrass and belittle you.

kizzy1312 | kizzy1312

Stand up for yourself! You deserve respect 💪

dontmindsmallminds | dontmindsmallminds

Don't let anyone put you down for who you are! 💪

IsThatMarcy | IsThatMarcy

Navigating directions can be challenging! Empathy over mockery. 🙏

SiameseCats3 | SiameseCats3

Dump the disrespectful boyfriend who humiliates for harmless quirks. ❌

Cutie3pnt14159 | Cutie3pnt14159

Calling out emotional abuse disguised as 'harmless' teasing 🗑

nonsenseimsure | nonsenseimsure

Respect for boundaries is essential in a healthy relationship 👍

magickliss | magickliss

Partner's constant mocking is controlling and unacceptable behavior. Find positivity.

FosterMom2cats | FosterMom2cats

A supportive NTA comment with a clever burn 🔥

Zabkian | Zabkian

NTA comment calls out attention-seeking behavior of the boyfriend.

SRS_3031 | SRS_3031

Supportive comment and advice to run away from toxic relationship. 👏

HavePlushieWillTalk | HavePlushieWillTalk

Ditch the jerk! 🚫 Find someone who appreciates your quirks. 😊

Dumpster_fff | Dumpster_fff

A light-hearted comment about giraffes and zebras mix-up.

Chacoalmannite | Chacoalmannite

Demand respect, publicly call out his inappropriate behavior towards you. 🔥

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA commenter recommends ending relationship with asshole partner. 😞

WaffleDynamics | WaffleDynamics

Supportive spouse helps with language difficulties, not mock them 👏

Comfortable-Ad7157 | Comfortable-Ad7157

Annoying BF jumps on GF's mistakes. NTA, drop him 🥳

SweetPea-1919 | SweetPea-1919

Green and orange issue, NTA comment, and hurtful correction.

KNMWT17000 | KNMWT17000

Mild dyslexia or not, teasing is not harmless. NTA.

ThinHornet0 | ThinHornet0

Partner's mocking of harmless quirk may be emotional abuse. NTA.

Spinnerofyarn | Spinnerofyarn

Mocking someone's quirk is emotional abuse. NTA.

littlehappyfeets | littlehappyfeets

Partner should find quirks adorable, not use them to hurt.

NetworkHaunting3073 | NetworkHaunting3073

Bullying disguised as harmless teasing, NTA deserves better 🚩

JohnChapter11Verse35 | JohnChapter11Verse35

Partner's controlling behavior and embarrassment is a red flag. NTA 👍

sarcasmf | sarcasmf

Playful teasing should stop when it makes someone uncomfortable. 😊

LaMaupindAubigny | LaMaupindAubigny

Partner's constant mocking of GF's quirks is emotional abuse. NTA.

rmric0 | rmric0

Partner's patience vs boyfriend's abuse: NTA, BF is an 🤪

KWhizzbang | KWhizzbang

Finding solidarity in colorblindness. You're not alone! 🙌

placelastalways | placelastalways

NTA calls out manipulative behavior, suggests attention-seeking motives 😑

AnyConstellation | AnyConstellation

Mocking partner's quirk is emotional abuse. NTA.

Improbablyfromhell | Improbablyfromhell

Empowering response to harmful teasing. Stand up for yourself! 💪

avast2006 | avast2006

Mocking partner's quirks repeatedly despite requests to stop is disrespectful. 😑

twistedmaiden | twistedmaiden

Misunderstanding time can be frustrating. Proper correction is important. NTA 👍

Beka_Cooper | Beka_Cooper

Struggling with color recognition, relatable experience. NTA for sure!

euclidtree | euclidtree

Find someone who appreciates you for who you are! ❤️

iluvcats17 | iluvcats17

Partner's harmless quirk mocked by abusive boyfriend. Huge red flag. 🚨

sydneyunderfoot | sydneyunderfoot

The struggle of mixing up words is real 😕

GraphCat | GraphCat

Dump him faster than throwing an orange at him 🍊

Ele5263 | Ele5263

Relatable comment about quirky behavior and feeling misunderstood. 😍

betra13 | betra13

Interchangeable colors are no reason for emotional abuse 🚩

txgrl308 | txgrl308

Partner mocks GF's quirk, NTA stands up for herself 💪

WifeofBath1984 | WifeofBath1984

Harmless quirk turned into emotional abuse by giant a**hole 🚩

michiganproud | michiganproud

Mocking and disrespecting his partner's quirks is emotional abuse. 🚩

Limerase | Limerase

Misunderstood quirk leads to insensitive teasing, NTA.

duck-eggblue | duck-eggblue

NTA suggests dumping partner for mocking unusual quirk. 🚫

eahmne | eahmne

Girlfriend shares relatable experience with NTA judgment and advice.

theflameburntout | theflameburntout

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