In-Laws BANNED from Seeing Newborn Over Shocking Circumcision DEMANDS 😠

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Diply | Diply

🍼 Welcoming a new baby is supposed to be a joyous occasion, but for one couple, it's turned into a battle of wills with their in-laws! 😬 This new dad is at his wit's end with his in-laws' obsession over their son's private parts. 🙈 Despite the couple's decision not to circumcise, the grandparents just won't let it go! 😤 Buckle up, because this story is about to get wild! 🎢

🍼 Welcoming Our Baby Boy! 👶

HumbleDraft4573 | HumbleDraft4573

🤔 The Name Game: In-Laws Disapprove! 😒

HumbleDraft4573 | HumbleDraft4573

😢 In-Laws Saddened by 'American' Name Choice 🇺🇸

HumbleDraft4573 | HumbleDraft4573

✂️ The Bris Pressure: In-Laws Insist It's Never Too Late! 😬

HumbleDraft4573 | HumbleDraft4573

🍆 Who Decides? Wife Says Hubby Should Choose! 🤷‍♀️

HumbleDraft4573 | HumbleDraft4573

🍽️ Surprise Dinner Turns Sour: In-Laws Overstep Boundaries! 😠

HumbleDraft4573 | HumbleDraft4573

👶 Diaper Change Debacle: In-Laws Ridicule Parents' Choice! 💩

HumbleDraft4573 | HumbleDraft4573

🚫 Enough is Enough: Dad Puts Foot Down, Bans In-Laws! 😤

HumbleDraft4573 | HumbleDraft4573

😳 Wife Hesitant but Agrees: In-Laws' Behavior is Creepy! 😖

HumbleDraft4573 | HumbleDraft4573

😱 Irrational Fear: Will In-Laws Take Matters Into Their Own Hands?! 😰

HumbleDraft4573 | HumbleDraft4573

🤔 Good Intentions, Bad Execution: Parents Stand Their Ground! 💪

HumbleDraft4573 | HumbleDraft4573

😱 In-Laws Banned Over Obsession with Baby's Penis! 🍆

This new dad has had it up to HERE with his in-laws' fixation on their baby boy's private parts! 🙅‍♂️ Despite the couple's decision not to circumcise, the grandparents just won't drop it. 😤 From suggesting names to surprise visits and diaper change debacles, these in-laws have crossed the line one too many times! 😠 The final straw? Dad kicked them out and banned them until they promise to stop obsessing over their grandson's penis! 🚫 While his wife finds it a bit harsh, she agrees their behavior is creepy. 😳 Now, the internet is weighing in on this wild family drama! 🌎 Is dad the a-hole for putting his foot down, or are the in-laws way out of line? 🤔 Let's see what the masses have to say! 👥

NTA commenter supports parents' decision to not circumcise their child 🔪

derynwinchester | derynwinchester

NTA shuts down in-laws' circumcision demands with uncomfortable questions 😳

L00se_Bruce | L00se_Bruce

Setting boundaries with in-laws over circumcision dispute. 🙏

ClevelandWomble | ClevelandWomble

Mother defends decision not to circumcise sons for religious reasons 🙏

StarTheVagician | StarTheVagician

NTA defends son from circumcision demand; calls out weird diaper offer 😠

cjgatsby | cjgatsby

Support for bodily autonomy and regret over infant circumcision.

throwraW2 | throwraW2

Grandparents' unauthorized circumcision and NTA's vigilant parenting 😍

Hey-Just-Saying | Hey-Just-Saying

Asserting control over one's body choices, YTA in-laws denied access.

Skylon77 | Skylon77

Insightful comment on circumcision sparks no debate 👍

Unlikely_Air5391 | Unlikely_Air5391

Gen Xer regrets circumcision, calls it genital mutilation. NTA.

Ludwig_Vista1 | Ludwig_Vista1

Circumcision should be a choice, like FGM. NTA 👍

Future_Direction5174 | Future_Direction5174

Parental autonomy wins, grandparents stay out of baby's pants 😂

Silver_Bulleit204 | Silver_Bulleit204

Circumcision is mutilation and should be outlawed. NTA for standing up.

leftytrash161 | leftytrash161

Mother regrets circumcising son, supports OP's decision. 😢

Overall-Name-680 | Overall-Name-680

Personal body autonomy is important. NTA for refusing circumcision.

Academic_Eagle_4001 | Academic_Eagle_4001

Passionate plea against circumcision as mutilation. No replies.

wilsonreeves | wilsonreeves

Respect your son's bodily autonomy for circumcision decisions. 🙌

FairyPenguinStKilda | FairyPenguinStKilda

Fierce condemnation of circumcision and support for NTA position. 🙌

R2-Scotia | R2-Scotia

Circumcision debate: NTA argues against religious reasons for genital mutilation.

FatBloke4 | FatBloke4

NTA stands up to in-laws' circumcision demands for newborn 😠

Hawkstone585 | Hawkstone585

Setting boundaries with in-laws over circumcision demands. NTA.

Laquila | Laquila

Respect your boundaries or get kicked out 😠

Many_Ad_7138 | Many_Ad_7138

Using the term 'bris' implies wife's background, NTA comment.

NeeliSilverleaf | NeeliSilverleaf

A peaceful solution for in-laws demanding circumcision ✌️

Zealousideal_Bag2493 | Zealousideal_Bag2493

NTA. No overnights, they might have a moyle on standby 🤦‍♂️

rigbysgirl13 | rigbysgirl13

In-laws too invested in baby's genitalia. NTA for banning.

AllTheMeats | AllTheMeats

NTA commenter condemns non-medical circumcision, calls for ban. 🚨

Cannabis_CatSlave | Cannabis_CatSlave

Setting boundaries with in-laws regarding newborn's circumcision. 🙅‍♂️

anonymooseuser6 | anonymooseuser6

NTA sets boundaries with in-laws over circumcision demands 🙌

ThestralBreeder | ThestralBreeder

NTA. Mind your own business. But important to educate about hygiene 🤓

Probably_cant_sleep | Probably_cant_sleep

In-laws' circumcision obsession called 'creepy' and 'pedo behavior' 🤯


Circumcision debate sparks concern over loss of penile nerves 🤔

Seven0neSeven | Seven0neSeven

Parent defends decision not to circumcise newborn, questions religious practice 🙏

Extension_Sun_377 | Extension_Sun_377

Educate in-laws on circumcision with film to change their thinking 👨‍🎓

Pseudolectual | Pseudolectual

Parent shares son's gratitude for being given choice on circumcision 👍

27Jarvis | 27Jarvis

Parent regrets son's circumcision, supports OP's decision. 🙏

Cheap-Boysenberry | Cheap-Boysenberry

Standing up to in-laws over demands with unwavering glares 👀

TurbulentFee7995 | TurbulentFee7995

Let him choose: NTA's son's body, his choice. 🙏

Gljvf | Gljvf

Supportive comment applauds parents for keeping their son intact and fighting against circumcision norms 👏

Medical_Case3490 | Medical_Case3490

Protecting your child's rights is paramount. NTA 🙌

sotiredwontquit | sotiredwontquit

User supports not circumcising newborns for hygiene and sensitivity reasons.

PracticalBoot6528 | PracticalBoot6528

No circumcision pressure needed from demanding in-laws. NTA. 🙌

Cirdon_MSP | Cirdon_MSP

Standing up for cultural traditions against pushy in-laws 👍

KingOfAllTboys | KingOfAllTboys

NTA: In-laws obsessed with mutilating infant's genitals, ban justified. 🤪

Low_Smoke_7462 | Low_Smoke_7462

Culture is not an excuse for harmful demands 😡

swallowmygenderfluid | swallowmygenderfluid

Engaging with the Bible while keeping it light 😂

Malibucat48 | Malibucat48

A commenter sympathizes with OP's situation regarding pressure to baptize their child and declares them NTA.

PorkrindsMcSnacky | PorkrindsMcSnacky

Consider checking out 'circumcisiongrief' subreddit for insight on circumcision.

Baddog1965 | Baddog1965

In-laws demanded circumcision, NTA for banning them. Barbaric practice discussed. 😠

fastates | fastates

Worried in-laws demand circumcision, NTA refuses, tensions rise 🤷‍♂️

desert_jim | desert_jim

A Jewish atheist denounces forced genital mutilation, supports NTA stance 👍

VoIkose | VoIkose

Respectful rejection of circumcision for Jewish baby. NTA 👏

eyebrowluver23 | eyebrowluver23

NTA stands against genital mutilation 🙌

Ladyughsalot1 | Ladyughsalot1

In-laws threaten legal action over circumcision without permission 😳

kehlarc | kehlarc

A personal story on circumcision and its emotional impact. 🤷‍♂️

Resoto10 | Resoto10

Standing up for bodily autonomy and intactness. #NTA 👏

always2blamejane | always2blamejane

Standing up to outdated circumcision beliefs 💪

grayblue_grrl | grayblue_grrl

Choosing circumcision is an individual's right. NTA! 👍

dontlookforme88 | dontlookforme88

NTA stands up against genital mutilation tradition 🚫🔪

TheHappinessPT | TheHappinessPT

Respectful suggestion for honoring Jewish heritage and bodily autonomy. ✡️

StraightArachnid | StraightArachnid

Setting boundaries with grandparents over newborn's circumcision 🙏

Kineth | Kineth

Protecting your baby from unwanted circumcision demands. NTA 😍

The_Bastard_Henry | The_Bastard_Henry

Respecting religious beliefs and boundaries. NTA 🙌

oylaura | oylaura

Jewish commenter opposes circumcision, supports child's choice. 🙏

Beautiful-Fly-4727 | Beautiful-Fly-4727

Let him choose: circumcision or tattoo 💎

TinylittlemouseDK | TinylittlemouseDK

Respectful defense of not circumcising with informative explanation 👏

SuburbaniteMermaid | SuburbaniteMermaid

Setting boundaries with in-laws over circumcision demand 🤑

AnastasiaDelicious | AnastasiaDelicious

Grandparents' lack of knowledge on intact penis care concerns OP

possible-penguin | possible-penguin

Parental support for intact son provokes in-law caution ⚠️

2021disaster | 2021disaster

Standing up for baby's body autonomy 💪

Crystalraf | Crystalraf

Cheers to keeping baby intact and happy future partners 😊

SalamanderMinimum942 | SalamanderMinimum942

Protect your son's body and set boundaries with arrogant in-laws 😡

JCannaday3 | JCannaday3

Be careful who you let babysit your child! 😱

chickenfightyourmom | chickenfightyourmom

Parent shares their not circumcised story, supports OP's decision. 👍

KindaNewRoundHere | KindaNewRoundHere

Mom stands firm against circumcision with powerful message. 👏

bibilime | bibilime

Let's respect a child's body and choices. Not normalizing circumcision.

Westsidepipeway | Westsidepipeway

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