My Mom Caused My Eating Disorder 😞 Now She's Trying to Control My Pregnancy Diet! 🍽️

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🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a doozy of a dilemma on our hands. 😱 Meet our mama-to-be, a type 1 diabetic who's been through the wringer with her health and her mom's meddling. 🍽️ From teenage sugar struggles to full-blown eating disorders, this gal's seen it all. 😢 Now, with a bun in the oven, she's trying to mend fences with her mom... but old habits die hard. 😠 Get ready for a wild ride of family drama, food fights, and the ultimate question: who's the a-hole here? 🤔

🍽️ A Diabetic's Dilemma: Mom's Mealtime Meddling 😰

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🍬 Sugar Struggles: Teen Years Tormented by Mom & Doc 😢

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🍽️ Food Fights: Barely Eating to Avoid Mom's Wrath 😠

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🏥 Hospitalized at 18: Eating Disorder Diagnosis 😱

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🍽️ Mealtime Misery: Avoiding Mom to Avoid Relapse 😓

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👶 Baby on Board: Trying to Mend Fences with Mom 🤰

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🍔 Lunch Lecture: "You're Going to Hurt the Baby!" 😡

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😢 Tearful Departure: Mom Cries, We Leave 😔

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🙏 Apology Pressure: Family Demands I Make Things Right 😕

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🤰 Pregnant & Peeved: Mom's Mealtime Meddling Sparks Showdown! 😡

Well, well, well... looks like our mama-to-be has reached her breaking point! 😤 After years of her mom's constant criticism and control over her eating habits, leading to a full-blown eating disorder, she finally snapped during a baby shopping lunch date. 🍔😱 Mom just couldn't resist commenting on every bite, warning that she'd hurt the baby if she strayed from her diet. 👶😠 Our gal lost it, yelling that her mom's meddling caused her food issues in the first place! 🗣️😢 Mom left in tears, and now the whole family's blowing up her phone, demanding an apology. 📞😕 But let's see what the internet has to say about this sticky situation... 🌐🍿

Overbearing mother caused eating disorder, trying to control pregnancy diet 😒

HKM-1017 | HKM-1017

Take control of your pregnancy diet. You're an adult now! 🙌

ifimhereimrealbored | ifimhereimrealbored

Setting boundaries with toxic family during pregnancy 🤞

NYCMusicalMarathon | NYCMusicalMarathon

NTA, mother's behavior dangerous for you and baby. Go low contact.

bluejubatus52 | bluejubatus52

NTA. Commenter explains the dangers of type 1 diabetes and offers advice.

Jazzlike_Humor3340 | Jazzlike_Humor3340

Parent sympathizes with OP's mother and offers support and encouragement.

jatgmsw96 | jatgmsw96

NTA. Commenter relates to OP's experience with diabetes.

the-strange-toaster | the-strange-toaster

User sympathizes with OP and suggests low contact with family. 😞

ObjectiveCoelacanth | ObjectiveCoelacanth

Encouraging response to eating disorder and pregnancy diet control. ❤️

MomfromAlderaan | MomfromAlderaan

Protect your health and baby's health, not anyone's feelings 🙌

Happy-Kaleidoscope82 | Happy-Kaleidoscope82

Protect your baby and yourself from toxic family. 🙏

whevblsht | whevblsht

Mother caused eating disorder, now controlling pregnancy diet? NTA.

imidoesonlyfans | imidoesonlyfans

Surviving a toxic mother and overcoming an eating disorder. 🙌

ComprehensiveBand586 | ComprehensiveBand586

Take control of your life and cut off toxic people. 💪


Unqualified mom needs to learn boundaries. NTA, congrats!

IcedChaiLatte_16 | IcedChaiLatte_16

Stand up for yourself! You're an adult, NTA 💪

Suggan17 | Suggan17

A supportive parent reflects on the challenges of type 1 diabetes.

TarshaANZ | TarshaANZ

Well-intentioned actions can still have damaging consequences. Stand up for yourself. 🙌

Iamnuff8 | Iamnuff8

Set boundaries with mom who caused eating disorder. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mom's controlling behavior extends to pregnancy diet. NTA stands up.

BDThrills | BDThrills

Supportive comment validates OP's experience with controlling mother.

thatssallfolkss | thatssallfolkss

NTA! Mom tries to control you with food. Cut her off. 💯

Badger-of-Horrors | Badger-of-Horrors

Choosing no grandparents over abusive ones 👍

BigWeinerDemeanor | BigWeinerDemeanor

Mother's behavior contributed to eating disorder, needs therapy and boundaries.

Here_for_tea_ | Here_for_tea_

Take control of your pregnancy diet, set boundaries with family. NTA

eastonginger | eastonginger

You're an adult, trust your body and congrats! 👏

Deepdarksharkparty | Deepdarksharkparty

Reconnecting with toxic family is not always the answer 😞

wwtddgeekgirl2 | wwtddgeekgirl2

Dealing with diabetes and diet shaming 💪🏼

bina101 | bina101

Set a boundary with your controlling mother about your pregnancy diet

KazDemjinBrekker | KazDemjinBrekker

Stand your ground, your diet is between you and doctors 💪

SnooDoughnuts7171 | SnooDoughnuts7171

NTA. Taking care of yourself and your baby is your job. Back off, mom! 🙅

GrizeldaLovesCats | GrizeldaLovesCats

Stand your ground! Don't let her control your life again! 💪

PenelopeDreddfull | PenelopeDreddfull

Controlling mothers can be detrimental to one's relationship with food 😞

robie2015 | robie2015

Supportive comment from a fellow T1D with similar experience 🙌

Aggressive-Sample612 | Aggressive-Sample612

Breaking free from toxic family dynamics 👏

Cocobaconbits | Cocobaconbits

Mom caused ED, now controlling pregnancy diet. NTA commenter.

knightfrog1248 | knightfrog1248

Take charge of your life and your baby's wellbeing. NTA.

brihorizon | brihorizon

Don't let your mom control your pregnancy diet! You're NTA.

StellaGreenXXX | StellaGreenXXX

Supportive reply to OP's struggle with eating disorder and controlling mother.

cherrytrove | cherrytrove

Annoying family members butting into arguments 🤯

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mom's behavior towards OP's eating disorder is concerning 😕

SuccotashSimple | SuccotashSimple

Mom caused eating disorder, now controlling pregnancy diet? NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Explaining the harm caused by ED and giving advice to OP's situation. ✅

-Liriel- | -Liriel-

Your mom caused your eating disorder, now trying to control you 😞

slothsandunicorns | slothsandunicorns

Take control of your pregnancy diet, not your abusive mom! 🙌

Glittering-War-5748 | Glittering-War-5748

Mom wanted control, not what's best for the baby 😞

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive commenter empathizes with OP's struggles with mom's lack of understanding.

KeepLkngForIntllgnce | KeepLkngForIntllgnce

Empathizing with a fellow survivor of eating disorders. 😞

scootycreampuff | scootycreampuff

Empathetic comment supports OP and calls out mother's behavior.

creepyquilting | creepyquilting

Mom's words contributed to disorder, now controlling pregnancy diet. NTA.

Pinkapet | Pinkapet

Stand your ground! Your body, your baby, your rules. 💪

GoBlue9000 | GoBlue9000

Don't let anyone control your pregnancy diet! 💪 You're an adult and know better. NTA

fdbw03 | fdbw03

Setting boundaries with a calm approach is key. 🙌

MariaInconnu | MariaInconnu

Words that caused eating disorder now controlling pregnancy diet? NTA 😞

SunflowerDaydream893 | SunflowerDaydream893

Standing up to controlling mother in pregnancy with type 1

Merenwen_Tinuviel | Merenwen_Tinuviel

Support is important for chronic conditions, but mother's behavior is harmful. 😞

I_Suggest_Therapy | I_Suggest_Therapy

A personal story of family support and understanding ❤️

No-Page3974 | No-Page3974

Take control of your life and demand a genuine apology!

JennyGotAMullet | JennyGotAMullet

Protecting yourself and your baby is top priority 👏

EmpressJainaSolo | EmpressJainaSolo

NTA. Lack of proper guidance caused ED. Doctor's referral missed.

Bangbangsmashsmash | Bangbangsmashsmash

Diabetic mom-to-be puts herself first. Doctor's opinion matters most. 👏

dstluke | dstluke

Set boundaries with your controlling mom about your pregnancy diet. 🙏

ContestNext2074 | ContestNext2074

NTA. Set a hard rule for meals & walk away if she lectures you 📳

Piercedbunny | Piercedbunny

Mom's a control freak, trust your OB/GYN. Congratulations, NTA 🎉

candles_0904 | candles_0904

Supportive comment from fellow diabetic on controlling pregnancy diet.

AntiAira | AntiAira

NAH. Commenter suggests therapy or mediation for mother-daughter communication.

[deleted] | [deleted]

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