Husband's UNBELIEVABLE Reason for Not Helping Clean After Dinner 🤯

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Diply | Diply

🦃 Ah, Thanksgiving! A time for family, food, and... gender roles? 🤔 Our leading lady spent two days slaving away in the kitchen, whipping up a feast fit for kings! 👑 But when it came time to clean up, the men were nowhere to be found. 🕵️‍♂️ Instead, they were glued to the football game! 🏈 Is it fair to expect the non-cooking crowd to help with the dishes? 🍽️ Or should our heroine just suck it up and embrace her 'victim complex'? 😒 Let's dive into this turkey day drama! 🍗

🍗 Thanksgiving Dinner Dilemma: Who Should Clean Up? 🧼

BloodyPinkChanel | BloodyPinkChanel

👩‍🍳 Women Cooked, Men Watched Football 🏈

BloodyPinkChanel | BloodyPinkChanel

💡 A Brilliant Idea: Men Should Clean! 🧽

BloodyPinkChanel | BloodyPinkChanel

🤝 Husband Agrees... Or Does He? 😕

BloodyPinkChanel | BloodyPinkChanel

🍽️ Dinner's Over, Time to Clean! ...Right? 🤨

BloodyPinkChanel | BloodyPinkChanel

🤷‍♀️ Husband's Excuse: 'You Have a Victim Complex' 😠

BloodyPinkChanel | BloodyPinkChanel

🙅‍♀️ Wife Stands Her Ground: 'Is It Fair?' 🤔

BloodyPinkChanel | BloodyPinkChanel

🥜 Husband's Bizarre Reasoning: 'I Have Testicles' 🙄

BloodyPinkChanel | BloodyPinkChanel

🎯 Wife Stays on Topic: 'This Evening in Particular' 😤

BloodyPinkChanel | BloodyPinkChanel

🤷‍♀️ AITAH for Expecting Fairness? 🍽️

BloodyPinkChanel | BloodyPinkChanel

🍂 Thanksgiving Showdown: Women Cook, Men... Watch Football? 🏈

Our leading lady spent days preparing a delicious Thanksgiving feast, only to find the men glued to the football game while the women cleaned up! 😡 She suggested dividing and conquering, with the men handling the dishes since they didn't cook. 🧽 Hubby agreed... but then pulled a disappearing act! 🤨 When confronted, he accused her of having a 'victim complex' and claimed certain jobs are his because of his testicles. 🥜 Is our heroine an a-hole for expecting fairness, or is this a classic case of gender role BS? 💩 The internet has some thoughts! 🗣️

Wife stands up for herself after husband's lack of gratitude 👏

isdelightful | isdelightful

Spineless husband's sexism leads to douchey behavior 👎

ChonkyJelly | ChonkyJelly

Resourceful woman gets partner to help clean after dinner 👏

Holiday_Horse3100 | Holiday_Horse3100

Partner broke agreement and blamed OP, suggest fair retribution. 👍

Awesome-avocado | Awesome-avocado

Suggests a fun way to assign clean-up duty, cheers with wine 🍷

Ok-Ease-8423 | Ok-Ease-8423

Savage comment, but honestly, who wouldn't be mad? 😏

Garden_gnome1609 | Garden_gnome1609

NTA. Discussion on shirking duties necessary for successful household 🙌

carelesswords | carelesswords

A wise older man calls out sexist excuses for not helping 🚮

Seethinginsepia | Seethinginsepia

Gender stereotypes and unfair division of labor at Thanksgiving 😠

Public-Reach-8505 | Public-Reach-8505

No free rides- everyone should cook or clean. NTA 👏

Misswinterseren | Misswinterseren

Breaking gender roles! Women deserve a break too 🙌

Birdie121 | Birdie121

Take a stand against the patriarchy and stop allowing it 👊

Mehitabel9 | Mehitabel9

Old lady gives obvious but effective advice for sharing chores 👥😎

LaVidaMocha_NZ | LaVidaMocha_NZ

Frustrated OP vents about lazy husband and plans revenge meal 😑

zero0c00l | zero0c00l

Frustrated commenter calls out husband's Neanderthal behavior. 😡

Cael_NaMaor | Cael_NaMaor

🚩 Red flags everywhere! Sexist and manipulative husband 🤢

ElectricBlueOwl | ElectricBlueOwl

NTA. Husband was being a jerk. Having testicles doesn't excuse laziness. 💪

Jodenaje | Jodenaje

Male host does 90% of Thanksgiving cooking, wife defends rest. One comment calls husband cowardly for not pressuring male guests to help.

redbirdrising | redbirdrising

An unexpected act of kindness from the men after dinner ❤

InevitableTrue7223 | InevitableTrue7223

Gender roles and family dynamics are still a struggle. 😔

Maleficent-Cup8722 | Maleficent-Cup8722

Gender roles still exist and it's frustrating 😒

FreekMeBaby | FreekMeBaby

🤦‍♀️ Men being lazy bums and arguing? Not the a**hole here.

Intrepid-Vehicle2455 | Intrepid-Vehicle2455

Gender roles come into question with this witty comment.

Fibro-Mite | Fibro-Mite

Male Thanksgiving cook frustrated by lack of help cleaning up 😡

DancesWithTrout | DancesWithTrout

Efficient man shares his after-dinner cleaning hack with family 👍

CommonLand414 | CommonLand414

Witty reply to gender bias comment. NTA wins.

DynkoFromTheNorth | DynkoFromTheNorth

Heartwarming comment about a great husband who helps out ❤️

00Lisa00 | 00Lisa00

Empowered woman shuts down husband's lazy cleaning excuse 💪

Doyoulikeithere | Doyoulikeithere

Husband's disrespectful behavior and gaslighting criticized 👏

soimsam1024 | soimsam1024

A retired heavy equipment operator and biker helping his wife clean 😂👏

bigal55 | bigal55

Man calls out toxic masculinity and supports holding people accountable.

Obsidian_wolf_0422 | Obsidian_wolf_0422

Indignant commenter calls out gendered cleaning expectations. 💪

madfoot | madfoot

Men should help with cleaning without having to be asked 👍

cryptocurrently23 | cryptocurrently23

Team work makes the dream work 👍

Saysaywhat91 | Saysaywhat91

NTA. Let your husband cook everything next year! 😊

Josii_ | Josii_

Gender roles causing issues, both need to work as team 👍

Number-2-Sis | Number-2-Sis

Husband used DARVO to avoid cleaning after dinner 😒

RavingNative | RavingNative

71-year-old dad sets an example on Thanksgiving. 👏

AmyandaCrochets | AmyandaCrochets

Husband's insult after she cooked? Misogynistic and not okay! 😡

Casianh | Casianh

Husband's excuse for not cleaning after dinner gets called out 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

Breaking gender roles and toxic masculinity, NTA wins.

orangeblossomsare | orangeblossomsare

When everyone helps with cleaning, it's a good Thanksgiving 🎄

P0GPerson5858 | P0GPerson5858

Testicle-based misogyny and unreliable narrators. Trust your gut. NTA.

Confetti-Everywhere | Confetti-Everywhere

Partner broke their word after agreeing to help with chores 😤

Ok_Monitor6691 | Ok_Monitor6691

No cooking, no Christmas! 🎅🏼🍗 Great solution, NTA!

writingisfreedom | writingisfreedom

Sassy comment calls out 'uncool' men & prefers kitchen gossip 😂

StStephen79 | StStephen79

Gender roles don't define chores 🙌

Anxious-Routine-5526 | Anxious-Routine-5526

A husband refuses to help clean after dinner, NTAH verdict.

gyalmeetsglobe | gyalmeetsglobe

Contributing to the meal means cleaning up too. 💪🍽️

dadudemon | dadudemon

Gender roles questioned in hilarious comment. 😂

bannana | bannana

NTA's marriage on the line due to husband's victim complex 😱

Bananas-Ananas-Nanas | Bananas-Ananas-Nanas

Gender roles still persist. NTA and good luck changing mentality. 🙏

martin33t | martin33t

Fairness is key 🔑 in household chores. #RoleReversal

thebigFATbitch | thebigFATbitch

Lead by example, great job! 👍

MasterJediPT | MasterJediPT

Fair division of labor in the kitchen. Don't be lazy 👍

Blackhawk-388 | Blackhawk-388

Full-time house husband debunks gender roles, dishes included. 🍽️

ziggy3610 | ziggy3610

Male commenter calls out sexist behavior and encourages helping out ✊

ikarikh | ikarikh

GF's dad brings one dish, eats dessert first, leaves for game. NTA.

BrightNooblar | BrightNooblar

Don't let mowing the lawn excuse all other house chores 🚫

OneMoreCookie | OneMoreCookie

Breaking gender stereotypes one dish at a time! 😂

Top_Barnacle9669 | Top_Barnacle9669

Outdated man mentality: NTA's husband cleaned every dish, why can't yours? 👏

orangeblossomsare | orangeblossomsare

When promises are broken and blame is shifted 😕

DrawingSlight5229 | DrawingSlight5229

User suggests a hard and fast rule in their house, and offers an interesting solution to their husband's excuse for not cleaning 🍽️💪

Adventurous_Soft5549 | Adventurous_Soft5549

Family meals should be a team effort 👍

squishyg | squishyg

Breaking gender roles in the kitchen is NAH 🙌

realityseekr | realityseekr

Husband prioritizes boys over wife, NTA holds him accountable. 💪

narcoleptic_unicorn | narcoleptic_unicorn

Husband agrees to clean, blames wife for being upset 😒

bettytomatoes | bettytomatoes

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