REAL DRAMA: Walmart Meltdown Over Service Dog Petting Request 😳

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Diply | Diply

🚨 Attention all dog lovers and Walmart shoppers! 🛒🐶 Get ready for a tail-wagging tale of boundaries, entitlement, and one fierce mama bear protecting her furry friend! 🐻 When a simple trip to the craft aisle turns into a dramatic showdown, sparks are bound to fly! 💥 So buckle up, grab your popcorn 🍿, and let's dive into this juicy story of a service dog, a determined kid, and a whole lot of attitude! 😎

🐶 A Day at Walmart with My Furry Friend 🛒

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🎨 Overheard in the Craft Aisle: A Mom's Misguided Suggestion 😬

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🙅‍♀️ "Sorry, No Petting Allowed!" - Setting Boundaries 101 🚫

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🤦‍♀️ The Entitled Mom Strikes Again: "But My Son is Just a Kid!" 😒

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🙏 Politely Explaining the Rules: No Means No! 🙅‍♂️

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🚫 Standing My Ground: "Maybe Next Time, Kid!" 😉

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🛍️ Moving On: Grabbing My Goods and Giggling with My Gal Pal 😂

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🧸 In Search of Sensory Toys: The Calm Before the Storm ⛈️

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

😱 The Karen Strikes Back: Stalking Mode Activated! 🕵️‍♀️

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🤯 Losing My Cool: "I TOLD YOU NOT TO PET MY DOG, KID!" 😡

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

😢 Tears and Tantrums: The Kid Runs to Mommy Dearest 🏃‍♂️

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🐶 My Furry Therapist: "Sit Down and Chill Out!" 😌

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🗣️ The Final Showdown: "I TOLD YOU NO PETTING!" 😤

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🚗 Retreating to the Car: Seeking Solace and Serenity 🧘‍♀️

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

😕 Unsupportive Friend: "It's Just a Kid Petting Your Dog" 🙄

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🤷‍♀️ Family Feud: Divided Opinions on the Doggy Drama 🐶

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🚧 Boundaries Broken: Distracting and Scaring My Working Dog 😰

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🐕 PSA: My Pup is a Gentle Soul, No Biting Here! 😇

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🐾 The Lowdown on Psychiatric Service Dogs 🧠

MyServiceMutt | MyServiceMutt

🐶 The Great Walmart Showdown: Service Dog vs. Entitled Kid! 🤼‍♂️

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a real doggy drama on our hands! 🐾 Our fierce protagonist and her trusty service pup were just minding their own business in Walmart when a mom and her kid decided to test their boundaries. 😒 Despite polite warnings and firm "no's," the dynamic duo just couldn't take a hint! 🙉 Cue the tears, tantrums, and a whole lot of yelling in the sensory toy aisle. 😭 But wait, there's more! Even after the dust settled, our hero faced judgment from friends and family who thought she was being "overdramatic." 🙄 Can you believe it? Let's see what the internet has to say about this wild Walmart adventure! 🌐

Parent ignores 'no' and still lets kid pet service dog 🐕‍🦺 NTA

Reasonable-Salad7274 | Reasonable-Salad7274

Service dogs are not pets. Mother should have taught boundaries. 🐾

HonkaiDayOne | HonkaiDayOne

Dog owners should be respected when they say 'no petting'. 🐶

Champi_Feuille | Champi_Feuille

"Service dog handler shares story of entitled petting incident." 🐶

RAbites | RAbites

Respect service animals. NTA, probably should've yelled louder 👏

WickedJoker420 | WickedJoker420

Respecting boundaries is important, even with service dogs. NTA 👍

Radiant_Trash8546 | Radiant_Trash8546

Being respectful to service dogs is important, NTA sets example 🐶

Mundane_Bike_912 | Mundane_Bike_912

Clear boundaries were set and respected. NTA 👍

Slave2themusik | Slave2themusik

Teachable moment missed: NTA commenter advocates for education over petting 🐶

-chelle- | -chelle-

NTA reminds us of the importance of consent with a relatable analogy 👍

ShinyAppleScoop | ShinyAppleScoop

Psychiatric service dogs are still service dogs, don't pet them. 👀

Wonderful_Pie_7220 | Wonderful_Pie_7220

🐶 Working dog = do not pet. NTA shuts down entitled mentality.

WhyAmIStillHere86 | WhyAmIStillHere86

Service dogs are not entertainment for your spawn to pet 😡

Madidaddy11 | Madidaddy11

Service dog owner defended, NTA - friends don't understand service dogs.

Illustrious_Leg_2537 | Illustrious_Leg_2537

Protecting a service dog from a child: NTA wins 💪

middlingwhiteguy | middlingwhiteguy

Service dogs are like medical devices - excellent job setting boundaries 👍

pontoponyo | pontoponyo

Service dog petting request leads to Walmart meltdown. Friend's fault?

SnooWords4839 | SnooWords4839

Friend chooses niceties over comfort, commenter NTA 😕

lesboraccoon | lesboraccoon

Setting boundaries for a service dog, entitled person can't accept it 😒

meadow_chef | meadow_chef

Teaching kids pet etiquette with clothing-clad dogs 🐶

bluegiant85 | bluegiant85

Respect boundaries: Karen and her kid need to learn that. NTA.

cozyDreams53 | cozyDreams53

Always ask before petting a dog, especially a service dog. NTA.

sleepy_koko | sleepy_koko

NTA stands up for service dog and shuts down entitled parent.

Dtour5150 | Dtour5150

Protecting service animals is everyone's responsibility 👏

ladydeathherself | ladydeathherself

Boundaries respected. Dog lovers unite 🐶

KesterFay | KesterFay

NTA stands up to entitled mom and bratty kid over service dog 🐕

Cool_gurl7 | Cool_gurl7

Blaming the mom for Walmart meltdown incident 🤷‍♀️

DizzyDragonfruit4027 | DizzyDragonfruit4027

SD handler defends service dog etiquette, teaches kids dog manners 🐶

CrimsonStiletto | CrimsonStiletto

Service dog owner faces criticism for denying kid's petting request 😡

Dachshundmom5 | Dachshundmom5

Respecting a service dog owner's wishes is crucial. NTA 🐾

Alternative_Let_1599 | Alternative_Let_1599

Karen disregards rules, but what's wrong with her friend? 🤔

Irondaddy_29 | Irondaddy_29

Support for advocating for service dog rights and good parenting.

spadoinklemillenia | spadoinklemillenia

Respect service dogs when they are working. NTA.

Bitter_Peach_8062 | Bitter_Peach_8062

Stand up for yourself and your service dog. No means no. 💪

Malibucat48 | Malibucat48

Teaching kids consent with service dogs 🐶

Ok_Response_3484 | Ok_Response_3484

Service dogs are like medical equipment, not pets. #NTA 🐕

aftiggerintel | aftiggerintel

Standing up for yourself and your service animal 👍

no_reddit_69420 | no_reddit_69420

Service dog trainer avoids public places due to people's behavior 😠

mofuz | mofuz

Firmly said no to petting service dog, mom overruled authority 😠

XBlackSunshineX | XBlackSunshineX

Entitlement over another being's body is AH territory. NTA.

Gothmom85 | Gothmom85

Respecting service dog boundaries is crucial. NTA for speaking up.

LiveHyena8431 | LiveHyena8431

Respecting service dogs is crucial 👏

distant-starlight | distant-starlight

Petting a service dog without permission? NTA for declining.

IthicaFox | IthicaFox

Respect service dog handlers; ask before petting. NTA 👍

DaniCapsFan | DaniCapsFan

Respect service dogs' job as medical equipment. NTA 🐾

LavenderDragon18 | LavenderDragon18

NTA. Working dog needs focus, family at TA for not understanding.

ryrowyourboat | ryrowyourboat

Strangers ignore my warning and pet my dog, then laugh 😡

cstarrxx | cstarrxx

Etiquette around working dogs - to pet or not to pet?

puttingupwithpots | puttingupwithpots

Teaching kids to respect service dogs is important 👍

SafetyCompetitive421 | SafetyCompetitive421

Respect service dogs and their owners' wishes. Entitlement is toxic.

pupperzforlife | pupperzforlife

Service dog owner feels unsupported by friends and family 😔

Nervous-Tea-7074 | Nervous-Tea-7074

Teaching kids to respect service dogs is crucial. 👏

Nice-Work2542 | Nice-Work2542

Respect personal space and boundaries, always ask before petting 👍

Cutie3pnt14159 | Cutie3pnt14159

Respecting boundaries is important, service dogs are not pets 🐕

mamamia_maya | mamamia_maya

Working dogs deserve respect, not petting entitlement. 👏

frozenmona68 | frozenmona68

Respect a dog owner's wishes about petting their service animal 🙏

scononthelake | scononthelake

Respect service dogs' duty & don't distract them. 👏

Sitari_Lyra | Sitari_Lyra

Teaching kids service dog etiquette 🐶

friendly_fun1981 | friendly_fun1981

Setting boundaries is important, but not everyone respects them 😠

ImpossibleNothing222 | ImpossibleNothing222

Respect service dogs and don't be a douche 🙌

ambelinathecreator | ambelinathecreator

Respect a service dog's job; parent modeled bad behavior 🙅

emmybemmy73 | emmybemmy73

Setting boundaries and teaching kids respect. NTA deserved 👍

Scared-Agent-8414 | Scared-Agent-8414

Service dog in training, mom ignored your no, NTA 👏

TigreMalabarista | TigreMalabarista

Why service dogs shouldn't be petted explained in NTA comment.

ForeignTry6780 | ForeignTry6780

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