They Tried to TRAP Her Into Marriage...Now They're Using Her Nephew as a Pawn?! 😠

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Diply | Diply

🌈 Hey there, lovelies! Get ready for a wild ride filled with family drama, betrayal, and a dash of forbidden love! 😱💕 Our leading lady, let's call her 'Oman Queen' 👑, has found herself in quite the pickle after confiding in her sister about her change of heart regarding her upcoming nuptials. 💍 Little did she know, her sis had other plans up her sleeve! 😈 Now, Oman Queen is faced with a heart-wrenching dilemma that could impact not only her future but also that of her young nephew. 👦 Buckle up, because this story is about to get bumpy! 🎢

🌍 From Oman to the UK: A Journey of Love and Betrayal 💔

konogilwono | konogilwono

🤐 Confiding in Sis: A Secret Revealed 🗣️

konogilwono | konogilwono

🤝 Trusting Sis to Have My Back 🙏

konogilwono | konogilwono

🤥 Sis's Deceitful Plan: Luring Me Back Home 😱

konogilwono | konogilwono

👵 Grandma to the Rescue: A Timely Warning ⚠️

konogilwono | konogilwono

😢 Betrayed and Heartbroken: No Longer Able to Go Home 💔

konogilwono | konogilwono

👦 The Plan: Nephew's Future in the UK 🇬🇧

konogilwono | konogilwono

👩‍⚖️ Appointed as Guardian for Nephew's Sake 🙌

konogilwono | konogilwono

😡 Sis Plays the Guilt Card: Accusing Me of Selfishness 🃏

konogilwono | konogilwono

🙅‍♀️ Standing My Ground: No Longer Interested in Helping 💪

konogilwono | konogilwono

😞 Torn Between Guilt and Fairness: A Moral Dilemma 🤔

konogilwono | konogilwono

😱 Family Betrayal Leads to Heartbreaking Dilemma: Will Oman Queen 👑 Sacrifice Love for Nephew's Future? 💔

Well, well, well... it seems like Oman Queen 👑 is caught between a rock and a hard place! 😫 After confiding in her sister about her newfound love 💕 and desire to call off her arranged marriage 💍, she finds herself betrayed and manipulated by her own family. 😱 They even went as far as planning to trap her in her home country and force her into therapy! 😡 Now, Oman Queen is faced with an impossible choice: give in to her family's demands and marry her ex-fiance 🤵 to secure her nephew's future 👦, or stand her ground and pursue her own happiness. 💪 It's a classic case of family guilt-tripping and emotional blackmail, folks! 😤 Let's see what the internet has to say about this juicy drama! 🍿

Encouraging NTA comment for leaving toxic arranged marriage. 🙏

clambert90 | clambert90

NTA refuses to go back to Oman, advises OP to ask sister about financial arrangement for nephew and question why sister would trust her with child if she can't trust her to live her own life. 🙏

fancy-bottom | fancy-bottom

Protect yourself and your nephew with witnesses and legal documents. ✍🏼

thatblkman | thatblkman

Resources shared for victim of forced marriage. Empathetic response.

Lenniel | Lenniel

Protect yourself with a forced marriage protection order 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't let manipulative family guilt you into loveless marriage. NTA 👏

djs4doctors | djs4doctors

Don't go back! Your grandma is amazing 😍

MinPDnim | MinPDnim

Supportive comment encourages OP to protect herself from family's manipulations.

Fleegle2212 | Fleegle2212

Escape from forced marriage and rape. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Forced marriage is always wrong. NTA for refusing.

Action-a-go-go-baby | Action-a-go-go-baby

Supportive comment acknowledges sister's betrayal and offers potential solution. ❤️😢

xfallenxlostx | xfallenxlostx

Fellow Muslim advises against returning due to religious reasons 🙏

2manymozzies | 2manymozzies

Cut them off and enjoy your new life! 👍

mintberrycthulhu | mintberrycthulhu

Stay safe and seek help if needed. NTA for sure! 👍

Dolly_Stardust | Dolly_Stardust

Contact Karma Nirvana for support against forced marriage/ honor violence

rleaky | rleaky

Family drama and toxicity. Stay away for your own good 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cut contact, block them. Don't let them guilt trip you 🙌

Ok_Size_8987 | Ok_Size_8987

Don't let oppressive family trap you into a toxic marriage 🚫

Shaady152 | Shaady152

Sister's betrayal for marriage escape = NTA, but could have communicated 😊

ForeignEffective9 | ForeignEffective9

NTA refuses forced marriage, family uses nephew as pawn! 😠

Swegh_ | Swegh_

NTA stands up against forced marriage and offers support resources.

CheerilyTerrified | CheerilyTerrified

Defending cultural norms or risking your child's safety? 🤔

RagdollSeeker | RagdollSeeker

Grandma to the rescue! NTA should stay away for good.

Glittering-War-5748 | Glittering-War-5748

Run and seek help from police or forced marriage organizations 🚨

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA, prioritize your safety and don't let them manipulate you 🙌

gataattack | gataattack

Standing up to controlling family, refusing to be their property. 💪

Anemphenon | Anemphenon

Grandma is amazing, sister should be responsible for her son.

viridian152 | viridian152

NTA and advised to cut off toxic family and protect yourself 👍🏻

scandic2020 | scandic2020

Mother broke promise, commenter suggests she live with consequences. 😤

[deleted] | [deleted]

Charity HALO can help prevent forced marriage. NTA wins!

The-Shaffy | The-Shaffy

Find a new tribe that accepts you and be brave! 💪

Magically_Deblicious | Magically_Deblicious

Avoiding Oman and using pandemic as excuse. NTA.

Chasing_Lyrics | Chasing_Lyrics

Grandma is the real MVP! Sis ruined her son's chances 😍

Splatterfilm | Splatterfilm

Choose your safety and happiness over toxic family pressures! 🙌

PsychologyAutomatic3 | PsychologyAutomatic3

Take control of your life. NTA. 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cut contact with abusive family, stay in touch with caring grandmother. 👍

Wolfy-Corpse | Wolfy-Corpse

Enslaving and weaponizing family? Definitely NTA in this situation.

flukefluk | flukefluk

NTA. Adopt nephew to avoid legal tie to rando dude.

kifferella | kifferella

Grandma saved her life and is more progressive than family. 👵❤️

JonfenHepburn | JonfenHepburn

Seek legal help and protect yourself from forced marriage. You're NTA 👏

exfamilia | exfamilia

Grandma to the rescue! Cut ties with toxic 'family.' 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

"Let us imprison you, treat you like chattel" 😡 NTA, disappear!

Froot-Batz | Froot-Batz

Refusing to be blackmailed to destroy future for nephew's sake. 💪

ApartLocksmith1 | ApartLocksmith1

Two options: accept new life or pay back expenses and cut off family 😡

peck20 | peck20

Family tried to trap her into marriage, now using nephew as pawn. 💔

abcwva | abcwva

Cutting ties with family over nephew, NTA stands firm 💪

oddpolyglot | oddpolyglot

Prioritizing your future doesn't make you a bad aunt/uncle 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sold into arranged marriage for nephew's financial freedom. NTA.

Chasmosaur | Chasmosaur

Don't fall into the trap of marriage, pay them back 💰

justmydailyrant | justmydailyrant

Embrace cultural differences but don't compromise your own values. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA stands up to family's unreasonable demands and offers compromise.

ohmywarningsign | ohmywarningsign

Cutting toxic family ties: NTA takes a strong stand

iluvcats17 | iluvcats17

Grandma saved the day! NTA. Immigration woes, family drama 😠

bluebell435 | bluebell435

Stay strong, you'll find new loving people. ❤️

Fairfis | Fairfis

Emancipated from cultural expectations, not the a**hole for leaving.

AlfredGWhittaker | AlfredGWhittaker

Escape the trap! Don't let them use you as pawn. 🚨

raerae6672 | raerae6672

Toxic family treating her like an ATM, she's NTA. Be ready for drama if she stands up for herself. 😠

YoungDiscord | YoungDiscord

Forced marriage is never acceptable. NTA for seeking help. 👏

NikolovIvo | NikolovIvo

Illegal and deceptive marriage plan foiled with UK law 🚫🤥

On_The_Blindside | On_The_Blindside

Betraying trust has consequences, NTA. Hope UK treating well! 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Financially supported but treated as a means to an end. NTA 👏

fecoped | fecoped

Viewing children as investments is sick. Seek help, stay strong! 💪🏻

BananaBear86 | BananaBear86

NTA. Cut contact with liars. Grandma is awesome! 😎

moontiara16 | moontiara16

Advice for OP on forced marriage and asylum. Not the a-hole.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Forced marriage and manipulation to take in nephew is unacceptable.

JournalisticDisaster | JournalisticDisaster

Don't feel guilty, live for yourself. Find support. Good luck! 🙏🏻

luckydidi18 | luckydidi18

Wishing for clear guidance on complicated legal situation 🙏

Mechai44 | Mechai44

Take control of your life and don't let them manipulate you 💪

Blonde_Supremacy | Blonde_Supremacy

Grandma deserves an award! 🏅 NTA gets support.

grumpi-otter | grumpi-otter

Stand your ground and pay them back with interest! 💪

kali8007 | kali8007

Grandma saves the day! NTA, sister's brainwashed by culture. 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Live your life, block them all 🙌

WonderChode | WonderChode

Escape from a toxic family with the embassy's help 🙌

Fit-Statistician6216 | Fit-Statistician6216

Grandmother's support and a petty solution to family drama. 😏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Grandma sounds like a saint 😍 bring her instead! NTA

guernseycoug | guernseycoug

Don't be a pawn! NTA stands up for herself.

PeskyTrash | PeskyTrash

🚫 NTA, and rightfully in all caps. Escaped and should not return.

Elean0r89 | Elean0r89

Free from hostage situation! NTA wins 👏

LadyOfSighs | LadyOfSighs

Live your life on your own terms 👏

wddiver | wddiver

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