Family DRAMA Erupts Over Woman's Bizarre Xmas Party Rule 😱🎄

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Diply | Diply

🎄 It's the most wonderful time of the year... unless you're hosting your first X-mas party in your brand new house! 🏠 I'm so excited to finally have a place to call my own and show it off to my family. But there's just one little problem... 👞 I have a strict no-shoes policy! 🚫 Will my guests think I'm being a total Grinch for making them slip into something more comfortable? 🧦 Let's dive into this festive fiasco and find out! 🎅

🏠 New House, New Rules! 🎄

justalady108 | justalady108

🎉 Hosting My First X-mas Party! 🥳

justalady108 | justalady108

🧦 Slippers for Everyone! 🎁

justalady108 | justalady108

👞 No Shoes Allowed! 🚫

justalady108 | justalady108

😠 Partner Thinks I'm Being an A-hole 🙄

justalady108 | justalady108

👭 Sister Says I'm Being Weird 🤨

justalady108 | justalady108

🐱 Protecting My Cats & Floors 😻

justalady108 | justalady108

🎁 Slippers Are the Solution! 🧦

justalady108 | justalady108

🚨 EDIT: Cleaning Clarification 🧹

justalady108 | justalady108

🙅‍♀️ I Won't Delete It, But... 🤐

justalady108 | justalady108

🤷‍♂️ He Tries, But I Always Redo It 🔄

justalady108 | justalady108

🎄 Slipper Showdown: Will This X-mas Host Get Coal for Being a Shoe Scrooge? 🎁

Well, well, well... looks like we've got a real holiday humdinger on our hands! 🎅 Our excited host is ready to deck the halls and welcome her family into her new home, but there's a catch - no shoes allowed! 👞🚫 She's even gone out and bought a bunch of cozy slippers for everyone to wear instead. 🧦 But her partner and sister think she's being a total Scrooge for expecting people to ditch their carefully chosen kicks. 😠 On the other hand, she's just trying to protect her floors and keep her curious cats from munching on any dirt or debris. 🐱 So, is she being a holiday hero or a festive flop? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this slipper showdown! 🎁

Taking shoes off inside is normal in some regions. NTA 👍

Andante79 | Andante79

Different cultures, different rules. NTA, but communicate expectations clearly.

Excellent_Care1859 | Excellent_Care1859

Cultural differences can be amusing, but NAH in this case 😊

BarracudaGullible | BarracudaGullible

Canadian defends no shoes rule, advises to avoid gender stereotype.

Ellejaek | Ellejaek

NTA! Fun party game with standard house rule 😍

jimthree60 | jimthree60

European Redditor finds American shoe-wearing indoors 'gross'. NTA.

Nuttysewingcat | Nuttysewingcat

Respecting host's wishes is crucial, shoes-inside etiquette varies. NTA 👍

Left-Car6520 | Left-Car6520

Sensible suggestion to keep home clean while accommodating cultural norms. 👍

ExcitingEvidence8815 | ExcitingEvidence8815

Suggestion to add slipper socks for comfort and asterisk note.

Americanhealth74 | Americanhealth74

Respectful comment defends host's shoe rule with cultural explanation.

Pronebasilisk | Pronebasilisk

Free slippers at a party? Count me in! NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Removing footwear at the door is polite in Canada 👞

[deleted] | [deleted]

A shoe-free household isn't bizarre, NTA explains why 🤷‍♀️

Kangkm | Kangkm

Slippers for guests? NTA gets approval from Americans 😊

emz272 | emz272

Shoeless party creates dilemma for guests with foot needs 🤔

sunfloweries | sunfloweries

No shoes allowed! NTA offers slippers for guests. 👟

MissingCalifornia- | MissingCalifornia-

Polite suggestion to wear festive slippers at party, respecting host's rule.

tosser9212 | tosser9212

Swedes find Xmas rule normal 😎

AnotherCloudHere | AnotherCloudHere

Removing shoes in Northern Europe is common and polite. NTA.

000-Hotaru_Tomoe | 000-Hotaru_Tomoe

Guest slippers at parties are a good idea to avoid dirt 👟

Superdry73 | Superdry73

No outside shoes in the house, sister is weird 🤷‍♀️

DarkAthena | DarkAthena

No shoes inside the house? NTA and many countries agree 👍

faaabiii | faaabiii

Consider guests' orthotics when enforcing shoe rule 🤔

gfdoctor | gfdoctor

Christmas slippers save the day, shoeless guests not an issue 🎄👞

Either-Sympathy-9514 | Either-Sympathy-9514

Casual sexism isn't cool. Watch out for bizarre party rules. 😱

Dacheat1212 | Dacheat1212

Hosting a family Christmas party? NTA for setting rules.

amazingmikeyc | amazingmikeyc

Gender bias sparks heated debate on party etiquette. 🤔

Broad-Student-3733 | Broad-Student-3733

No shoes policy at home gets a thumbs up 👍

Constant_Shop3265 | Constant_Shop3265

No shoes, no problem. NTA's slipper solution is adorable. 👟🍒

FuntimeChris79 | FuntimeChris79

Planning ahead for a sock rule at a party 🤣

Djorgal | Djorgal

Respectful NTA host implements no outdoor shoes policy with consideration 👟

SaintPatty317 | SaintPatty317

Respectful comment acknowledges cultural differences over shoe etiquette 👟

[deleted] | [deleted]

Canadian defends taking off shoes indoors, winter weather requires it ❄️👞

Saltynut99 | Saltynut99

Canadian defends taking shoes off in house, declares NTA 🇨🇦

RickdirtySanchez69 | RickdirtySanchez69

Christmas slippers as party favors? NTA for asking shoes off.

Either-Sympathy-9514 | Either-Sympathy-9514

Providing slippers instead of shoes at a party 👟👜

ZoomZoomZachAttack | ZoomZoomZachAttack

A civil discussion about a common holiday tradition 🎄✨

EwokCafe | EwokCafe

Being considerate of others' preferences can go a long way 👍

Fantastic-Focus-7056 | Fantastic-Focus-7056

No shoes allowed in Canadian parties, eh? 🚫👞

sreno77 | sreno77

No shoe policy at home - NTA! 👟

[deleted] | [deleted]

Canadians take shoe removal seriously 🤓

ambroochia | ambroochia

Gender stereotypes challenged in household cleaning duties 💪

Remarkable_Owl3610 | Remarkable_Owl3610

No shoes, no problem! NTA suggests slipper solution 👞

mic_insteadof_nic | mic_insteadof_nic

Slip into something more comfortable this holiday season 👟

ssleepystarfish | ssleepystarfish

Polite request for advance notice to remove shoes due to foot issues.


Sensible compromise suggested for Xmas party shoe dilemma 👟

BirdPuzzleheaded3219 | BirdPuzzleheaded3219

UK commenter loves host's shoe rule, slippers a bonus! 👍

Designer_Database718 | Designer_Database718

NTA for asking for help. YTA for the men can't clean.

foreverlullaby | foreverlullaby

NTA wants clean house, guests should follow basic courtesy 😊

Belondia | Belondia

No shoes policy debate for party hosts, NTA for OP 👟

nicole420pm | nicole420pm

No shoes, no problem! Commenter agrees with party rule 👟

lovelylimdis | lovelylimdis

Shared slippers? More like shared bacteria! Gross 🤮

balletje2017 | balletje2017

Shoes on or off? NAH says it's okay either way 👟

Ms_Cats_Meow | Ms_Cats_Meow

Shoe covers over shoes? NTA knows how to keep clean! 😎

CakeZealousideal1820 | CakeZealousideal1820

Being respectful of others' house rules, NTA suggests asking beforehand 👍

ConnectionUpper6983 | ConnectionUpper6983

Marine challenges OP's cleaning skills after judgement on party rule.

Marines-88 | Marines-88

Consider new slippers for party guests, NTA explains why 💡👟

TastyHome8183 | TastyHome8183

Slip into the holiday spirit with this NTA's cozy rule 😊🎁

Lesbianinfinance | Lesbianinfinance

NTA suggests outfit warning and jokes about man cleaning.

kniekske | kniekske

No shoes? No problem! Commenters embrace host's party rule 😊

Slight-Bar-534 | Slight-Bar-534

Taking off shoes is normal etiquette. NTA for enforcing it.

Swirlyflurry | Swirlyflurry

Set Xmas party rules, but don't stereotype men's cleaning skills. 🎄

JullabyBye | JullabyBye

Party dress code debate sparks confusion among commenters 😐

SarkyMs | SarkyMs

NTA for having no shoes rule, but watch out for sexism 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Woman does all the cleaning because her man's idea of clean is questionable 🤷‍♀️

winstoncadbury | winstoncadbury

European superiority reigns supreme in the shoe debate 🇪🇺👞

Impqctt | Impqctt

Shoeless house rule is fair, SO should help clean. NTA 👍

Impossible_Theme9180 | Impossible_Theme9180

Respectful NTA comment supports no shoes party rule 🚫👞

fourjoys99 | fourjoys99

NTA defends her reasonable Xmas Party Rule 🎉🎄

buttercupgrump | buttercupgrump

Sensible suggestion to avoid drama over no-shoe rule 👍

Own-Cauliflower2386 | Own-Cauliflower2386

Shoes off at the door rule - NTA. Cute fluffy socks 🥰

Disastrous-Dot-2707 | Disastrous-Dot-2707

Gender shouldn't be an excuse for not helping with household chores 🙅

scoobaroo | scoobaroo

Party host is NTA but should inform guests of shoe rule 👟

breaking_sad_ | breaking_sad_

Removing shoes in someone's house is normal. NTA, party on! 👏

Tinbum89 | Tinbum89

Shoe drama! Compromise with shoe covers for health or embarrassment.

lainmelle | lainmelle

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