Friend DEMANDS Woman Spends Time with Her Kid - She Says NO WAY! 😠

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🙋‍♀️ Hey there, Facebook fam! Get ready for a wild ride as we dive into the drama-filled world of friendships, kids, and the age-old question: to hang or not to hang? 🤔 Our protagonist, let's call her the "Cool Aunt," finds herself in a sticky situation with her mom friend, "Kayla." 😬 The Cool Aunt just wants to enjoy some adult time, but Kayla keeps bringing her kid along! 👦 Buckle up, because this story is about to get juicy! 🍿

🎨 The Painting Predicament

7thwifeofhenrythe8th | 7thwifeofhenrythe8th

🖌️ A Brush with Tension

7thwifeofhenrythe8th | 7thwifeofhenrythe8th

🚶‍♀️ The Hiking Hijinks

7thwifeofhenrythe8th | 7thwifeofhenrythe8th

🍷 The Wine Tasting Tiff

7thwifeofhenrythe8th | 7thwifeofhenrythe8th

🦶 Putting My Foot Down

7thwifeofhenrythe8th | 7thwifeofhenrythe8th

🙊 The Silent Treatment

7thwifeofhenrythe8th | 7thwifeofhenrythe8th

🐒 The Zoo Debacle

7thwifeofhenrythe8th | 7thwifeofhenrythe8th

🤷‍♀️ Divided Opinions

7thwifeofhenrythe8th | 7thwifeofhenrythe8th

🎂 The Birthday Snub

7thwifeofhenrythe8th | 7thwifeofhenrythe8th

🔥 The Great Kid Debate: A Friendship on the Brink! 😱

The tension reaches a boiling point when the Cool Aunt 😎 puts her foot down 🦶 and refuses to spend her day around a child at a wine tasting. 🍷 Cue the big argument! 🗣️ Kayla tells her she needs to get used to kids, but the Cool Aunt stands her ground. 💪 The silent treatment ensues, and things get even more heated when the Cool Aunt goes to the zoo 🐒 without inviting Kayla and her son. The internet is divided on this one! 🤷‍♀️ Some say the Cool Aunt should suck it up, while others stand by her child-free stance. In the end, the Cool Aunt gets uninvited to the kid's birthday party 🎂, but she's not even mad about it! 😏 Let's see what the internet has to say about this juicy drama! 🍿

Respectful boundaries set, friend should respect or move on. 🚶‍♀️

Unknown2809 | Unknown2809

Friend disregards boundaries regarding kids. NTA stands firm. 😠

jenzo2 | jenzo2

Being childfree doesn't make you obligated to hang out with kids. 🙅‍♀️

pocahontski | pocahontski

To hang out with her, you have to accept her kid 🙄

redditor191389 | redditor191389

Adults without kids don't always want to hang out with them 😠

stefaniey | stefaniey

Childfree friend sympathizes with Kayla but encourages compromise. 👍

hannahsflora | hannahsflora

Annie suggests kid-friendly events, NTA for declining.

Mindelan | Mindelan

Uninvited to a birthday party, but happy about it? 🤪 NAH

PretentiousUsername1 | PretentiousUsername1

Growing apart is normal. Don't burn bridges with friends. 🙌

Wader_Man | Wader_Man

Missed opportunity for a kind conversation about boundaries. 👍

Ladyughsalot1 | Ladyughsalot1

Setting boundaries with friends and kids is okay! 😊

Consistent-Leopard71 | Consistent-Leopard71

Child-free spaces are important, NTA for standing up.


OP shouldn't have to 'get used to kids' at adult-only events. NTA 🚫👶


Enjoy adult time without kids, NTA is not alone 🍹👩‍👩‍👦

TequilaMockingbird80 | TequilaMockingbird80

Friendship or child-free experience? NAH says it's a package deal 🙂

Zrd5003 | Zrd5003

Don't bring your kid to adult events. NTA parenting advice.

AWhooter | AWhooter

Childfree friend doesn't owe friend time with her kid 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA - Some parents believe world revolves around their children 😠

Exodeus87 | Exodeus87

Why bring a kid to a wine tasting? 🤷‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Including a child changes group dynamics, recognize others' needs 👍

Millerbomb | Millerbomb

Curious about Kayla's behavior and expectations with her son 🤔

-tabs- | -tabs-

Mom of 2 defends right to enjoy outings without her kids 🙌

GloInTheDarkUnicorn | GloInTheDarkUnicorn

NTA. Poor kid at a wine tasting 🤔 Adults only, no kids.

[deleted] | [deleted]

New mom shares her experience of wanting kid-free time out.

kitsunekurai | kitsunekurai

Parenting identity crisis? NTA sets a boundary, sparks backlash. 🤣

Statnut | Statnut

Mom stands up for herself and enjoys childfree coffee 😊

esqweasya | esqweasya

Childhood trauma leads to disliking tipsy people at wine tastings. 😠

chimneyswallow | chimneyswallow

Wine tasting with kids? Not a good idea! 🍷👶🏼

MrJ_Sar | MrJ_Sar

Childfree woman wants adult-only time, friend insists on kid inclusion. NTA.

RunTurtleRun115 | RunTurtleRun115

Friend demands woman spend time with her kid - NTA says commentor, and rightly so! 👏

karenhater12345 | karenhater12345

Having adult-only time is important for mental health 😌👩‍👧‍👧

Fniif | Fniif

Single mom navigates friend's demands for kid-inclusive hangouts - NTA.

meow_witch | meow_witch

NTA, suggest setting boundaries with friends who want kid-friendly outings.

pcnauta | pcnauta

Friend demands kid time, NTA sets boundaries, friend lacks awareness 🤔

AnglerFishSweater | AnglerFishSweater

Childfree person sets boundaries, defends woman's choice. 💪

MonkeyBirdWeird | MonkeyBirdWeird

Don't let others force their responsibilities on you. NTA 👍

MendlebrotsCat | MendlebrotsCat

Respectful boundaries set: NTA for not wanting to spend time.

Sinichikun2016 | Sinichikun2016

User calls out OP for hating friend's kid and being entitled 👎

Embryw | Embryw

Child-free man shares experience of losing friends to parenthood. 😔

Eladiun | Eladiun

Respect boundaries! CF woman has the right to not hang out with kids. 🙏

Foreverblowingbubble | Foreverblowingbubble

It's okay to not want to hang out with kids 😊 #NTA

shxllo | shxllo

No kids, no problem! NTA for wanting child-free outings 😊

Sheila_Monarch | Sheila_Monarch

Kids are annoying AF, even as a mother 🙄

B0326C0821 | B0326C0821

Boundaries respected: NTA, not everyone is a kid person 😊

Sunflower_Reaction | Sunflower_Reaction

Being childfree doesn't mean we make exceptions for *your* children. 😠

hdmx539 | hdmx539

Respectful boundaries and communication is key. 👍

PeachyMazikeen | PeachyMazikeen

Choosing not to revolve life around friend's kid. NTA 😍

Kazvicious | Kazvicious

Setting boundaries for kid-free events is understandable. 😊

CinePhileNC | CinePhileNC

Respectful parent acknowledges friend's decision to be child-free 👏

Ginger_brit93 | Ginger_brit93

No kids allowed! NTA for not wanting child at adult event. 😍

Splungetastic | Splungetastic

Friend wants to bring kid to outings, disagreement ending friendship 😕

No_Proposal7628 | No_Proposal7628

Setting boundaries with friends who don't respect them 🙌

wigglywigglywack | wigglywigglywack

Teacher explains why she doesn't want to deal with kids 🤬

[deleted] | [deleted]

Child-free events should be respected too. NTA 😊

mfruitfly | mfruitfly

Friend's poor parenting led to end of long-term friendship. 😢

84unicorn | 84unicorn

Child-free commenter sympathizes with NTA OP who doesn't want friend's kid at meetings 😠

SalannB | SalannB

Friend disregards boundaries and shows no respect, NTA 😠

6bubbles | 6bubbles

Having kids doesn't make you a special person 😠

NotSoAverage_sister | NotSoAverage_sister

Child-free adult navigates losing friends over not wanting kids. 😠

thekidubullied | thekidubullied

Not wanting to be around kids is understandable, NTA 👍

ChimericalTrainer | ChimericalTrainer

Woman stands up for herself against entitled mom. #NTA 👏

creamcheese_wonton | creamcheese_wonton

No kids? No problem! NTA sets boundaries with entitled friend 😎

TexasYankee212 | TexasYankee212

Friend demands woman spend time with her kid - NTA says NO WAY! ❌

CamCritter | CamCritter

Respect boundaries! NTA for not wanting to be around kids. 👍

etoilefemme | etoilefemme

NTA stands firm on not having friend's kid at events.

TheGreatNyanHobo | TheGreatNyanHobo

No-kids outing? NTA friend threatens fun, not her kid. 😂

aprilmarina | aprilmarina

Friendship should not be forced, NTA. 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend tries to force kid on child-free hangouts, NTA for refusing 👍

WolfgangAddams | WolfgangAddams

Avoiding kids when hanging out with friends? NTA, set boundaries! 🙌

t34nort | t34nort

Supportive comment on occasional sacrifices for friends with kids.

PoopEndeavor | PoopEndeavor

Finding childfree friends: a classified ad adventure! 😎

FairyFartDaydreams | FairyFartDaydreams

Kid-free time is precious! NTA for saying no 👍

eugenesnewdream | eugenesnewdream

NTA prefers kid-free outings with friends, but is confused about zoo

MamaOf2Monsters | MamaOf2Monsters

Child-free friend stands up for her right to alone time. 👏

kikivee612 | kikivee612

Adults-only outings or friendship fallout? NTA draws a line.

LordofToomay | LordofToomay

Setting boundaries with friends' kids. NTA for saying no 👍

unknown_928121 | unknown_928121

Friend demands woman include her kid in everything - NTA response.

dystopianpirate | dystopianpirate

Choosing kid-free events may alienate parent friends. Consider child-friendly plans. 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend demands woman include her kid in outings, but NTA says no way. Friendship may change.

Glengal | Glengal

Navigating the divide between friends with and without kids 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Being friends with parents means being around their kids sometimes 👫

SamanthaCrAzZy | SamanthaCrAzZy

Having kids around changes the dynamic. NTA for setting boundaries. 😊

Ihateyou1975 | Ihateyou1975

OP is NTA, but dragging the kid to outings with friends is tedious 😕

naughtyzoot | naughtyzoot

Woman stands her ground on not wanting to spend time with friend's kid. NTA 😠

Mellykitty1 | Mellykitty1

Friend continuously demands child-friendly events and is out of line. NTA 😎

memily11 | memily11

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