Heartbroken Daughter Confronts Dad: "You're NOT Entitled to a Relationship With Me!" 💔😲

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Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a juicy tale of broken promises, family drama, and a college fund that mysteriously vanished into thin air. 💸🕵️‍♀️ Our protagonist, a 27-year-old woman, is about to take us on a wild ride through her tumultuous relationship with her dad. From a messy divorce to an extravagant wedding, this story has more twists and turns than a roller coaster. 🎢 So, grab your popcorn 🍿 and get ready to dive into this emotional rollercoaster of a story! 🎭💔

A Messy Divorce 💔

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

Mom Wins Custody, Dad Loses Interest 🏆😞

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

Video Games Over Daddy-Daughter Time 🎮👨‍👧

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

The Mysterious College Fund 💰🎓

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

Straight-A Student, Model Kid 📚🌟

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

Dad's Lavish Wedding 💒💸

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

The Shocking Truth About the College Fund 😱💸

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

Dad's Casual Betrayal 😒🍽️

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

Turning the Tables: "You're Being Selfish!" 🙅‍♀️😡

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

Scholarship to the Rescue! 🎉📜

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

Feeling Conned and Distant 😔💔

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

The Unfulfilled Promise 🤨💸

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

Dad's Failed Reconciliation Attempts 🙅‍♀️🍼

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

The Stalemate: "You're Not Entitled to a Relationship With Me" 😤🤐

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

Reflecting on the Harsh Words 🤔💭

collegefundbaby | collegefundbaby

The College Fund Betrayal: A Daughter's Struggle 💔🎓

Well, well, well... it seems like our protagonist's dad has some serious explaining to do! 😤 After years of promising a college fund, he casually drops the bomb 💣 that he used it to pay for his lavish wedding. 💒💸 Talk about a betrayal of trust! 😱 But wait, it gets better (or worse?). When confronted, dear old dad has the audacity to call his daughter selfish and claim she's not entitled to the money. 🙄 The internet has a lot to say about this one, so let's dive into the juicy responses and see who's the real a-hole in this situation. 🍿👀 Grab your tea, because this is about to get interesting! 🍵😏

Dad's entitled behavior exposed, daughter not in the wrong 👏

Pandasrthebest | Pandasrthebest

Father broke promise of tuition fund, NTA for cutting him out 👏

9Bleh999 | 9Bleh999

Setting boundaries with family members can be tough. NTA.

Servantofbosco | Servantofbosco

Neglected by dad, daughter calls out his broken promises. NTA 👍

que_he_hecho | que_he_hecho

Father breaks verbal contract with daughter, NTA for confronting him 👏

BoudicasDotter | BoudicasDotter

Daughter confronts dad for broken promises, money, and entitlement. NTA 👏

PerspectiveRoyal8014 | PerspectiveRoyal8014

Father's broken promise leads to justified expectations. NTA 👏

Kris82868 | Kris82868

Trust broken over college fund; NTA for confronting dad. 👍

AussieSkittles81 | AussieSkittles81

NTA commenter suspects financial infidelity by dad and supports daughter.

dreamin-solo | dreamin-solo

Daughter stands up to entitled dad, gets validation and support.

Nausicaalotus | Nausicaalotus

Father broke promise, gaslit daughter, lacks interest in her life. NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Achievement-based love is conditional and toxic. NTA choice justified. 👏

anathema_deviced | anathema_deviced

Father ignored his daughter and doesn't deserve a relationship 💔

JennaFarce | JennaFarce

Shitty dad breaks promises, gaslights daughter; she's NTA for confronting.

starchy2ber | starchy2ber

Daughter stands up to unreliable father, gets support from commenter. ❤️


Supportive comment offers hope for stepmom to protect sibling ❤️

MissMurderpants | MissMurderpants

Daughter rightfully calls out neglectful father. NTA 👏

ComprehensiveBand586 | ComprehensiveBand586

Father promised money, spent on wedding, absentee parent. NTA.

hey-demons-its-me-ya | hey-demons-its-me-ya

Expectation vs. Reality: When Dads Don't Deliver 🙁

Chance-Contract-1290 | Chance-Contract-1290

Empathetic commenter shares personal experience and advises self-care 👍

iammamafox | iammamafox

Broken promises and neglect can't be compensated with empty promises 👍

ssstonebraker | ssstonebraker

Being a big sis is invaluable, dad's behavior is unacceptable. 👍

nikokazini | nikokazini

Clearing the air: No connection to lose, have fun!

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA and setting boundaries 💯👏

djskyrah | djskyrah

Cutting off a parent can be tough but sometimes necessary. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cutting ties with a liar. NTA, move on. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

A personal story of broken promises and debt. #NTA

TalontheKiller | TalontheKiller

Don't tie the feelings to the money. Tie them to what the money represented. 👍

Playful_bug | Playful_bug

Money was his, but he used it as a con. NTA.

MomIrishTwins | MomIrishTwins

Dad made a promise to keep her connected, not to care.

Shiny_Agumon | Shiny_Agumon

Dad lied, took money for own selfish purposes. NTA.

No_Proposal7628 | No_Proposal7628

Sarcastic comment about hitting nuts, followed by NTA judgement.

Silvalirum | Silvalirum

NTA. Dad reaps what he sows, even with college fund.

LeslieJaye419 | LeslieJaye419

No need to tolerate lies and unreliability from family. ✂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Father dismisses daughter's feelings and promises. NTA 👍

poyorick | poyorick

Reconciliation possible but with caution. NTA sentiment.

The_Amoeba_King | The_Amoeba_King

Setting boundaries with unreliable parents is tough but necessary. 👍

wiilyc22 | wiilyc22

Father uses daughter's money for wedding, she's NTA for confronting.

PyRe_Resurgence | PyRe_Resurgence

Good parenting means keeping promises; he was unreliable and selfish.

BeTheCheeto | BeTheCheeto

Father manipulates daughter and breaks promise, NTA for confronting him. 👏

Maleficent_Ad_3958 | Maleficent_Ad_3958

Money is just the tip of the iceberg 🤔

ricst | ricst

Father's neglectful habits unclear, NTA for feeling hurt and distant. 😕

dcoleski | dcoleski

Dad gaslighted and insulted daughter. NTA for confronting him. 👏

jordinicole92 | jordinicole92

Dad's AH move, spent money before knowing outcome. NTA.

SnooDoughnuts7171 | SnooDoughnuts7171

Breaking free from toxic family relationships 👏

ManicPineapple | ManicPineapple

Daughter calls out dad's lies and atrocious parenting. 👏

GoodMorningMorticia | GoodMorningMorticia

Father loses entitled relationship with daughter due to selfishness 💔

MoriohSound12 | MoriohSound12

Daughter stands up to entitled father, earns college money. NTA 👏

BornRazzmatazz5 | BornRazzmatazz5

Daughter stands up to con artist dad, not the a**hole 👏

KatonRyu | KatonRyu

Daughter confronts dad for being dishonest, finds true family love ❤️

BaffledMum | BaffledMum

Supportive comment on dad's behavior, mentioning The Office episode.

icegoddess13 | icegoddess13

Choose your own family, NTA recommends going no contact.

Drains_1 | Drains_1

Heartbreaking generational cycle of estrangement between parents and children. 💔

JJTeaLeaf | JJTeaLeaf

Father broke a promise, NTA. Congrats on making it! 👏

LaLionneEcossaise | LaLionneEcossaise

Mother's fund shows dad's behavior is not surprising. 😢

Typical-Enthusiasm81 | Typical-Enthusiasm81

Bio dad prioritized new wife over children, NTA for confronting.

Rural_Bedbug | Rural_Bedbug

Daughter calls out unreliable dad, NTA 🙌

GreenThumbCottage | GreenThumbCottage

NTA, OP. Your dad revealed himself to be an abusive conman 😠

JustAReminder1194 | JustAReminder1194

Entitlement explained: If I do X, I'm entitled to Y. 💰

Knebraska | Knebraska

Money shouldn't be the reason for a relationship. NTA 👍

gred77 | gred77

Honesty over money. Don't owe him anything. NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dad broke a promise, daughter not the a**hole. 💔

knoxie9666 | knoxie9666

Take the time to figure out your feelings. NTA 👍

uncreativeshay | uncreativeshay

Daughter stands up to dad and internet agrees: NTA 👏

arl1435 | arl1435

Stepmother's involvement and NTA judgment are discussed 👍

Permas | Permas

Cutting off toxic family members for self-care 👊

ClayeTM | ClayeTM

Daughter stands up to entitled dad and speaks the truth. NTA 👏

MercuryJellyfish | MercuryJellyfish

You have the right to choose who you let in your life 👍

ReadySetN0 | ReadySetN0

Father lied about money for education, spent it on wedding. NTA.

tmchd | tmchd

Money isn't the only thing he's guilty of. #NTA 👍

__chill | __chill

Motto to live by: 'how they treat you is how they feel about you.' 👍

BibbityBobby | BibbityBobby

Heartbreaking story of how greed can destroy a family 😢

MamaAvalon | MamaAvalon

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